Alexander the Great's visit
to, vi, 65
Oblivion, Castle of, vii, 184
Obsequies, military, in the time
of Núshírwán, vii, 252
Oceanus, Homeric and Oriental,
i, 71
Odatis, Scythian princess, iv, 315
legend of, iv, 315
Odenathus, Arab chief, vi, 222
Shápúr son of Ardshír and,
vi, 294, 325
confused with Valerian, vi,
324 seq.
Odorico, Minorite Friar and tra-
veller (A.D. 1286-1331),
vi, 13
Old Man of the Mountain, the, v,
Olives, taxes on, vii, 215, 225
Olympias (Náhíd, Halai?), wife
of Philip of Macedon and
mother of Alexander the
legendary relations of, with
Nectanebus, vi, 16, 18
choice by, of name for her
son, vi, 19
intrigues of, vi, 82
Omartes, Scythian chief, iv, 315
legend of, iv, 315
Omen, ii, 192, v, 177
of the quince, ix, 13, 14
Omphis, Indian king, vi, 62
Onager, the div Akwán as, iii,
273 seq.
Bahrám Chúbína guided by,
viii, 156, 158
Onesicritus, chief pilot of Alex-
ander the Great and
writer, vi, 67
untrustworthy, vi, 12, 61, 67
Fakírs and, vi, 61
Calanus and, vi, 61
Mandanes and, vi, 61
Onnes, minister of Ninus, v, 292,
Ordeal by fire, ii, 218 seq.
Ormus (Hurmuz), city on the
Persian Gulf, vi, 204
Osrhoene, kingdom in northern
Mesopotamia, vi, 198
Othello, play of, quoted, vi, 324
Owls, Mas'údí's apologue of the,
vi, 310
and Crows, story of, viii, 263
and note
Ox, the first, i, 5
legend of the, i, 117, 236
Ox of Kai Káús, ii, 26
Ox-hide, or skin, filled with gold
as tribute, v, 265 and
note; vii, 262, 363; viii,
46, 52, 53
Oxus (Jíhún, q.v.), river, i, 57;
ii, 190; v, 12, 29,; vii,
156, 317; viii, 72
ancient trade-route, i, 57
confused with Aras, i, 71,
change in course of, i, 57
note, iii, 10
referred to, ix, 117 and note,
Oxyartes, father of Roxana
(Rúshanak), wife of Alex-
ander the Great, vi, 32