
THE Members of the Oriental Translation Committee, in offering this their Third Annual Report to the Members of the Royal Family, the Nobility, and the Gentlemen who have so generously patronized and munificently supported this long-wished-for Institution, entertain sanguine hopes that the simple recital of the incidents, labours, and acts of the past year will convince the Subscribers, in a gratifying manner, that the interesting objects for which they have so nobly granted their fostering protection, are in as flourishing a state of progress as they could have hoped for, and will obviate the necessity of their soliciting the attention of the Subscribers to more than a simple statement of Facts.

In the first place, the Committee have the grateful task of announcing to the Subscribers the gracious and munificent act of His Majesty, who, shortly after the last Meeting, with his usual beneficent protection of literature, on being presented with the five Works then printed at their expense, ordered Two Gold Medals, of the value of Twenty-five Guineas each, to be annually bestowed upon those learned Translators who may be considered worthy of this royal gift. A suitable device and motto having been agreed on by the Committee, and submitted by the Chairman to His Majesty, they have now the honour of placing before the Subscribers, for their inspection, the Medal of which the King has graciously condescended to express his approbation.

Although the Committee feel and regret the absence of a most active and zealous colleague, Colonel Fitz-Clarence, they avail themselves of the circumstance of his not being present at this Meeting, to express to the Subscribers, without wounding his modesty, their unqualified admi­ration of the persevering zeal, successful exertions, and eminent talent with which he has advanced the dearest objects of the Institution, during his sojourn in the “Eternal City;” and they feel confident that the resolution of thanks for, and confirmation of, his acts, which the Committee have unanimously come to, will be joyously re-echoed by the Subscribers.

Although the Colonel suffered much at first from the climate of Rome, which disabled him for all exertion, he made up amply for it, as soon as the state of his health permitted. A copy of the learned Professor Lee’s translation of Ibn Batuta’s Travels, he presented, in person, to his Holiness the Pope; who not only received it most graciously and thankfully, but, to mark his approbation of the establishment of the Oriental Translation Fund, immediately gave orders that the literary treasures of the Vatican library should be thrown open to the Colonel’s researches. To this was added every assistance from the celebrated scholar, Monseigneur Angelo Mai, who, by the well-judged selection of the Papal Government, since sanctioned by the approbation of the European Republic of Letters, had been constituted Librarian; with permission to transcribe any manuscript contained in it, at the wish of the Committee.

To avail himself of the fruits of this most desirable acquisition, and at the same time to fulfil the wishes of the Committee, in establishing a permanent connection with Rome, Colonel Fitz-Clarence exerted his best ingenuity towards selecting such individuals for a “Branch Corresponding Committee at Rome,” as, in addition to their eligibility on the score of excellent character, profound learning, and high attainment in Oriental literature, were sure to be approved of by the Pontifical Government.

It naturally suggested itself to the Colonel that our countryman, the Reverend Dr. Wiseman, an accomplished Orientalist, and the Head of the English College at Rome, who besides his fitness for the office by station and talent, possesses a hearty zeal for the cultivation of Eastern lore, and every other qualification, should be solicited to accept the office of Chairman. In this grand de­sideratum he has been successful; as also in appointing two learned colleagues to Dr. Wiseman, viz. the Reverend Dr. Cullen, Sub-Rector of the Propagandâ Fide establishment, a gentleman equally well qualified by ability and learning; and an English gentleman, Mr. Lewis, an excellent Arabic scholar, who passes his time in the cultivation of literature, between Rome and Sienna.

Letters from the Committee, confirming the above arrangement, will be immediately forwarded to Rome, similar to those addressed to the Indian Presidencies, which are already before the Subscribers; and we entertain the most sanguine hopes that this appointment will be of the utmost utility to the main objects of the Society, as well as to our Lexicographers and Philologists, for whom we can obtain many lights in colloquial knowledge, from the natives of so many different Eastern countries as are assembled in that city.

It is almost unnecessary to draw the attention of the Subscribers to the very great advantages which this Institution must derive from the meritorious exertions of our zealous colleague at the Roman capital. It will at once suggest itself that Rome possesses many celebrated Orientalists; that its constant and direct communication with many parts of Western Asia, and the influx of learned natives of Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and Abyssinia, who flock to the Propagandâ Fide, to study for the priesthood, afford great facility for the attainment of the objects of this Society, and that the Vatican and other libraries offer almost inexhaustible means for the cultivation of Eastern literature.

The Committee feel bound in justice to add, that the zeal of Colonel Fitz-Clarence in advancing the objects of the Society, has been fully equalled by the address and talent with which he made the necessary arrangements—secured the sanction and approbation of the Roman Government, and obtained the active and willing co-operation of the various learned bodies in that city, and their erudite members, as also in acquiring the aid of that powerful institution the Propagandâ Fide.

The heads of that college, in a most liberal manner, expressed their willingness to proceed conjointly with us in our desirable undertaking, and placed at our disposal the use of their founts and presses for the Oriental texts of such works as we may wish to publish in the original character; and the assistance of their Professors and Resident Orientalists, for composition and correction. They have also presented the Committee with specimens of their various types; and from Colonel Fitz-Clarence’s calculation, a great saving must accrue in our future publica­tions of voluminous Eastern texts, as contrasted with the expense incurred in England.

The learned Members of the Corresponding Committee at Rome have promised to publish in Italian, in the various periodical works circulated in Italy, a concise Prospectus of the views of our Institution; and it may be expected that ere long we shall receive numerous offers of translations from all quarters of the European continent.

In general, Colonel Fitz-Clarence found that amongst the Oriental scholars, with whom he took pains to become acquainted at Rome, the Syriac and Hebrew were more known than the other Eastern languages. The chairs of Arabic, Syriac, and Hebrew at the Sapienza are well filled by Signors Lance, Motza, and Sarte. The latter gentleman for general Oriental erudition is not to be surpassed in Europe, and he has partly promised to Colonel Fitz-Clarence, a translation from a Syriac manuscript of Abulfarage very shortly, which Dr. Nott, Prebend of Winchester, has most kindly undertaken to translate from Latin into English.

Our active colleague made the acquaintance of Signor Habaschi, a native of the neighbour­hood of Barout, originally educated at the Propagandâ Fide, and now a resident agent at Rome for one of the Syrian Bishops; and also of a young German Orientalist, Dr. Kleugh, who has acquired a good knowledge of Arabic during a five years’ residence in Egypt.

Although most of the learned men in official situations at Rome are too much occupied for us to expect from them translations of a voluminous nature, still there is every reason to hope that Dr. Wiseman and Signor Sarte will have the kindness to employ their leisure hours occasionally in translations from Syriac authors. Dr. Kleugh has obligingly undertaken a translation from El Vakedi’s account of the Conquest of Syria, from the Arabic; and Signor Habaschi has had the goodness to promise us a translation of a history of the Circassian dynasty of Mamlukes in Egypt.

Colonel Fitz-Clarence informs the Committee, that he found the Grand Duke of Tuscany very ardent in Oriental research, and employing a learned gentleman at Florence to translate a very valuable work from the Arabic, “The History of the Moors in Spain, by Muhammed al Moghrebi,” into Italian; and the same gentleman has expressed a wish to be employed by this Institution. His Imperial Highness also requested Colonel Fitz-Clarence to enrol his name in the List of Subscribers to the Oriental Translation Fund.

The Subscribers will have learned from the public papers, that an establishment on a very liberal and encouraging plan, for the cultivation of Oriental literature, is nearly completed at St. Petersburg; and certainly since the establishment of the Oriental Translation Fund in England, Eastern learning has been more assiduously cultivated throughout the continent of Europe, than for many years before. This is as it should be, and the Committee feel convinced that the Subscribers will sympathize with them in the gratification which this amiable rivalry excites. The Russian Oriental University is on an extensive scale; almost all the living languages of the East are to be taught in it by natives of the respective countries, assisted by and under the entire management of European Professors.

The Committee have the gratification of informing the Subscribers, that the Corresponding Committee at Calcutta have already transmitted to them a list of subscriptions to the Oriental Translation Fund, and part of a Translation made by Dr. John Tytler of the Khazanat ul Ilm, a Persian system of Mathematics, of which the original is being printed at Calcutta at the expense of the Bengal Government.

The translation of a Tract written by a Buddhist against the Brahminical castes, has also been sent to this Committee by them, accompanied by the information that translations of the “Hedayet ul Islam,” by W. T. Robertson, Esq., and of the “Book of Jasher,” by the Rev. William Adam, have been tendered for their acceptance. On the subject of the latter work, the Committee are making such researches as may enable them to make further commu­nications at a future opportunity.

The following works have been published by the Oriental Translation Fund since the last anniversary, viz.

The Fortunate Union, a Chinese Romance; translated by Mr. Davis, in 2 vols.

Two Singhalese Poems, descriptive of the Demonology and Masques of Ceylon; translated by Mr. Callaway.

The Adventures of Hatim Taï, a Persian Romance; translated by Mr. Forbes.

The Autobiography of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin, a Persian Poet; translated by Mr. Belfour.

Memoirs of a Malayan Family: written by themselves; translated by Mr. Marsden: and

The Turkish account of the War in Bosnia between the Austrians and Turks; translated by Mr. Fraser.

In addition to these works, which have been delivered to the Subscribers, the Committee have the pleasure of laying before this Meeting three other works, the printing of which is expected to be finished about the end of this month. They are—Professor Neumann’s trans­lation of the Armenian History of Vartan; Professor Rosen’s translation of an Arabic System of Algebra; and Major Stewart’s translation of the Autobiography of the Emperor Tamerlane.

The Committee regret extremely that the printing of the text and a translation of Idrisi’s Geography, is at present suspended, through an accident that happened to the Rev. Mr. Renouard; from the effects of which, however, they are happy to announce, he is now recovering.

Mr. Mitchell’s having been called to Constantinople, has also for a time suspended the print­ing of his translation of the Maritime Wars of the Turks; but it is expected that it will soon be resumed and completed.

The History of Georgia, that was included among the works preparing for publication, has been withdrawn from the list, in consequence of a translation of it in Russian and French having been recently published at St. Petersburg.

The publication of original texts being one of the objects for which the Oriental Translation Fund was established, the Committee have the pleasure of announcing that, in addition to the text of the Arabic work on Algebra which is already printed, the Persian text of the Auto­biography of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin is now in the press; and that Ibn Haukul’s Geography, Haji Khalfa’s Bibliographical Dictionary, the Sheref Nameh, and the History of Mazendaran and Tabaristan, will be accompanied by the Arabic or Persian texts.

The Committee feel much pleasure in informing this Meeting, that a translation of the His­tory of Japan made by Mr. Titsingh, and revised by Mr. Klaproth, will go to press imme­diately, and will, they confidently expect, be delivered to the Subscribers before the next anniversary.

Professor Erdmann, of Cazan, having sent to the Committee a German poetical translation, accompanied by the Persian original, of a small portion of the Heft Peiker, it is intended that it shall be printed with the translation of that work that is preparing for publication by the Chairman of the Committee, the Right Honourable Sir Gore Ouseley, Bart.

Besides the works in the printed list, announced as preparing for publication, those offered to Colonel Fitz-Clarence in Italy, and those mentioned by the Corresponding Committee at Calcutta, the Committee have the pleasure of stating, that Professor Wilken of Berlin has offered a translation of Ibn Beitar’s Botany; and Professor Moeller of Gotha, a translation of Ibn Koteiba’s History of the Arabians.

Mr. Huttmann, the Secretary to the Committee, also has offered to translate the Chun tsew of Confucius from the Chinese. This work, which still remains untranslated, contains the History of the Kingdom of Loo, of which Confucius was some time prime minister, and is the only one of the works usually attributed to him which he really wrote.

Prince Hubboff, an Armenian, having spent many years in compiling a general history of his native country, which is still in manuscript, and expressed his willingness to allow it to be translated, the Committee have requested the Rev. Mr. Glen, of Astrachan, where the Prince resides, to get it translated into English for this Institution.

For the information of the Subscribers, the Committee have incorporated in this Report the two following Resolutions from their proceedings, which they confidently hope the Subscribers will confirm:—


“THAT a sum, varying from 20 to 100 Sovereigns, at the discretion of the Committee, “be given to any person who shall point out the translation of a lost Greek or Latin “work which shall be so circumstanced that the Committee may be enabled to obtain it “for translation.”


“THAT the Committee be empowered to give a premium, not exceeding 100l., at its “discretion, to any person who shall discover Dr. Hyde’s ‘Manuscript Catalogue of “the Names of many Ancient Books lost in the original Greek, and the same now found “translated into Arabic or Syriac;’ and any of his Translations, not now in the British “Museum, which shall be so circumstanced that the Committee may be able to procure “them for publication, if upon examination they should think them deserving of it.”

It is now the pleasing duty of the Committee to recommend the following gentlemen as worthy of the honour of the Subscribers’ approbation, for their exertions in translating; and as the Regulations proposed and confirmed in the last year’s Report will account for the re­wards not being adjudged to translations of small extent, however ingeniously performed, it is unnecessary to assure the Subscribers that no invidious or partial distinction has operated on their recommendation.

It will be remembered by the Subscribers, with due appreciation of his liberal motives, that the Reverend Professor Lee, the highly-talented translator of a most interesting work from the Arabic—the Travels of Ibn Batuta—declined last year accepting any mark of their approbation, lest it might diminish the funds of an Institution which is devoted to the attainment of objects most interesting to himself and consonant to his literary pursuits. But since His Majesty has placed two Royal Medals annually at the disposal of the Oriental Trans­lation Fund, the Committee are most happy to find that the Reverend Professor’s objections no longer exist, and they strongly recommend him for the honourable distinction of one of the Royal Medals.

The Committee feel satisfied that the Subscribers will approve of the other Royal Medal being given to J. F. Davis, Esq., for his interesting translations from the Chinese language; and of one of the Institution’s Medals being given to Major Price, the learned translator of the Autobiography of the Emperor Janhangueir.

They also propose that a pecuniary reward of 25l. be offered to C. Fraser, Esq., the able translator of the History of the War in Bosnia; and that 50l. be given to Professor Neumann, for his valuable translation of the History of Vartan; and 100l. to F. C. Belfour, Esq. for his very curious translation of the Life of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin.

Having understood that a misapprehension has arisen in consequence of the placing of a paragraph in the last Annual Report—that the translation of Ferishta’s History of India, by Colonel Briggs, was published with the pecuniary assistance of the Oriental Translation Fund—the Committee think it right to remove this erroneous impression by stating that their object in mentioning their learned colleague’s work was solely for the purpose of calling the attention of the Subscribers to so valuable a desideratum as a complete version of that interesting work. They have now the gratification to announce, that this distinguished Orientalist has kindly undertaken to prepare for publication by the Oriental Translation Fund, a Con­tinuation of the History of India, known as the Seyer ul Mutakherin, of which a translation was published in Calcutta about forty or fifty years ago, by a French Renegade Mussulman named Mustafa, in very indifferent English, and of which the greater part of the impression was lost in its passage to Europe.

The Committee have sincere satisfaction in announcing the following flattering additions to the list of Subscribers to the Oriental Translation Fund since the last anniversary; viz.

His Majesty the KING OF THE NETHERLANDS, Twenty Guineas.

And the following distinguished Individuals and Institutions Ten Guineas each:

His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany
His Serene Highness the Grand Duke of Hesse Darmstadt
The Most Noble the Marquess of Hertford
The Most Noble the Marquess of Northampton
The Right Honourable the Earl of Shrewsbury
The Right Honourable the Earl of Lonsdale
The Right Honourable Lord Burghersh
The Right Honourable Lord Prudhoe
The Right Honourable Sir R. Gordon
The Right Honourable C. R. Vaughan
The Honourable Mount-Stuart Elphinstone
The Honourable George Fortescue
The Honourable Edward Monckton
Sir G. J. Duckett, Bart.
Sir Robert Lawley, Bart.
Sir C. T. Metcalfe, Bart.
Lady Chambers
The Imperial Library, Vienna
The Imperial University, Dorpat
The Royal Library, Berlin
The Royal Library, Dresden
The Royal Library, Hanover
The Royal Irish Academy
The Royal University, Leyden
The Literary Society, Bombay
The Provost of Trinity College, Dublin
The Rev. E. Burton, D.D.
Lieut. Col. Caulfield
J. L. Cox, Esq.
R. W. Cox, Esq.
J. B. Elliott, Esq.
Hudson Gurney, Esq. M.P.
F. J. Halliday, Esq.
Lieut. Col. Vans Kennedy
J. Leard, Esq.
Lieut. Col. J. Macdonald
W. H. Macnaghten, Esq.
Captain J. W. J. Ouseley
The Rev. Dr. Nott
John Penn, Esq.
H. Preston, Esq.
Professor Rosen
A. Stirling, Esq.
Dr. John Tytler
H. H. Wilson, Esq.

The Committee, in concluding their Report, hope that they may be allowed to offer their congratulations to the Subscribers upon the flourishing state of the Institution which their protection and encouragement has formed and fostered, not only in relation to the state of its funds and on the works already before them, but also on those most important works which are in progress of translation and publication.