NABARZANES, Persian general, vi,
pardoned by Alexander the
Great, vi, 32
Nádir, Sháh, iii, 14
Nadr son of Hárith, v, 166
recites the story of Rustam
and Asfandiyár, v, 166
fate of, v, 166
Nahávand, city, south of Hama-
dán, i, 12; ix, 68, 69
Yazdagird concentrates his
forces at, ix, 68
Battle of, i, 12; ix, 69
Náhíd (Katáyún, q.v.)
Náhíd (Halai, Olympias ?),
daughter of Failakús and
mother of Sikandar, 159,
vi, 24 seq., and note
married to Dáráb, vi, 25
troubled by offensive
breath, vi, 26
cured, but repudiated by
Dáráb, vi, 26
returns to Failakús and
gives birth to Sikandar,
vi, 26
Náhid, visits Dilárái and Rúsha-
nak, vi, 89
referred to, vi, 187
Náhíd, the planet Venus, vi, 214
Nahrawán, city near Baghdád,
east of the Tigris; also a
canal on the eastern bank
of that river, quitting it
about 100 miles above,
and rejoining it about 100
miles below, Baghdád,
vii, 141; viii, 187, 204,
206, 231
bridge of, viii, 223, 228 seq.
broken down by Khusrau
Parwíz, viii, 229
Naishapur. See Nishápúr.
Naitkún (Antigonus), minister
of Sikandar, name of,
assumed by Sikandar, vi,
66, 125 seq.
personates Sikandar, vi, 125
Kaidrúsh and his wife
brought before, vi, 126
sentenced to death by, vi,
pardoned by, vi, 126
=Sikandar, vi, 131, 133,
134, 141
Nakula, one of the five Pán-
davas, iv, 138
referred to, iv, 139
Names, use of, in sympathetic
magic, i, 8, 177, 179
secret and public, viii, 372
and note
Námkhást, Túránian hero, v, 24,
goes as envoy to Gushtásp,
v, 37, 40
returns with Gushtásp's
answer, v, 44
given command of the cen-
tre, v, 56
worsted by Girámí, v, 59
Napata, city in Nubia, vi, 65
Naphtha, 159, i, 56
black, iv, 208, 209
use of, in sieges, iv, 208,
Naphtha, Sikandar's iron steeds
filled with, 159, vi, 115
Fúr's elephants and troops
routed by the use of, vi,
used to vitrify Sikandar's
barrier, vi, 165
Nard, game of, 169, viii, 371
invention of, vii, 280, 381,
382, 389
sent by Núshírwán to the
Rája of Hind, vii, 5, 381
meaning of, vii, 381
symbolism of, vii, 381
Mas'údí on, vii, 382
described, vii, 389
Narímán, Íránian hero, father of
Sám and great-grand-
father of Rustam, i, 42,
174, 207, 212, 239, 299,
333, 344; ii, 4, 49, 115,
119, 125, 126, 162, 354;
iii, 17, 35; v, 196, 199,
202, 242, 262, 264, 266,
death of, described, i, 329
Narimanau, epithet of Kere-
sáspa, i, 172, 174
Narmpái, name of a tribe, 160,
ii, 55 and note, 63, 64; vi,
71 and note
Sikandar and, vi, 150
Narses (Narsí, son of Bahrám,
q.v.), Sásánian king
Narses, Exarch, treatment of, by
Empress Sophia, viii, 76
Narses, general, viii, 189
Narsí, Ashkánian king, vi, 197,
Narsí, son of Bahrám, Sháh
(Narses), 162, vi, 3, 313,
316, 325, 330, 331, 337;
vii, 359
Reign of, vi, 315 seq.
Note on, vi, 315
title of, vi, 315
inaugural address of, vi, 315
daughter of, 162. See
Narsí, brother of Bahrám Gúr,
165, vi, 3; vii, 4, 95, 100
Narsí, made captain of the host,
vii, 11
regent, vii, 86
fails to persuade the Írán-
ians to resist the Khán,
vii, 87
Bahrám Gúr's letter to, vii,
writes to Bahrám Gúr on
behalf of the Íránians, vii,
goes with the chiefs to wel-
come Bahrám Gúr, vii, 96
made ruler of Khurásán,
vii, 99
welcomes his brother on his
return from Hind, vii, 137
Nárwan, forest of, near Tammísha
q.v. i, 217, 218; ii, 341;
viii, 356, 360, 377; ix, 86
Nasíbín (Nisibis, q.v.), vi, 326
cession of, vi, 355
inhabitants of, refuse to
submit to Shápúr, vi, 356
taken by Shápúr, vi, 356
Násiru'd-Dín, title of Subuk-
tigín, q.v., i, 21, 100, 114
Nasr, Amír, brother of Sultán
Mahmúd, i, 21; vi, 196
account of, i, 100
referred to, i, 114
praise of, i, 114; vi, 207
Nasr, Arab chief, vi, 65
appeals to Sikandar for
help, vi, 120
made ruler of Mecca, vi, 121
Nasr, son of Ahmad, Sámánid,
vii, 340
patron of Rúdagí, vii, 383
Nastár, Cæsar's master of the
herds, iv, 325
refuses to employ Gushtásp,
iv, 326
Nastíhan, Túránian hero, son of
Wísa and brother of
Pírán, 146, 151, i, 92; ii,
264; iii, 79, 198, 210, 231,
252; iv, 53 seq., 61, 75,
pursues Kai Khusrau, ii,
377 seq.
Nastíhan, slain by Bízhan, iv,
Nastúh, Íránian hero, ii, 4; iii,
46; iv, 148
Nastúh, Túránian hero, iv, 156
Nastúh, son of Mihrán Sitád, 173,
viii, 225, 303
advises Hurmuzd, viii, 96
released by Bahrám Chú-
bína, viii, 306
Nastúr (Basta-vairi, Bastvár),
son of Zarír, 155, v, 12,
25, 26
exploits of, foretold by
Jámásp, v, 50
given command of the rear,
v, 55
fights victoriously, v, 60
goes in search of Zarír, v, 67
finds Zarír's corpse and
laments over it, v, 67
exhorts Gushtásp to avenge
Zarír, v, 68
goes forth with Gushtásp's
steed and armour, v, 69
challenges Bídirafsh, v, 69
fights with Bídirafsh, v, 70
attacks, with Asfandiyár and
Núsh Ázar, the Túrán-
ians, v, 71
leads the host home, is
given a command, and
invades Túrán, v, 74
stationed on the Íránian
left, v, 94
commands the right, v, 109
Nastúr, son of Shírín and
Khusrau Parwíz, ix, 39
Nature-worship, of the Aryans,
i, 7, 51
Nau-Ardshír=Nard, vii, 381
Naubahár, Fire-temple at Balkh,
Luhrásp retires to, v, 31
Naudar, Sháh, 142, i, 90, 91,
369; ii, 20, 36, 70, 153,
336, 400, 404; iii, 8, 24,
39, 50, 57, 67, 86, 112,
123, 132, 177, 187, 215,
257, 289, 294, 327; iv,
13, 61, 70, 157, 167, 178,
191, 193, 206, 237, 254,
262, 267; vii, 37, 171;
viii, 223, 242
embassies of, to Sám, i, 248,
returns with Sám to court, i,
counselled by Minúchihr and
appointed his successor, i,
laments for Minúchihr, i,
Reign of, 142, i, 337 seq.
Note on, i, 337
accession of, i, 339
evil rule of, i, 339
revolts against, i, 339
appeals to Sám, i, 339
the chiefs reconciled to,
by Sám, i, 341
rewards Sám, i, 342
marches against Afrásiyáb
to Dahistán, i, 345
battles of, with Afrásiyáb,
i, 348 seq.
takes counsel with Káran,
i, 349
defeated, i, 350, 353
sends Tús and Gustaham
to conduct the Persian
women to Alburz, i, 351
beleaguered in Dahistán, i,
escapes from Dahistán, i,
pursued and taken by Afrá-
siyáb, i, 355
slain, i, 363
the Íránians bewail, i, 364
Naurúz, Persian New-year's day
when the sun enters Aries,
vi, 33, 55, 273, 389; viii,
Nawand, place in Khurásán on
the Binalúd Kuh (?), ii,
Náztáb, a miller's daughter, vii,
32 and note
taken to wife by Bahrám
Gúr, vii, 33
Nearchus, admiral of Alexander
the Great, vi, 12, 61, 70
Ichthyophagi, account of
by, quoted by Arrian, vi,
69, 70
Nectanebus II (Nekht-neb-f),
the last Pharaoh
personates Amen-Ra and
becomes the legendary
father of Alexander the
Great, vi, 16
story of, vi, 18 and note
Need, personification of. See
Negroes, the, described, vi, 73,
cause frost and snow to
harm Sikandar, vi, 156,
Nekht-neb-f. See Nectanebus.
Nereis. See Kalé.
Nero, Roman emperor (A.D. 54-
68), vii, 279
Néryósang, ii, 82
Nestorian, Nestorians, viii, 195
Metropolitan, vii, 219
Patriarch, vii, 219
New Year, Persian, beginning of,
i, 74, 88
Feast of (Naurúz, New
Year's Day), i, 74, 274;
vii, 94, 200
origin of, i, 133
Nicaea, Indian city, vi, 18
Nicephorium (Callinicus, Kálíni-
yús q.v., Warígh, Rakka),
viii, 188
Nicolaus of Damascus, Greek
historian temp. Augustus,
vi, 195
Níl, as rhyme-word, i, 75
Nile, i, 40, 71, 114, 297; ii, 96,
153, 217, 310, 402; iii,
38, 41, 58, 208, 224, 225;
iv, 145 seq., 180, 333; v,
176, 188, 191, 245; vi, 42,
169, 171, 269; vii, 48,
250, 344, 416; viii, 126,
284, 293, 294; ix, 98
Blue, vi, 65
mistaken for Indus, vi, 68

252, 264, 346, 357; ii, 21,
34, 69, 77, 80, 84, 338,
395; iii, 17, 35, 319; iv,
156, 188; v, 85, 248, 288;
vii, 327; viii, 196, 284;
ix, 5, 6
confirmed to Rustam by Kai
Khusrau, iv, 297
Zál by Luhrásp, iv, 312
Sikandar marches to, vi, 175
satrapy of, ix, 69
Nineveh, viii, 193
fall of, i, 10
kings of, that attacked
Írán, i, 10
battle near, viii, 194
Ninus, mythical founder of
Nineveh, v, 292, 293
Ninyas, son of Ninus, v, 293
Niris, salt lake in Párs, vi, 17
referred to, vi, 21
Nisá, city (Muhammadábád ?)
in Khurásán or town in
Kirmán, vii, 89; viii, 19
Nishápúr, city in Khurásán,*

36, 45; ii, 101; iv, 255;
v, 28 seq., 291; vi, 298;
viii, 173; ix, 95
Nisibis (Nasíbín q.v.), city in
northern Mespotamia, i,
sieges of, i, 374, viii, 41
peace of, vi, 254
cession of, by Jovian, vi, 326
by Khusrau Parwíz (?),
viii, 188
Nisus and Scylla, story of, vi,
323 note
Nitetis, vi, 16
Nívzár, son of Gushtásp, 155, v,
death of, foretold by Jám-
ásp, v, 50
slain, v, 60
Niyátús (Theodosius, son of
Maurice), 173, viii, 189,
281, 289; ix, 23
brother of Cæsar, viii, 280,
put in charge of Maryam,
viii, 280
welcomed by Khusrau Par-
wíz, viii, 280
wroth with Khusrau Par-
wiz, viii, 290
watches fight between Khus-
rau Parwíz and Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 297
entertained at banquet by
Khusrau Parwíz, viii, 309
quarrel of, with Bandwí,
viii, 309
threat of, to Khusrau Par-
wíz, viii, 310
reconciled to Bandwí, viii,
returns to Rúm, viii, 312
Nizámí, Persian poet, viii, 192
Nizámí-i-'Arúdí, Persian writer
(12th century A.D.), i,
account of Firdausí by, i, 38
seq., 45, 46
Nöldeke, Professor, v, 20, 21,
282; vi, 198 note, 199 and
note, 253, 313, 372; viii,
71, 188
on the dív Akwán, iii, 271
quoted, v, 118
treatise of, on the Alexander
Romance, etc., vi, 14 and
on the Story of the Worm,
vi, 203, 205, 206
on Haftwád, vi, 206
on the Gipsies, vii, 6
on Súfarai, vii, 171, 185
on Wisdom-literature, vii,
Nöldeke, on Romance of Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 73
North, Sir Thomas (A.D. 1535-
1603?), vii, 383
version of the Fables of
Bidpai by, vii, 383
Northman, the, vi, 19
found the Russian empire,
vi, 19
Note on Pronunciation, preced-
ing text in each volume
Nubia, vi, 65
Núh bin Nasr, Sámánid prince
(A.D. 942-954), vii, 5
Núh II. bin Mansúr, Sámánid
prince (A.D. 976-997), i,
21, 36; v, 21
Nu'mán, prince of Híra, 163,
, vi, 372, 396, 404
visits Yazdagird, vi, 377
goes to the chase with Bah-
rám Gúr, vi, 384
goes to the Persian court
with Bahrám Gúr, vi,
returns to Yaman with
letters and presents, vi,
welcomes Bahrám Gúr on
his revisiting Yaman, vi,
invades Írán, vi, 397
rewarded by Bahrám Gúr,
vii, 10
Nu'mán bin Munzír, prince of
Híra, viii, 188; ix, 5
put to death, viii, 190
Nu'mán, Arab general, ix, 68
sent by 'Umar to fight
Yazdagird, ix, 68
defeats Pírúzán at Nahá-
vand, ix, 68
slain, ix, 69
Nurse, Manízha's, iii, 297
interview of, with Bízhan,
iii, 297
Núsha (Dukhtnúsh), daughter of
Narsí, 162, vi, 3, 324,
carried off by the Arabs, vi,
323, 330
Núsh Ázar, Fire-temple at
Balkh, v, 92 note, 173,
241, 255
burnt by the Turkmans, v,
Núsh Ázar, youngest son of
Asfandiyár, ii, 3, v, 166,
283, 285
attacks, with Nastúr and
Asfandiyár, the Túránian
host, v, 71
builder of a Fire-temple, v,
with Asfandiyár at Gum-
badán, v, 98
informs Asfandiyár of Jám-
ásp's arrival, v, 98, 99
accompanies Asfandiyár
from Gumbadán, v, 103
slays Turkhán, v, 151
wrangles with Zawára, v, 226
slays Alwá, v, 226
slain by Zawára, v, 227
death of, reported to Asfan-
diyár by Bahman, v, 227
corpse of, sent to Gushtásp,
v, 232
Núshírwán (Kisrá, Chosroes I),
Sháh, 166-170, i, 27, 42;
v, 260; vi, 3, 201; vii, 4,
199, 220, 273 seq., 279 seq.,
320; viii, 3 seq., 71, 72,
86 seq., 98, 129, 169, 198,
200, 205, 209, 300, 312,
313, 377; ix, 22, 26, 71,
80, 92, 105, 109, 110, 119
collector of Íránian tradi-
tion, i, 67
quoted, vi, 208, 209 and
origin of name, vii, 185, 211
and note
birth of, stories of, vii, 186,
197 seq.
assistants of, against Maz-
dak, vii, 188, 206
upbringing of, vii, 200
Mazdak's attempt to con-
vert, vii, 205
disputation of, with Maz-
dak, vii, 206 seq.
Núshírwán, Kubád decides in
favour of, vii, 208
executes Mazdak and his
followers, vii, 208
Kubád's testament in favour
of vii, 210, 316
Reign of, 167, vii, 212 seq.
Notes on, vii, 212 seq., 279
seq., 316 seq., 380 seq.,
viii, 3 seq., 41 seq.
Roman Emperors contem-
porary with, vii, 212
historical events of reign of,
in the Sháhnáma, vii, 213
marriage of, with the daugh-
ter of the Khán vii, 347,
referred to, viii, 72, 97 seq.
wars of, with Rúm, vii, 213,
first campaign of, vii, 218,
conspiracy against, vii, 214,
division of empire by, vii,
214, 224; ix, 69
bargains of, with Justinian,
vii, 214, 216 seq.
taxation reformed by, vii,
215, 224
wall of, in the Caucasus, 167,
i, 16; vii, 215, 239
Mas'údí's account of, vii,
dealings of, with the Aláns,
vii, 216
Gílán, vii, 216
Balúchís, vii, 217
Munzir supported by, vii,
217, 244
and consequent war with
Rúm, vii, 217, 244
jealous of Justinian's suc-
cesses in the West, vii,
promises to rule justly, vii,
221 seq.
attends muster at the insist-
ence of Bábak, vii, 231
approves of Bábak's con-
duct, vii, 232
Núshírwán, method of, in levying
troops, vii, 233
writes to Caesar on Munzir's
behalf, vii, 245
supplies Munzir with troops
for the invasion of Rúm,
vii, 246
goes to Ázar Ábádagán, vii,
disposition of host by, vii,
addresses his troops, vii, 251
proclamations of, vii, 252,
burial of dead soldiers by,
vii, 252
policy of, with enemies, vii,
takes Shúráb, vii, 254
Áráyish-i-Rúm, vii, 255
Caesar's treasures, vii,
255, 258
defeats Farfúriús, vii, 256
takes Antákiya, vii, 258
disposes of the Rúman cap-
tives, vii, 259, 327
Rúman cordwainer and, vii,
envoy from Caesar comes
to, vii, 261
grants peace to Caesar, vii,
appoints Shírwí to receive
the Rúman tribute, vii,
Christian wife of, vii, 263
mother of Núshzád, vii,
263, 274 seq.
helps Núshzád, vii, 266
laments for Núshzád, vii,
imprisons Núshzád, vii, 264
illness and reported death
of, vii, 264, 265
hears of Núshzád's revolt,
vii, 266
instructs Rám Barzín how
to act, vii, 267 seq.
Seven Banquets of 168, vii,
280, 287 seq.
possible origin of, vii, 280
Núshírwán, Seven Banquets of,
Búzurjmihr's discourses
at, vii, 287 seq.
dream of, vii, 282
consults the archmages, vii,
seeks for a dream-interpre-
ter, vii, 282
dream of, interpreted by
Búzurjmihr, vii, 284
rewards and honours Bú-
zurjmihr, vii, 286, 289, 304,
311, 315
relations of, with Singibú,
vii, 317
the Haitálians, vii, 317
with Mahbúd and his sons,
vii, 319 seq.
suspects Zúrán, vii, 324
greatness of, vii, 327
buildings of, vii, 327
embassy of Khán to, vii, 329
consults the chiefs as to
Faghánísh, the Khán, and
the Haitálians, vii, 333
reply of chiefs to, vii, 334
rejoinder of, to chiefs, vii,
prepares for war with the
Khán, vii, 337
writes to his chiefs, the
Khán, and Faghánísh,
vii, 337
marches from Madá'in, vii,
goes to Gurgán, vii, 337
receives embassy from the
Khán, vii, 339
holds a court, vii, 340
displays his prowess before
the assembly, vii, 341
dismisses the Khán's envoy
with a letter, vii, 344
Khán's offer of affinity to,
vii, 347
reply of, vii, 349
occupies territory evacuated
by the Khán, vii, 358
Haitálians and others bring
gifts to, vii, 360, 362
gives praise to God, vii, 361
Núshírwán, receives the tritute
from Rúm, vii, 362
goes to the temple of Ázar-
gashasp, vii, 363
greatness of, vii, 364
questions Búzurjmihr, vii,
367 seq.
receives the game of chess
from Hind, vii, 380, 385
Rája of Hind's embassy to,
vii, 384
rewards Búzurjmihr for dis-
covering how to play
chess, vii, 388
sends Búzurjmihr with pre-
sents and the game of
nard to Hind, vii, 390
proposes wager with the
Rája, vii, 391
welcomes Búzurjmihr on
his return from Hind, vii,
acquires the Book of Kalíla
and Dimna, vii, 423 seq.
sends gifts to the Rája, vii,
rewards Barzwí, vii, 429
precautions of, as to suc-
cessor, viii, 3
goes hunting with Búzurj-
mihr, viii, 4
suspects and disgraces
Búzurjmihr, viii, 5
treats Búzurjmihr with in-
creasing rigour, viii, 7, 8
reconciled to Búzurjmihr,
viii, 9
questioned by archimages,
viii, 14 seq., 28 seq.
gives judgment against his
own son, viii, 16
chief cook of, aggrieved, viii,
counsels Hurmuzd, viii, 25
writes to console Caesar's
son and successor, viii,
wroth at answer received,
viii, 45
invades Rúm, viii, 46
Núshírwán, success of, viii, 47
checked, viii, 47
in want of money, viii, 47
takes counsel with Búzurj-
mihr, viii, 47
refuses advances from a
shoemaker, viii, 50, 71
high esteem of, for scribes,
viii, 50
grants peace to, and takes
tribute from, the Rúmans,
viii, 52
returns to Taisafún, viii, 53
sons of, viii, 56, 63
instructs Búzurjmihr to
prove Hurmuzd, viii, 56
testament of, in favour of,
and last counsels to,
Hurmuzd, viii, 61 seq,; ix,
directions of, as to inter-
ment, viii, 65
hall of, shattered, viii, 68
death of, viii, 69, 71
system of administration of,
viii, 71
ministers of, put to death by
Hurmuzd, viii, 81 seq.
choice of Hurmuzd by, story
of, viii, 87
palace of, viii, 193
dream of, ix, 92
Núsh Zád=Mihr-i-Núsh, q.v.,
v. 285 and note
Núshzád, father of Mihrak,
vi, 237, 241, 267, 270,
Núshzád, son of Núshírwán,
167, vii, 213, 265, seq.
historical account of, vii, 219
Firdausi's account of, vii,
263 seq.
education of, vii, 263
imprisonment of, vii, 264
hears report of Núshírwán's
death, vii, 265
revolts, vii, 266
helped by his mother, vii,
writes to Caesar, vii, 266
Núshzád, goes to fight with Rám
Barzín, vii, 272
exhorted to yield by Pírúz,
vii, 273
reply of, to Pírúz, vii, 274
wounded, vii, 275
repents, vii, 275
sends message to his mother,
vii, 275
dies, vii, 275
lamentation for, vii, 276
Firdausí's reflections on, vii,