At this juncture the prince Azeem us Shan arrived at Bahar from the Dekhan. He had come last from Dehly,* by the way of Oudh and Allahabad, attended by his sons Sultan Kerreem eddeen,* and Sultan Ferukhseer.* The zemindars and aumils* of Bahar were assembled at his summons, and he was employed in making the necessary arrangements with them, when he received repeated intelligence of the victories gained by Zubberdust Khan. His rapid successes excited the jealousy of Azeem us Shan, who was apprehensive that the Emperor would blame his inactivity, and transfer the Soobahdary from him to that nobleman. At all events, he thought it incumbent on him to commence his military operations.
Accordingly he proceeded by hasty marches from Bahar to Akbernagur,* from whence he sent off a detachment to Burdwan, totally regardless of the attention due to the important services of Zubberdust Khan, whom he now considered as his declared rival. That gallant commander, disgusted at this ungenerous treatment, resolved to repair immediately to the Dekhan, and lay his grievances before the Emperor; who, he assured himself, would afford him ample redress. On his march to the Dekhan he passed by the prince’s encampment at Akbernagur, with flying colours, and beating the Nekareh,* which is not allowable for an inferior to do in the presence of his superior. Neither the prince, nor his officers, had the boldness to shew any resentment for this act of defiance and contempt.
Raheem Khan no sooner heard of the departure of Zubberdust Khan, than he left the Jungles,* whither he and his party had fled through fear of that able commander; and, appearing again in the provinces of Burdwan, Hooghly and Nuddeah, marked his way with rapine and desolation.
When Azeem us Shan received intelligence that Zubberdust Khan had got through the passes of Sankreegully* and Telliagurry* into Bahar, he thought himself perfectly secure; and issued his orders to the zemindars of Bengal, assuring them of his protection, and inviting them to unite under his standard. He proceeded by slow marches to Mukhsoosabad, and was met on the road by the zemindars and aumils, with their nuzzers* and peishkush, * whom he received with great affability, and conferred honours upon them suitable to their respective ranks.
Raheem Khan, who at first would give no credit to the reports of Azeem us Shan’s motions, when he approached with his army, put himself in readiness to encounter him, confident of success from the contempt in which he held him. The Nazim continued slow in his marches, till he arrived close to the town of Burdwan, where he pitched his encampment. From thence he wrote to Raheem Khan, not only offering a free pardon, but promising him a reward, if he would peaceably lay down his arms. Therebel, in order to deceive the Nazim, shewed outward signs of contrition, whilst he was secretly making every preparation for continuing the war.
Khojeh Anwer,* the elder brother of Khojeh Assim* was the confidential friend of Azeem us Shan, a man of abilities, by whose advice he was entirely governed. Raheem Khan wrote to Azeem us Shan, that if he would depute this nobleman, to confirm by an oath the assurances lately given him, he would return with him to the Nazim’s camp. Azeem us Shan, deceived by this proposal, sent Khojeh Anwer to him the next morning, with full powers to conclude the treaty. Anwer set out with only a few attendants, and when he came in front of Raheem’s tent, invited him to a conference. Some messages passed, to settle the forms of the interview, but at length Raheem Khan threw off the mask, and sallying out with a strong party, attacked Khojeh Anwer, who, after a brave resistance, was slain. Having by this means got rid of Azeem us Shan’s best general, he was freed from all apprehensions of opposition, and without delay made preparation to attack the Nazim’s camp.
The prince was greatly afflicted for the loss of Khojeh Anwer; and, mounting an elephant, drew up his army in battle array.
Raheem Khan, at the head of a body of Afghans, clad in armour, penetrated to the center of the Nazim’s army, calling out aloud, “Where is Azeem us Shan?” As soon as they came up to the elephant on which the prince was mounted, his body guard fled, without making any resistance. At this critical juncture, Hummeed Khan Koreishy,* one of the prince’s most faithful adherents, although at some distance, saw what had happened, and galloping his horse towards Raheem Khan, called out “Thou vile wretch, I am Azeem us Shan; face me if thou darest.” Then, just as Raheem Khan was busied in attempting to cut away the elephants chains, Hummeed drew his bow, and with an arrow pierced his body, notwithstanding his armour; and another arrow wounding his horse, he fell from his saddle, when Hummeed jumped upon him, cut off his head, and placed it upon a spear.
The death of Raheem Khan gave the victory to Azeem us Shan; and his army gained a considerable booty.
From the field of battle, the prince went to the tomb of Shah Behram Sucka,* at Burdwan, and after paying his vows and making offerings, proceeded in triumph to the fort.
The rebels being now without a leader, dispersed, and the province of Burdwan was once more restored to peace.
Azeem us Shan immediately wrote the Emperor an account of his victory; and took the most effectual means to recover the provinces from the decline into which they had lately fallen.
Juggut Roy, who had fled to Jehangeernagur upon his father being killed by Raheem Khan, now waited on Azeem us Shan, and was invested with the zemindary of Burdwan. The Nazim restored to their lands those who had fled during the disturbances; or when any had lost their lives in the royal cause, he conferred their zemindaries upon their heirs.
He made a new settlement of the revenues, and restored all the jageers,* aimeh,* and altumgha,* that had been seized by the rebels.
Alumgeer rewarded the gallant behaviour of Hummeed Khan by encreasing his munseb, * and conferring upon him the title of Shumsheer Khan Behader,* with the office of Foujdar of Sylhet,* &c.
Azeem us Shan fixed his residence at Burdwan, where he built a palace and a mosque. In imitation of Alumgeer, he was often present at the disputations of the learned doctors of the law; and at other times amused himself by hearing read the Musnevy,* and books of history.
But amongst this display of piety, he was insatiably avaricious, and not very scrupulous about the means of amassing money. The collection of Syer,* which had been remitted upon many articles, he now resumed, and establishing the pergunnah Bukhsbunder* in the form of a tumgha,* directed that Mahommedans should pay two and a half per cent. and Hindoos and Europeans five per cent.