The genealogy of Jahash joins that of Khodhaymah B. Mudrikah, who was connected with the ancestors of the prophet—bl., etc.—in the following manner: Jahash was the s. of Ta’myr, s. of Dhysarah, s. of Murrah, s. of Kathyr, s. of Dudân, s. of Asad, s. of Khodhaymah. The mother of Zaynab was likewise the paternal aunt of his lordship the prophet—bl., etc.—she being Ammymah, the daughter of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb. The cognomen of Zaynab is Ommu-l-hukm, but her name was at first Barrah, which his lordship the best of men changed to Zaynab.
First the prophet—bl., etc.—had asked [the hand of] Zaynab for Zayd B. Hâreth; but her brother, A’bdullah, s. of Jahash, was averse to the match. Then the following blessed verse was revealed on the subject: ‘It is not fit for a true believer of either sex, when Allah and His apostle have decreed a thing, that they should have the liberty of choosing a different matter of their own.’* Subsequently they agreed to the marriage, and therefore his lordship the refuge of prophecy gave away Zaynab in marriage to Zayd, presenting her with a dowry of ten dinârs of gold, sixty dirhems of silver, a coif,* a wrapper, a garment, fifty mauns of wheat, and thirty measures of dates. During one year and more Zayd lived amicably with his wife, but after that time he said: ‘O apostle of God, I divorce your aunt’s daughter.’* Although his lordship knew by Divine revelation that Zaynab was to be enrolled among the mothers of the Faithful, he nevertheless said to Zayd: ‘Take care of yourself and fear your Creator.’ Zayd therefore cohabited a few days more with his wife, but divorced her at last. When, however, the Y’det* had elapsed, the prophet—bl., etc.—said during the month Dhu-l-qa’dah, in the fifth year after the exile [A.D. 626], to Zayd: ‘Go and ask Zaynab in marriage for myself.’ Zayd obeyed, but Zaynab said: ‘I can give no reply until I have consulted my Creator.’ Accordingly she retired to a corner and addressed her orisons to the courts of the Bountiful Granter of all good gifts, and prayed as follows: ‘O God, Thy apostle intends to wed me. If I be worthy of him, them marry me to him.’ The arrow of this request having hit the target of response, the following verse was revealed: ‘But when Zayd had determined the matter concerning her [and had resolved to divorce her], we joined her in marriage unto thee; lest a crime should be [charged] on the true believers in [marrying] the wives of their adopted [sons] when they have determined the matter concerning them.’* On that occasion his lordship the refuge of prophecy brought honorification to the house of Zaynab without previously causing his advent to be announced, whereon Zaynab exclaimed: ‘O apostle of God, without a proposer and without a witness?’ His lordship, however, rejoined: ‘God celebrates our marriage, and Jebrâil will be our witness.’ Then he ordered food and a banquet to be prepared, and the people ate till they were filled with meat and bread. On the same day also the verse of the ‘Veil’ was revealed, as is related in detail in voluminous books. Zaynab died in the twelfth year after the exile, and Fârûq the greater* —A. r. h.—held prayers over her. She died at the age of fifty years, and was interred in the Baqyi’ cemetery.