Ibex (rang), 114; jump of, 206

Ibn Yamīn, death of, 180

Ibrāhīm, Khwāja and Bakhshī of the Deccan, promoted, 40; gets title of ‘Aqīdat K., which see 63

Ibrāhīm K. Fatḥ jang, gov. Bengal, 90; sends diamond, 167; sends thirty-four elephants, 261, 298, 299

Ikrām K., s. Islām, K., also called Hūshang, 27; faujdār Fatḥpūr, 62; praised, 73; promoted, 80; faujdār Mewāt, 102, 103

Imām-Qulī of Tūrān, his mother writes to Nūr-Jahān, 205

Imām-Wirdī, huntsman, tests J.'s skill, 292

‘Ināyat K. Bakhshī of Aḥadīs, 4; given to drink and opium, dies, 43, 44

Inch, Fountain of, 172

Irādat K. Mīr Sāmān promoted, 15, 82, 123; given fief, 152; made gov. Kashmīr, 175; vic­tory in Kīshtwār, 209-210; does homage, 232, 235, 284

‘Isā Tarkhān, 245, 258

Islām K., gov. Bengal, 27; plot against, 37; tomb at Fatḥpūr, 73; death, 103

I‘tibār K. receives present, 94; promoted and made gov. Agra, 231; does homage, 257; re­ceives title of Mumtāz K., 258

I‘timādu - d - daulah Madāru - l -Mulk, father of Nūr-Jahān, gov. Panjāb, 2; presents sapphire, 23; splendid entertainment by, 80; reviews 5,000 horse, 117; patron of ālib Āmulī, 117; death of his wife, 216; his own illness and death, 222

I‘tiqād K. promoted, 2; given standard, 7; gov. Kashmīr, 215; promoted, 269

I‘zzat K. (perhaps his name should be Ghairat) promoted, 40; gets presents, 82, 83; killed by Afghans, 160-162

‘Izzat K., ruler Urganj, 165