IF they* should allow Noor Mahommed Khân to depart, then you must dispatch him hither, and practising procrastination, you will yourself remain behind for some time, writing us occasionally the news [of that quarter]. In the event, however, of their not giving the aforesaid Khân his audience of leave, you must both of you continue there; and contrive, by one means or another, to amuse them for a certain time, and to deceive them by speeches, calculated to flatter their selfish views* [or to work upon their avariciousness].
The real situation of these envoys at Poonah, as well as their continuance there so long, is enveloped in a good deal of obscurity. At one time it is intimated, that the Mahrattah government have objections to the departure of Noor Mahommed Khân; at another, Nana Furnaveese is seen to hint an intention of dismissing both envoys. The Sultan’s wishes and intentions respecting them are, at least, equally inexplicable; and will appear still more so, as we proceed in the correspondence. The only conclusion to be distinctly drawn from the present dispatch is, that if the agents remained at Poonah, it was to be with no other objects than those of transmitting intelligence, and of amusing and deceiving the Mahrattah government. This is clearly and explicitly expressed; and abundantly proves, that he thought of nothing less, at this time, than of affording any satisfaction whatsoever to that government. Whether by “speeches calculated to flatter their “selfish views,” it was meant, that the envoys should hold out the temptation of bribes to the Mahrattah ministers, or only that they should continue to profess his readiness to discharge the arrears of Paishcush due by him, is doubtful; but it is by no means so, that the Sultan had no serious intention of parting with his money for either purpose.