Page 33, in line 11, for “Khurásán,” read “Sind and Khurásán,” and in
line 13, insert “Vol. xxi.”
Page 129, line 11, for “sixty,” read “seventy.”
Page 158, line 3, after “Balhár,” insert “on the land of Barúzí.”
Page 214, line 20, add, “This translation has been published as No. xii.
New Series, Selections of the Records of the Govern-
ment of Bombay, 1855.”
Page 225, line 20, omit “the.”
Page 508, add as a note to the article on the Jats, “See Masson's Journey
to Kelat, pp. 351-3; also Zeitschrift f. d. Kunde des
Morgenlandes, Vol. III, p. 209.”