When nine months had elapsed, and jocund spring
Resumed its tints, men said to Kai Káús:—
“Thou hast had fruit of that auspicious Moon:
A glorious infant hath appeared, and now
Thou well mayst set thy throne above the clouds.
A babe of fairy-form is born to her,
In visage like an idol of Ázar,*
With face and hair unheard of heretofore,
And all the folk are talking of the child.”
The world-lord named him Siyáwush, and gave
The rolling heaven praise because of him;
Yet they that read the purpose of the sky,
Its good and evil and its when and how,
Saw that the stars were hostile to the boy,
And grieved because they saw his fortune sleeping.
They turned to God for refuge, warned the Sháh
About the fortune of his son, and showed
The path to take, aware that he would suffer
From good and bad. Anon came peerless Rustam