Hādī, elder brother Hārūnu-r-Ra shīd, 291

Hādī, M. Muḥ., Addendum by, 299

Ḥaidar Malik, historian, 154 and note; sent to make canal at Srinagar, 238

Ḥaidar Mīrzā, benefits conferred by him on Kashmīr, 148

Ḥakīm ‘Alī, physician. 157

Ḥākim Beg, Nūr-Jahān's brother-in-law (his wife was Khadīja Begam), made a Khān, 5; ill-treats Jadrūp, 104 and note

Ḥakīm Khūsh ḥāl, s. Ḥakīm Hu­mām, 37

Ḥakīm Ruknā, misconduct of, 211

Ḥakīm Ṣadrā, 217

Halthal-tree, 154

Handū sheep, 147

Hardwār, J. visits, 218

Harī Parbat, 150

Ḥasan Abdāl, account of, 123, 231

Ḥasan ‘Alī Turkmān made gov. Orissa, 162

Ḥasan M., s. M. Rustam, promoted, 122, 274

Ḥasan Sayyid, ambassador of ‘Abbās, 94, 102

Hawking, 50, 53, 54, 60, 112, 125

Hilāl, eunuch, 103

Himmat K. arrives, 8; story about Sāras, 17; appointed Broach, 26; promoted, 164; a rebel, 265; killed in battle, 266

Hindāl M. puts Bahlūl S. to death, 63

Hindaun, 61; inscription at, 63

Hizbar K. promoted, 10; faujdār Mewāt, 54; receives dress of honour, 196

Humāyūn MS., 82

Hunarmand, title of European artist (? Austin of Bordeaux). 80, 82

Hunting, 197, 229

Hurmuz and Hūshang, grandsons M. M. Ḥakīm, 203

Ḥusain M., s. Rustam Ṣafawī, 162

Ḥusāma-d-dīn, s. Mīr Jamālu-d­dīn Ḥusain and husband of Nūr-Jahān's cousin, conveys dress of honour and Rs. 30,000 to Zambil Beg, 178, 277; sur­renders Āsīr to Shāh-Jahān, 278; imprisoned by Mahābat. 295