As soon as the Emperor has effected a settlement of the conquered territory of Gujarát, he conferred the government on Khán Azíz Koká, who was raised to the rank of five thousand; and was the first Súbahdár in this part, under the authority of Taimúr's family. The town, suburbs, and parganah of Ahmadábád, with the parganah of Pitlád, and other districts, were assigned him as a jágír. Núrang-Khán obtained Baroda, and Mír Mohammed Kilán, the uncle of Khán Azíz Koká, received the sirkar of Patan. Bhroch and the country round about were given to Kutbu-d-dín Mohammed Khán; and Dholka and Dhandúkáh were bestowed on Hámid Khán Bokhárí. In this manner the whole of the country was divided among the great nobles.
10th April,
A.D. 1573.
On Monday the 10th of Zú-l-hijjah, the Emperor set out for the capital of Agra by way of Patan and Jalore. Khán Azíz Koká, and the great nobles who had been appointed to situations in Gujarát, after being honoured with marks of distinction, were allowed to return from the neighbourhood of Sidhpúr.
Khán Azíz Koká, on his way back, heard that Ikhtiyáru-l-Mulk, through the assistance of Rái Náráyan, Zamíndár of ĺdur, was creating disturbances in that neighbourhood, and that the sons of Shír Khán Faoládí, who were with him, were similarly engaged. The Khán, instead of returning to Ahmadábád, resolved to go in that direction, and drive out the enemy. The latter had collected in such force that Mírzá Mokím, who had a jágír in these parts, was obliged to quit his post, and joined Khán Azíz Koká, at Ahmadnagar, ten koss distant from Ídur. Mohammed Husain Mírzá, then in the neighbourhood of Daolatábád, on being made acquainted with Akbar's marching back to Agra, took this opportunity of advancing to the neighbourhood of Súrat, where he besieged Kalíj Khán in the fort. The latter did all that was necessary for the safety of the place, and the Mírzá, seeing no prospect of its capture, desisted from investing it. From thence he went to Bhroch, and obtained possession of it, from the faithless followers of Kutbu-d-dín Mohammed Khán, who was then at Baroda. Afterwards, going to Khambáyat, he became possessed of it, through the folly of Husain Khán, who offered him no opposition.
Husain Khán, then commandant of Khambáyat, went to Ahmadábád; from whence Khán Azíz Koká sent along with him Sayyid Hámid Bokhárí, Sayyid Bahá-ud-dín, and Shaikh Mohammed Múngírí, to assist Kutbu-d-dín Mohammed Khán in expelling Mohammed Husain Mírzá, then at Khambáyat, with six hundred cavalry. The above mentioned joined Kutbu-d-dín Mohammed Khán at the station of Samlí, five koss distant from the town of Dholka. At this time, Ikhtiyáru-l-Mulk advanced with a force from the fortresses of the mountains, when Khán Azíz Koká took up a strong position, where the rebels could not assail him. The enemy, having no other choice left, resolved on going to Ahmadábád, with the expectation of either possessing themselves of that place, or of being able to draw the Khán from his position, and bring on a battle. They therefore marched with this intent; but Khán Azíz Koká, well aware of their plans, set out for Ahmadábád late in the day, when the enemy could not attack him; and, after marching all night, entered the city next morning. On that very night, Mohammed Husain Mírzá, having been defeated and driven from Khambáyat, passed near Khán Azíz Koká's troops; when some of his baggage fell into possession of the latter. The Mírzá himself, now quite ruined, kept at a greater distance, and went to join the sons of Shír Khán Faoládí.
The account of Mohammed Husain Mírzá's defeat is the following. When Kutbu-d-dín Mohammed Khán, with Sayyid Hámid Khán Bokhárí, reached Khambáyat, the Mírzá engaged the imperial party, with the few men he had, but was defeated and quite ruined. The victors, thinking that they had done enough in defeating him, made no subsequent effort in pursuit: for, had they done so, they must have taken him prisoner. The latter, at length, formed a junction with the other rebels, and made every effort to reach Ahmadábád; but, three days having been spent by the Gujarátís in debating what ought to be done, Khán Azíz Koká, by great exertions, had in that time strengthened the place. The Gujarát nobles, at length, arrived before it, when continual skirmishes followed betwixt the imperial troops and the enemy. No general engagement, however, took place, as Khán Azíz Koká had not confidence in his own followers, nor in those of Kutbu-d-dín Mohammed Khán. He was, moreover, dissuaded from engaging the enemy, as the Emperor had particularly cautioned him against risking a battle in the event of disturbances, and requested that he would send to him immediately.