Jeetmul, the son of Raja Kans, voluntarily renounces the Hin­doo religion, and embraces the Mahomedan faith — reigns seventeen years, and dies.

AFTER the death of his father, Jeetmul called together all the officers of the state, and said, so strong a desire to become a convert to the Maho-medan faith had seized him, that he was resolved to embrace that religion; observing, at the same time, if the chiefs would not permit him to succeed to the throne, he was prepared to cede it to his brother. His officers declared they were disposed to accept him as their king, without any reference to the religion he might choose to adopt. So that several learned men among the Mahomedans of that country were summoned to witness Raja Jeet-mul renounce the Hindoo religion, and profess that of the Moslems. He was at the same time entitled Julal-ood-Deen; and after ascending the throne, he ruled with such justice, that he became entitled to the appellation of the Nowsherwan

A. H. 812.
A. D. 1400.

of the age. He reigned with great splendour for a period of seventeen years, and died in the latter end of the year 812.