MA, Hittite goddess, vi, 71
=Cybele, vi, 71
priestesses of=Amazons, vi,
Macan, his edition of the Sháh-
náma, i, 76; vi, 60
Mace, Farídún's, i, 161, 163, 165,
the making of, i, 158
Macedonia, vi, 81, 82
Macedonian invasion of the East,
vi, 68, 69
Máchín (China), ii, 357 note, 370,
394; iii, 46, 253, 265;
iv, 151, 203, 229, 231, 234,
252; v, 142, 145; viii,
417; ix, 107
Machine, flying, of Kai Káús, ii,
Macrianus, Prætorian prefect, vi,
treachery of, to Valerian,
vi, 294
M'Crindle, Ancient India of,
quoted, vi, 68, 80
Madá. See Medes.
Madá'in, Ctesiphon (Taisafún),
and the neighbouring
cities, 167, 174, vii, 201,
244, 266, 272, 337, 363;
viii, 4, 46, 192, 193
Núshírwán sends his Rúman
captives to, vii, 259
palace of Khusrau Parwíz
at, story of, viii, 400
Mádik, king of the Kurds, mean-
ing of, vi, 203, 256
Madófryat, mountain, part of
the Alburz range, south-
east of the Caspian, v, 30
Magi, priests of the Medes
(Madá), i, 9; ii, 190; vi,
372, 373; vii, 171, 184
preservers of tradition, i, 56,
meaning of name, i, 56 and
rise to power of, i, 58
influence of, declines after
the Greek conquest, i, 59
principal seats of, i, 60
literature of, i, 61
language of, i, 64
compile the prose Sháh-
náma for Abú Mansúr, i,
advocates of next-of-kin
marriage, ii, 189
Magian, Magians, vii, 60
chant, vii, 60
fire, vii, 409
Magic, i, 51
derivation of, i, 56
sympathetic, i, 8
Magism, v, 11
Magog. See Gog.
Magophonia, import of, i, 59
Magus. See Magi.
Mahábhárata, Indian Epic, iii,
8; iv, 316; vi, 31, 80
the passing of the five Pán-
davas in, compared with
that of Kai Khusrau, iv,
Máh Áfríd, grandmother of
Minúchihr, i, 205
Máh Áfríd, daughter of Túr, iv,
Máh Áfríd, daughter of Barzín,
vii, 53
married to Bahrám Gúr,
vii, 53
Máh Ázar, scribe, viii, 81
Máhán, Íránian noble, v, 260, 263
Mahbúd (Mebodes), minister of
Kubád and Núshírwán,
168; vii, 213
instrumental in making
Núshírwán Sháh, vii, 316
Núshírwán's treasurer, vii,
sons of, vii, 319
serve Núshírwán's meals,
vii, 319, 321
wife of, prepares Núshír-
wán's food, vii, 321, 322
envied by Zúrán, vii, 319
fall of, vii, 317, 322
Núshírwán's repentance
with regard to, vii, 317,
Máh i-Ázáda Khú, wife of Túr, i,
meaning of, i, 188 note
Máhiyár, minister of Dárá,
murders Dárá, vi, 52
tells Sikandar of the mur-
der, vi, 52
arrested by Sikandar, vi, 53
executed, vi, 56, 88
Máhiyár, Íránian noble, vii, 38
praises Bahrám Gúr, vii, 38
Máhiyár, a jeweller, 164, vii, 55
daughter of. See Árzú.
entertains Bahrám Gúr, vii,
59 seq.
Mahmúd, Sultán (A.D. 999-
1030), i, 100; iii, 15;
viii, 24
account of, i, 21
brothers of, i, 21, 114
Firdausí's praise of, 139,
152, 155, 156, 160, 161;
i, 29 seq., 112 seq.; iv,
135 seq., 139; v, 30, 89,
118, 262; vi. 20, 107, 279,
292, 370; vii, 277; ix,
Firdausi's feeling against,
i, 33; vi, 62, 92 seq. and note
Satire on, i, 23, 40 seq.
alleged ill treatment by,
i, 33, 36 seq.; vii, 431
alleged repentance of, i, 45;
iv, 8
occasion of, iv, 8
approves of Firdausí's ver-
sion of the fight between
Rustam and Ashkabús,
iii, 109
remission of the land-tax by,
vi, 186, 208
Mahraspand, father of Ádarbád,
v, 16 note
Mahrwí, viii, 248
Máhwí (=Sháhwí ?), one of
Firdausí's authorities, i,
67; vii, 382
Máhwí, Persian chief, 176, ix,
70, 74, 89, 95, 97, 100 seq.,
described, ix, 87
Farrukhzád entrusts Yaz-
dagird to, ix, 95
accepts charge of Yaz-
dagird, ix, 96
becomes disaffected to Yaz-
dagird, ix, 96
writes to Bízhan, ix, 96, 116
betrays Yazdagird, ix, 97,
98, 116, 117
quest of, for Yazdagird, ix,
has tidings of Yazdagird, ix,
consults his warriors, ix, 106
son of, counsels, ix, 107
receives Balkh and Harát,
ix, 115
governor of Marv, ix, 120
put to death with his
sons, ix, 120
sends miller to slay Yaz-
dagird, ix, 107, 116
Máhwí, sends troops after miller
with instructions, ix, 107
troops of, strip corpse of
Yazdagird, ix, 108
hears of death of Yazda-
gird, ix, 108
bids miller throw corpse of
Yazdagird into stream,
ix, 108
slays monks, ix, 113
consults his intimates and
minister, ix, 113
advised by his minister, ix,
claims the throne on false
pretences, ix, 114
becomes master of Khurá-
sán, ix, 114
evil rule of, ix, 114
makes war on Bízhan, ix,
conduct of, to Barsám, ix,
crosses Oxus and camps at
Baigand, ix, 118
flees, ix, 118
overtaken by Barsám, ix,
captured by Barsám, ix, 119
put to death by Bízhan, ix,
Mai, city in Turkistán, i, 252,
256, 261; iv, 278, 284;
vii, 91, 331, 385, 421
Mai, king of Hind, vii, 395, 396,
399, 401, 403, 404
Maidán, riding-ground, i, 83
Maidhyó-maungha, cousin and
first convert to Zarduhsht,
v, 17
Mail of Siyáwush, iii, 58, 60, 61,
69, 81; iv, 40, 41, 44,
45, 51
referred to, iv, 42, 43
Maishán (Mesene), a small state
on the lower Tigris, vi, 199
Májúj (Magog), 160. See Yájúj.
Makátúra, Turkman chief, 173,
viii, 317
dominates the Khán, viii,
Makátúra, slighted by the Khán,
viii, 318
challenges Bahrám Chú-
bína, viii, 319
fight of, with Bahrám Chú-
bína, viii, 320
Mákh, viii, 71, 78
Makhzúm, place, 93
Makná Bád, city, iii, 109
Makrán (Gedrosia, Balúchistán),
country on the shore of
the Arabian Sea, ii, 80,
82; iv, 136, 203, 231,
234, 237 seq., 254; vi,
182, 202, 397; vii, 390;
viii, 393, 417
king of, 153, iv, 238 seq.
refuses facilities to Kai
Khusrau, iv, 239, 242
buried by Kai Khusrau,
iv, 243
Kai Khusrau marches upon,
iv, 241
stops pillage of, iv, 243,
prepares a fleet in, iv, 244
sails for Gang-dizh from,
iv, 245
returns to, iv, 251
goes to Chín from, iv, 251
Alexander the Great's re-
turn by, productive of
marvels, vi, 69
etymology of, vi, 69
Malcolm, Sir John, identification
and description of Mount
Sipand by, i, 236; v, 30
version of Suhráb by, ii,
on the scene of the death of
Bahrám Gúr, vii, 6
Málika, daughter of Táír, vi, 3,
legend of, vi, 323, 330 seq.
offers to betray her father's
stronghold to Shápúr, vi,
makes the garrison drunk,
vi, 333
opens the gate to Shápúr,
vi, 333
Málika, goes to Shápúr's camp,
vi, 333
Mamigonian, Armenian family,
viii, 188
Mámún, Khalífa, i, 14; vii, 382,
Man, the First (Gaiúmart q.v.),
i, 5
on the nature of, 139, i, 104
of Sigz (Rustam), ii, 100 and
Man, weight, i, 290 and note;
viii, 148 and note, 314, 399
Manáchihr, i, 206 note
Manda, nomads, i, 18
confused with the Madá
(Medes), i, 18; vi, 194
empire of the=empire of
the Medes, ii, 191
Mandane, daughter of Astyages,
ii, 190
=Farangís in legend, ii, 191
Mandanes (Dandamis, Kait, Kai-
han, Kand, Kaid q.v.), vi,
Onesicritus and, vi, 61
identical with Kaid, vi, 62
Mání, heresiarch, 163, ii, 19 note;
v, 118 and note; vi, 307;
vii, 188
account of, vi, 327
-gate, vi, 327, 359
teaching of, vi, 328
disputation of, with the high
priest, vi, 358
executed, vi, 359
Manicheism, ii, 19 note
Manízha, daughter of Afrásiyáb,
150, iii, 285, 295 seq., 304,
308 seq., 348, 349
Bízhan and, Story of, 150,
iii, 7, 12
historical basis of, iii, 11
Mohl on, iii, 285
Firdausí on, iii, 287
referred to, viii, 72
sends her nurse to Bízhan,
iii, 297
invites Bízhan to visit her,
iii, 298
drugs Bízhan, iii, 299
Manízha, wakes Bízhan in Afrási-
yáb's palace, iii, 300
holds revel with Bízhan, iii,
disgraced, iii, 309
made Bízhan's attendant,
iii, 310
referred to, iii, 318, 319
hears of the arrival of Rus-
tam's caravan, iii, 337
interviews of, with Rustam,
iii, 337, 342
bears Rustam's ring to
Bízhan, iii, 340
kindles signal fire for Rus-
tam, iii, 344
receives gifts from Kai
Khusrau, iii, 356
Manshúr, Túránian hero, iii, 161,
165, 172, 182, 185, 199,
205, 210, 213, 226, 231,
241, 251, 256
comes to the aid of Pírán,
iii, 151
hears of the coming of Rus-
tam, iii, 175
Mansion of Gushtásp, Fire-tem-
ple, v, 75
Mansúr bin Núh, Sámánid prince
(A.D. 961—976), i, 20, 21
v, 21; vii, 5
Manúshán, a king in Párs, iv,
146, 180, 191
Mánúskíhar (Minúchihr), i, 338
Mánwí, viii, 253
Marathi, Scythian people, iv, 315
Marchlord, ill-disposed, op-
presses Rai, 174, viii, 366
destroys gutters and cats,
viii, 366
recalled, viii, 368
Marcian (Bátarún q.v.), viii, 41
Marco Polo, Venetian traveller
(A.D. 1254-1324), vi, 74
Mardánsháh, (Yalán-sína q.v.),
viii, 74, 76; ix, 5, 6
son of, ix, 5, 6
conspires against Khusrau
Parwíz, ix, 6
mutilation and execution of,
ix, 6
Mardánsháh (Mardásas), son of
Shírín, viii, 189, 191, 193,
196; ix, 39
execution of, ix, 7
Mardás, father of Zahhák, Story
of, 140, i, 135 seq.
murdered by Zahhák, i, 137
Mardásas. See Mardánsháh.
Mardwí, Túránian hero, iii, 77
Mardwí, Persian official, viii, 21
Mardwí, gardener, viii, 397
Margh, city in Turkistán, i, 256;
iv, 278, 284; vii, 91, 331,
412, 421
Mark, birth. See Birthmark.
Marriage, next of kin (Khvaitúk-
das), i, 60; ii, 189; v, 17
Mars, planet, i, 72, 276, 332, 339;
ii, 247, 407; iii, 110, 159,
178, 318, 332; vii, 92,
252, 418; viii, 395; ix,
73, 89
Martyropolis, ceded by Khusrau
Parwíz, viii, 188
Márúsipand, palace, ix, 11
Márút, angel, iii, 286
Marv, oasis and city in ancient
northern Khurásán, now
in Turkistán, 173, i, 45;
ii, 101; v, 29, 260, 261,
263; vii, 174, 357; viii,
20, 93, 173, 336, 337, 346
seq., 352, 356; ix, 70, 89,
116, 117
early seat of Aryan civi-
lization, i, 7
as rhyme-word, vii, 88 note
Khán reaches, vii, 88
Bahrám Gúr marches on,
vii, 89
Ázád Sarv finds Búzurj-
mihr at, vii, 283
traditional scene of Yaz-
dagird's death, ix, 70
Yazdagird at, ix, 97, 116
sage of, ix, 110
apothegm of, ix, 110
conduct of Máhwí to Bar-
sám at, ix 117
Guráz, son of Máhwí, gov-
ernor of, ix, 120
Marvell, quoted, viii, 399 note
Marvrúd (Murgháb), river in
Khurásán flowing into
and forming the Marv
oasis, ii, 228; iv, 255;
viii, 92
Mary, Maryam, mother of Jesus,
viii, 276 note, 277 note
Maryam, daughter of Cæsar, 173,
174, viii, 188, 192, 276
note, 278, 279, 373, 374,
murder of, viii, 193, 389
referred to, viii, 255, 266,
269, 270, 371, 381, 389
counselled by Cæsar, viii,
279, 280
Niyátús put in charge of,
viii, 280
as peace-maker, viii, 310
Mashad, city in Khurásán, ii, 189
Máshya and Máshyói, the off-
spring of Gaiúmart, the
first man, i, 117, 131
Masius, Mount, viii, 41
Massagetae, tribe, iii, 192
Mas'údí, Arabic historian (died
A.D. 956), v, 293; vi, 62,
63, 82, 193, 257, 313, 315;
vii, 3, 4, 6, 153, 280
version of the death of
Rustam by, v, 261
genealogies of Pápak ac-
cording to, vi, 200
‘Book of Indication and Re-
vision’ by, vi, 252
apologue of the owls by, vi,
parentage of Yazdagird son
of Shápúr according to,
vi, 371
account of the fortifications
at Darband by, vii, 215
origin of the game of nard
according to, vii, 382
origin of the game of chess
according to, vii, 382
on Búzurjmihr, viii, 71
Maundeville, Sir John, vi, 13, 72
Maurice, Eastern Roman Em-
peror, viii, 187, 188
Maurice, helps Khusrau Parwíz
on terms, viii, 188
murder of, viii, 193
Mausíl, Armenian prince, viii,
188, 189, 248, 282, 295
entertains Bandwí, viii, 249
Khusrau Parwíz and, viii, 283
referred to, viii, 293 and
Má wara 'u'n-Nahr (Kuhistán
q.v., Transoxania), ii, 19,
199; iii, 151
Maximian, Roman Emperor, viii,
Mayam, place, iii, 40, 41, 53, 111
Mayors of the palace, Oriental, i,
Mazaga, Indian city, vi, 65
taken by Alexander the
Great, vi, 65
Mázana (Mázandarán, q.v.), ii, 28
Mázandarán, region lying be-
tween the Alburz range
and the Caspian, 143, i,
4, 5, 12, 253, 279, 290,
294, 296, 298, 319, 323,
339, 378; ii, 25 seq., 33,
34, 36 seq., 45, 55, 60 seq.,
66 seq., 75, 76, 78, 81, 93,
105, 139, 143 seq., 293,
iii, 144, 167, 207, 215;
232, 243, 256, 260, 324,
330; iv, 86, 136, 296,
299; v, 116, 117, 203,
207, 220; vi, 373; vii,
215; viii, 48; ix, 74
approach to, from Írán, ii
description of, ii, 27
king of, 143, ii, 39, 43, 54,
62 seq.
interview of, with Rus-
tam, ii, 67
fight of, with Rustam, ii,
transforms himself into a
rock, ii, 74
death of, ii, 75
Mázandaránian, a native of, or
pertaining to, Mázan-
darán, iii, 320
Mazda, Ahura. See Ahura.
Mazdak, heresiarch, 166, i, 63;
vii, 184, 185
disputation of, with Núshír-
wán, vii, 188, 206 seq.
account of, vii, 188, 201
becomes chief minister to
Kubád, vii, 201
influence of, over Kubád,
vii, 201
parable of, to Kubád in time
of drought, vii, 201
practical application of
Kubád's reply by, vii,
converts Kubád, vii, 204
preaching and practice of,
vii, 204
attempt of, to convert Núsh-
írwán, vii, 205
Kubád decides against, vii,
executed with his followers
by Núshírwán, vii, 208
Mazdakism, vii, 184
Mazdakites, vii, 184
great assembly of, vii, 205
massacre of, vii, 185, 208
Mebodes. See Mahbúd.
Mecca, city, v, 31, 166; vi, 120;
ix, 69
Sikandar's visit to, vi, 64,
119 seq.
account of, vi, 64
Medea, land of, i, 57
Mede, Medes (Madá), Aryan
people, i, 7, 10, 17, 56, 58,
72; vi, 194, 203
account of, i, 9
confused with the Manda
(nomads), i, 18; vi, 194
empire of the=empire of
the Manda, i, 17; ii, 191
Media, iv, 315; vi, 31; vii, 6;
Magna, vi, 201, 203, 256
vii, 214
Median, vi, 195
Median, language (Zend), i, 64
empire, ii, 9; vi, 194
Mediterranean, the, vi, 294
Megara, city in Greece, vi, 323
legend concerning, vi, 323
Megasthenes, Greek writer,
temp. Alexander the
Great, vi, 68
Meherdates (Mílád), Parthian
prince, iii, 10 seq.
Memphis, Egyptian city, vi, 82
corpse of Alexander the
Great taken to, vi, 82
Merchant, a, 164
entertains and displeases
Bahrám Gúr, vii, 39
made the slave of his own
apprentice, vii, 42
Merchants, Íránian, made acces-
sories to Bahrám Gúr's
flight from Hind, vii, 133,
Mercury, planet, i, 72; iii, 159,
318; v, 243; vi, 171, 224;
viii, 299, 395; ix, 73
Meroe, island and city of, vi, 13,
Meru, mythical mountain, iv, 139
Mesopotamia, vi, 30, 294, 321
Arab invasions of, iii, 14
annexed by Arabs, ix, 68
Mesopotamian desert, vi, 322
Messiah, the, viii, 267
Mih-Ázar-Gushnasp, minister of
Ardshír, son of Shírwí, in
Arabic Tabarí, ix, 43
put to death, ix, 43
Mihr, month and day, i, 88, 89,
174, 175, 232; vi, 24, 33,
Mihr, feast, ix, 40
Mihr, sacred Fire. See Mihr
Mihr Ázar, priest, vii, 188, 206
assists Núshírwán in his
disputation with Mazdak,
vii, 206
Mihr Barzín, sacred Fire and
Fire-temple, vi, 201, 212
and note
established by Gushtásp, v,
Mihr Barzín, Íránian warrior,
temp. Bahrám Gúr, vii, 85
Mihr Bídád, Íránian magnate,
vii, 21
entertains Bahrám Gúr, vii,
Mihr 'Hasis, minister of Ardshír,
son of Shírwí, in Persian
Tabarí, ix, 43
put to death, ix, 43
Mihr Hurmuzd, Íránian noble,
175, viii, 196; ix, 34
account of, ix, 5
referred to, ix, 6, 33
conspires against Khusrau
Parwíz, ix, 6
put to death, ix, 7
described, ix, 33
Mihr-i-Núsh, second son of
Asfandiyár, ii, 3; v, 80,
slain by Farámarz, v, 227
death of, reported to Asfan-
diyár by Bahman, v, 227
corpse of, sent to Gush-
tásp, v, 232
Mihr-i-Núsh, Persian sage, vii,
quoted, vii, 270
Mihr-i-Núsh, ix, 103
pleads with Máhwí for Yaz-
dagird, ix, 103
Mihr Narsí, chief minister of
Bahrám Gúr and of his
son Yazdagird, vii, 4, 153
sons of, vii, 4
Mihr Pírúz, Íránian warrior,
temp. Bahrám Gúr, vii, 85
Mihráb, king of Kábul, 141, 142,
i, 234, 361; ii, 12, 14, 18, 21
visited by Zál, i, 256
tributary to Sám, i, 256
daughter of (Rúdába), i, 257,
v, 203
praises Zál to Síndukht, i,
hears from Síndukht of the
loves of Zál and Rúdába,
i, 284
reproaches Rúdába, i, 289
Sám sent against, i, 292
Mihráb, hears of Sám's coming,
i, 292, 299
Minúchihr's assent to
Zál's marriage, i, 314
felicitates Síndukht, i, 315
Síndukht and, prepare to
welcome Sám and Zál, i,
entertain Sám and Zál, i,
visit Sám, i, 319
hears of the birth of Rustam,
i, 323
goes with Zál and Rustam
to meet Sám, i, 324
parleys with Shamásás and
Khazarwán to gain time,
i, 358
writes to summon Zál, i,
Mihrak, Tribal King, 161, vi, 3,
199, 237, 238, 257, 267,
268, 270, 272, 273; vií,
185, 192
=Mithrak, vi, 206
slain by Ardshír Pápakán,
vi, 241
daughter of, 161, vi, 3, 241,
256, 257, 268 seq., 272
escapes, vi, 241, 256, 268
referred to in Kaid's
prophecy, vi, 267
discovered by Shápúr, vi,
268 seq.
informs Shápúr of her
birth, vi, 270
marries Shápúr, vi, 270
birth of her son Urmuzd,
vi, 271
wán (?), vi, 256
importance of, in legend, vi,
257, 267; viii, 72, 73
Mihrak, servant of Núshírwán,
viii, 18 19
Mihrán, Indian sage, 159, vi,
91, 97
consulted by Kaid about
his dreams, vi, 92 seq.
interprets Kaid's dreams,
vi, 94 seq.
Mihrán, family, vii, 156
importance of, viii, 72, 73
proverb on, vii, 185
account of, vii, 185
rivalry of, with family of
Káran, vii, 185
men of mark among the,
vii, 186, 187; viii, 74
Mihrán, treasurer to Yazdagird
son of Shápúr, vi, 387
Mihrán, Íránian general, vii, 251
commands the centre of
Núshírwán's host, vii, 251
Mihrán, archscribe, viii, 76
sent with Bahrám Chúbína,
viii, 106
counsels Bahrám Chúbína,
viii, 122 and note
seeks refuge, viii, 123
congratulates Bahrám Chú-
bína, viii, 129
takes counsel with Kharrád,
viii, 159
flees from Balkh and is
retaken, viii, 159
pardoned by Bahrám Chú-
bína, viii, 160
referred to, viii, 163
speech of, viii, 166
Mihrán Sitád, Íránian high priest
and envoy, temp. Núshír-
wán, 168, vii, 186, 350,
361, 363; viii, 96, 100
attempt of the Khán to out-
wit, vii, 352
takes charge of the Khán's
daughter, vii, 354
receives gifts from the Khán,
vii, 356
welcomed on his return, vii,
embassage of, referred to,
viii, 72, 97
sent for by Hurmuzd, viii, 97
tells of prophecy about
Bahrám Chúbína, viii,
98, 216
death of, viii, 99
Mihrán Sitád, merchant, enter-
tains Khusrau Parwíz,
viii, 251
Mihrás, father of Ilyás ruler of
Khazar, iv, 352
Mihrás, Cæsar's envoy, vii,
negotiates peace with Núsh-
írwán, vii, 261
Mihrdát. See Meherdates.
Mihrgán, feast, i, 175 and note,
iv, 313; vi, 230 and note,
Mihrmas, vi, 200
Míl as rhyme word, i, 75
Mílád, Íránian hero, iii, 11, 12,
25, 29, 145, 274, 289, 293,
345; iv, 83, 147, 191; vi,
394; viii, 72, 211
import of word, viii, 73
customs of, viii, 216
Mílád (Taxila), Indian city, vi,
102, 109, 110
situation of, vi, 62
Sikandar approaches, vi,
Military obsequies, temp. Núshír-
wán, vii, 252
Milk, bane of, vii, 125 and note,
easily “turned,” vii, 317
poisoned by the Evil Eye,
vii, 320 seq., 324, 325
Mill, 176, ix, 89, 116
Miller, a, daughters of, 164
becomes Bahrám Gúr's
father-in-law, vii, 34
dignified by Bahrám Gúr,
vii, 34
Miller, a, 176, ix, 70
Yazdagird and, ix, 99
informs chief of Zark about
Yazdagird, ix, 100
informs Máhwí about Yaz-
dagird, ix, 101
bidden to slay Yazdagird,
ix, 107
fling corpse into stream,
ix, 108
Mingrelia, province on the east-
ern shore of the Black
Sea, vii, 215
Minister, piece in chess. See
Minos, king of Crete, vi, 323 note
legend of, vi, 323 note
Mínú, viii, 253 and note
Minúchihr, Sháh, 140-142, i, 42,
90, 91, 209 seq., 274, 275,
319, 337, 339 seq., 348,
363; ii, 19, 29, 33, 36, 37,
302, 318, 400; iii, 9, 30,
87, 115; iv, 10, 65, 69,
70, 76, 136, 206, 283, 285,
298; v, 12, 174, 252, 284;
vi, 200, 353; viii, 219,
223, 392; ix, 103
birth of, i, 206
etymology of, i, 206 and
note, 234 and note
Farídún's gifts to, i, 207
goes to fight Salm and Túr,
i, 216
makes proclamation to the
host, i, 218
contends against Salm and
Túr, i, 219
prepares for a night-sur-
prise, i, 220
sends Túr's head to Farídún,
i, 222
sends Káran to take the
Castle of the Aláns, i, 223
hears of Káran's success, i,
defeats and slays Karkwí, i,
225 seq.
pursues and slays Salm, i,
pardons Salm's troops, i, 229
sends Salm's head and a
letter to Farídún, i, 229
return of, in triumph, i, 230
welcomed by Farídún, i, 230
confided to Sám by Farídún,
i, 231
enthroned by Farídún, i, 232
mourning of, for, and burial
of, Farídún, i, 233
Reign of, 141, i, 234 seq.
Note on, i, 234 seq.
accession and inaugural
address of, i, 237
Sám's address to, i, 238
Minúchihr, hears of Sám's find-
ing of Zál, i, 248
sons of, i, 248
sends Naudar to congratu-
late Sám, i, 248
summons Sám and Zál to
court, i, 249
Sám tells the story of his
quest to, i, 250
Zál's horoscope taken by
order of, i, 251
gifts of, to Sám, i, 251
hears of the case of Zál and
Rúdába, i, 288
advises with the archi-
mages, i, 288
welcomes Sám, i, 289
hears of Sám's campaign, i,
bids Sám destroy Mihráb
and his belongings, i, 292
receives Zál well, i, 306
consults the astrologers as to
Zál, i, 307
Zál proved by hard ques-
tions by order of, i, 308
Zál displays his accomplish-
ment before, i, 311
gracious reply of, to Sám, i,
warned of his death by the
astrologers, i, 335
counsels, and gives the
throne to, Naudar, i, 335
dies, i, 336
Minúchihr, son of Árash, iv,
commands the troops from
Khurásán, iv, 148
slays Kuhílá, iv, 181
commands the left, iv, 191
Mírín, Rúman chief, 154
asks Cæsar's second daugh-
ter, Dilánjám, in marriage,
iv, 333
bidden by Cæsar to slay the
wolf of Fáskún, iv, 333
casts a horoscope, iv, 334
asks Híshwí to interest
Gushtásp in his behalf,
iv, 334
Mírín, provides Gushtásp with a
steed and arms, iv, 336
goes with Gushtásp and
Híshwí to the forest of
Fáskún, iv, 337
Híshwí and, welcome Gush-
tásp on his return, iv, 339
informs Cæsar that he has
slain the wolf, iv, 341
marries Cæsar's daughter,
iv, 341
consulted by Ahran, iv, 342
refers Ahran to Híshwí, iv,
letter of, to Híshwí, iv, 344
Ahran and, display their
accomplishment on the
riding-ground, iv, 349
Cæsar's wrath with, iv, 351
sends a scornful message
to Cæsar, iv, 353
set to guard the baggage,
iv, 355
Mír Khánd (Mirkhond), Persi n
historian (A.D. 1433-
1498), v, 30; vi, 62, 315;
vii, 3, 4, 6, 156, 159, 171,
183, 186; viii, 192
distich of, quoted, ix, 56
Miskál, measure of weight, vi, 24
and note, viii, 394
Misr (Egypt), 159, ii, 79, 80, 84,
94, 96, 143, 286; vi, 114,
115, 122, 181; viii, 381
king of temp. Kai Káús, ii,
94, 95, 98
king of, defeated by Sikan-
dar, vi, 37
welcomes Sikandar, vi,
invaded by Sikandar, vi, 37,
sea of, vi, 120
Sikandar stays a year in, vi,
Mithra, Mitra, god, i, 7
Mithradát. See Meherdates.
Mithrak, vi, 206
=Mihrak, vi, 206
wán (?), vi, 256
Mithrates. See Meherdates.
Mithradates I, Parthian king, ii,
Modes of speech, viii, 30
Mohl, Jules, his edition and
translation of the Sháh-
náma, i, 76, 77; vi, 60
on the Story of Bízhan and
Manízha, iii, 285, 286
the Worm, vi, 203
Wisdom-literature, vii, 280
Mong, Indian city, vi, 18
Monks, ix, 109
find and recover corpse of
Yazdagird, ix, 109
lament over and entomb
Yazdagird, ix, 109 seq.
sentences of, over Yazda-
gird, ix, 109 seq.
slain by Máhwí, ix, 113
Monophysite, viii, 195
Moola Firooz, i, 201 note
Moon, one of the seven planets,
i, 72, viii, 395
on the nature of the, 139, i,
=Túr, i, 223
divided by Muhammad,
viii, 42, 67
Moses, Hebrew law-giver, v, 294
Salt Fish and, legend of, vi,
Faith of, vi, 95
Moses of Chorene, Armenian
historian (5th century
A.D.), i, 72
account of Zahhák by, i, 144
Rustam by, i, 236
Mosul, city in Mesopotamia, vi,
Mountain, mountains, sanctity
of, i, 118
of the Holy Questions, i,
—skirt (Dáman-i-Kuh), iii,
15, 91, 95
=Rakhsh, iii, 221, 251
Old man of the, v, 30
—sheep, personification of
the divine Grace, vi, 201,
221. See Ram.
Mu'áwiya, Khalífa (A.D. 661-
679), i, 12, 13
Múbid, i, 83
Mughíra, son of Shu'ba. See
Shu'ba Mughíra, ix, 69
Muhammad, the Prophet (about
A.D. 571-632), i, 13, 40,
41; ii, 337 note; vi, 65,
190, 292; viii, 42, 191;
ix, 69, 81 seq.
on 'Alí, i, 12, 106
praise of, i, 106
quoced, i, 106, v, 166
reference of, to Alexander
the Great in the Kurán,
vi, 15, 77
Muhammad, birth of, vii, 213
Núshírwán and, 170, viii,
divides the Moon, viii, 42,
letter of, to Khusrau Par-
wíz, ix, 66
Flight of, referred to, ix, 122
Muhammad Kásim, Arab gen-
eral, vi, 325
Muhammad Laskarí, friend of
Firdausí, i, 99; iii, 286
Muhammad Mahdí, his edition
of the Sháhnáma, i, 76
Muhammad, son of Abdú'r-Raz-
zak, i, 68, 99
Muhammadan, Muhammadans,
vi, 78; viii, 73
elements in Sháhnáma, viii,
ethics respected, viii, 74
Mukaffa'. See Ibn Mukaffa'.
Múltán, city in the Punjáb, vii,
monarch of, entertained by
Bahrám Gúr, vii, 140
Mumasenni, tribe, i, 237
Munzir, al, dynasty of, i, 55
Munzir, prince of Híra, temp.
Yazdagird son of Shápúr
and Bahrám Gúr, 163,
164, vi, 372, 394, 406,
408; vii, 9
visits Yazdagird, vi, 377
monarch of Yaman, vi, 378
Munzir, returns to Yaman with
Bahrám, vi, 378
chooses nurses for Bahrám,
vi, 378
dismisses Bahrám's tutors,
vi, 380
provides Bahrám Gúr with
steeds, vi, 380
provides Bahrám Gúr with
slave-girls, vi, 381
goes to the chase with Bah-
rám Gúr, vi, 384
sends a picture of Bahrám
Gúr shooting to Yazda-
gird, vi, 385
sends Bahrám Gúr with
Nu'mán to Yazdagird, vi,
receives a letter from Yaz-
dagird, vi, 387
counsels and sends Bahrám
Gúr a slave-girl and pre-
sents, vi, 388
welcomes Bahrám Gúr on
his return, vi, 390
supports Bahrám Gúr's
claim to the throne, vi,
396 seq.
invades Írán, vi, 397
interview of, with Jawánwí,
vi, 398 seq.
refers Jawánwí to Bahrám
Gúr, vi, 398
advises Bahrám Gúr to
negotiate with the Írán-
ians, vi, 401, 404
intercedes with Bahrám Gúr
for the Íránians, vii, 10
rewarded by Bahrám Gúr,
vii, 10
Munzir, son of Nu'mán, prince of
Híra, temp. Nushírwán,
167, vii, 244 seq.
protected by Núshírwán,
vii, 217
war of, with Hárith bin
Jabala, vii, 217
sent by Núshírwán to invade
Rúm, vii, 246
Murdád, ameshaspenta, i, 88;
iii, 287, 328
Músh, town west of Lake Ván,
viii, 188
Mushkináb, a miller's daughter,
vii, 32 and note
taken to wife by Bahrám
Gúr, vii, 33
Mushkinak, a miller's daughter,
vii, 32 and note
taken to wife by Bahrám
Gúr, vii, 33
Muslim, ix, 85
Mutawakkil, Khalífa (A.D. 847-
861), i, 14
Cypress of Kishmar de-
stroyed by, v, 28
Mutilation, instances of, vi, 261,
323, 334, 348, 357, 404
Mytilene, Chares of, Greek writer,
temp. Alexander the
Great, ii, 10; vi, 61
quoted, iv, 314