Now read the letter of Sháh Núshírwán,
And muse upon it in thine ardent soul.
He said: “This letter grateful to the heart,
Instructed, learned, well counselled, and abstruse,
Is from the Sháh exalted and sun-faced.
Great is he, heaven inclineth to his wish,
The world-lord he, just and beneficent,
Without reproach, the lavisher of treasure,
Increaser of Kubád's renown and throne,
Transmitter of the crown of state and justice,
Possessed of Grace and stature, fame and conduct,
And all that he could wish for from the crown
Of greatness, to Hurmuzd, our own pure son,
Who heartily accepteth all our counsels,
And is through God glad and victorious,
For evermore a world-lord crowned and throned.
This lucky month upon the day Khurdád,
With fair stars and world-brightening presages,
We set upon thy head the crown of gold,
As we ourselves received it from our sire,
And give thee too the blessings which Kubád,
The glorious, bestowed upon our crown.
Be vigilant and master of the world,
Be wise and noble and without offence,
Increase in knowledge and incline to God,
Because He is the Guider of thy soul.
We have inquired of one of good discourse,
One ancient both in wisdom and in years:—
‘What man of us approacheth nearest God?
Who goeth by the straitest path to Him?’
He gave reply: ‘Choose knowledge as thou wouldst
That people should bless thee because the sage
He placed the letter,
When written, in the treasury and abode
With fear and trembling in this Wayside Inn.
A king of kings well counselled, wise, and just,
Will strive to make his modesty unite
With strength of hand and gallantry in fight,
Be of pure Faith and put in God his trust.
See what man of these virtues is possest
And, seeing, him his meed of praise prefer,
Seek one that is as bright as Jupiter,
Aspiring, armed with sword, with mail on breast;
Who taketh from idolaters the sway,
Who with brocade of Faith his heart hath bound.
Yea verily the man himself is found:
Mahmúd is monarch of the world to-day.
The quest of battle and of banqueting
Are one to this world's lord. Abú'l Kásim!
God grant the age joy in the sight of him,
That open-handed and victorious king.