Faqirs, gifts to, 84
Falcons, white, 10, 11, 107
Farīd Bukhārī, 29, 55
Farīd Shaikh, s. Qubu-d-dīn, 153
Fatḥpūr Lake, size of (no longer exists), 66
Fatḥpūr Palace, etc., 68, 71
Faujdār cess abolished, 232
Fāẓil K., director of buildings, 90
Feathers from Kashmīr, 178
Fidā'ī K. gives horses, promoted. 94, 165, 284, 287
Fifteenth year, 130
Firdūsī, his Shāhnāma quoted, 36; satire quoted, 252
Firinghi, artist, named Hunar-
Fīrūz K., eunuch, 83
Fish, J.'s partiality for, 292
Fishing in Kashmīr, 175
Flowers, 122, 124, 134, 144, 145, 163, 173, 174
Fourteenth year, 78
Fruits of Kashmīr, 145, 159