She was a Jewess of the Bani Nadzyr, of the tribe Aaron —to whom salutation—and her mother was Dharr, the daughter of Samuel. Ssofyah was first the wife of Sollam, s. of Mashkam, and a separation having taken place between them, Kunânah B. Rabyi’ B. Abu-l-haqyq married her, but was slain in the battle of Khayber, and Ssofyah became a prisoner of war. The best of men—b., etc.—however liberated and married her. Having given her the price of her liberation for her marriage-portion, he consummated the wedding in the station called Ssobân. When she became the spouse of the lord of prophecy she was seventeen years old, and, according to the author of the Guzidah, she died A.H. 36; but according to others A.H. 50 or 52. She was buried in the Baqyi’ cemetery.