Part. II, Chapter IV = XXIX: On the Excellence of Clemency.
f9b f105a f180a 1229 Introduction. The conversion of Sa‘d b. Abí Waqqáṣ.
f10a f180b 1230 How Yúnus of Sajáwand dissuaded the Sultan Radhí (u’d-Dín Ibráhím of Ghazna) from levying taxes on the people of Sajáwand.
f105b 1231 How Zayd b. Sa‘na or Sha‘ba, the Jew, was converted through the clemency of the Prophet. (The Kitábu Sharafu’n-Nabí as the source, see above pp. 86—8).
f10b f106a 1232 Nu‘mán b. Mundhir’s admirable forbearance towards an old liar who slandered his mother.
f181a 1233 The Caliph al-Manṣúr’s heated conversation with Abú’ dh-Dhi’b, the latter’s retorts and pungent remarks overlooked and forgiven (Anec­dote told in presence of al-Mu‘taṣim while he was on pilgrimage).
f11a f106b 1234 A contrast of two characters: al-Ma’mún forgives his steward for for­getting to prepare a dish specially ordered by him, whereas Ḥumayd of Ṭús punishes his own steward for the fault of al-Ma’mún’s cook.
f11a f107a f181a 1235 An Arab reproaches Aḥmad b. Abí Khálid and teaches him a lesson.
f181b 1236 Sulaymán-i-Warráq’s story of the precious ruby broken by a jeweller and al-Ma’mún’s magnanimity. (Anec. repeated).
1237 The story of the historic jewel, and the malicious prediction of Fadhl b. Rabí‘ about the death of al-Ma’mún, as related by himself.
f11b f107b 1238 Mu‘áwiya suppresses his anger and liberates the slaves of Sallám (b.) Sa‘íd who had committed serious offence.
1239 Abú Muslim prefers to endure a wound rather than injure the feelings of his friend who was unconsciously hurting him.
1240 ‘Abdu’l-Malik b. Marwán destroys the letters written by his generals to his enemy Muṣ‘ab b. Zubayr and forgives all.
f182a 1241 An instance of Alexander the Great’s extreme forbearance.
f108a 1242 A malevolent Khárijite is appeased by the examplary forbearance of the Imám Ḥasan.
f12a 1243 A person, not knowing al-Ḥajjáj, rebukes him to his face, but afterwards pretends insanity and is excused by al-Ḥajjáj.
1244 An instance of ‘Abdu’lláh b. ‘Abbás’s clemency.
1245 Jesus Christ, the embodiment of clemency, praises the Jews who abused him.
1246 Salmán, the Persian, pays no heed to the abuse of a silly person. (Saná’í’s lines befitting the occasion are cited).
f108b 1247 The sage, Marzubán, excuses the murderer of his son.
1248 The philosopher *Dímaqarúdas (Democritus) laments the fate of his son’s murderer.
f12b f182b 1249 Parwíz forgives a dismissed servant, guilty of stealing a golden plate from the royal household. (Cf. T. F. S. pt. II, pp. 25—26).
f109a 1250 The Caliph al-Ma’mún gives redress to a plaintiff, in spite of the fact that he had startled his horse and thereby injured him.
1251 How Aḥnaf b. Qays learned clemency from Qays b. ‘Áṣim at-Taqawí (al-Minqarí).
f13a 1252 How Mu‘áwiya overcame his enemies by toleration and forbearance.
f109b 1253 An instance of Qa‘qá‘ b. Shúr’s clemency for which he had become proverbial.
f183a 1254 Aḥnaf b. Qays, another notable of Arabia, famed for his clemency.
1255 The definition of the word “Ḥilm” or clemency by al-Aṣma‘í, in presence of the Caliph Hárún.
1256 Mu‘áwiya swallows the corrosive remarks of the two negotiators of the Caliph ‘Alí.
f13b f110a 1257 The unrelenting Ḥajjáj forgives his slanderer.
f110b f183b 1258 Magnanimity of the Caliph al-Ma’mún illustrated by his treatment of Faraj [ar-Rukhkhají, the deposed governor of Fárs and Ahwáz].
f14a 1259 A Christian Játhalíq (Catholicus) calms the wrath of Muṣ‘ab b. Zubayr by quoting a passage from the Bible enjoining kings to be patient and give a careful hearing to appeals for justice.
f111a 1260 A desperate poet’s attempt to excite the Caliph Abú Bakr.
f14a f111a f183b 1261 Another instance of the Caliph Abú Bakr’s forbearance to a scandal-bearer.
f184a 1262 How al-Ma’mún concealed the ominous prophecy of Fadhl b. Rabí‘.
f14b 1263 The four errors of the Imám Sha‘bí, and the Caliph ‘Abdu’l-Malik’s pardon.
f111b 1264 The Caliph ‘Abdul-Malik’s fidelity to his early promises and the cause of his success.
f15a 1265 al-Mu‘tamid’s forbearance to the musician Gharíb who ridiculed him for sending an unrhythmical piece to set to music.
f112a f184b 1266 Ṭughril (?) advised by his father, a ruler of Fárs, to abstain from bloodshed.
1267 The Caliph Mu‘áwiya refuses to deliver a refugee at the request of Ziyád.
1268 Qualification required by Alísa‘ (Elisha) the prophet, of his suc­cessor; the choice of Dhu’l-Kifl; the failure of Iblís to excite him.
f15b f113a f185a 1269 The Caliph al-Manṣúr thrusts office upon the Qádhí Sharík; the Qádhí’s examplary forbearance to a malicious critic, after al-Mahdí had deposed him from his office.
f16a 1270 How ‘Abdu’lláh b. Ja‘far-i-Ṭayyár related an amusing story and suc­ceeded in subduing the anger of Mu‘áwiya.
1271 The frequent unwelcome visits of Dhamíra b. Shaybán al-Kilábí, and the Caliph al-Manṣúr’s patience and repeated rewards.
f16b f114a f185b 1272 The Caliph al-Manṣúr demands an explanation from the poet Abú Ziyád Faqíhí about his verses, and excuses him on account of his witty reply.
1273 The Caliph al-Mahdí, ridiculed by a person for praising his own virtues forgives him when the man persists in his impudence.
f17a f114b f186a 1274 The Caliph al-Mahdí delays in conducting the prayer (Anec, repeated).
1275 The Caliph Hárún’s pardon to a person who spreads a malicious rumour about his death on the frontier.
1276 A frank comparison of the Umayyads and the ‘Abbásids by an experienced client of the Umayyads in the presence of the Caliph Hárún; his acquiescence and acknowledgment of the inconsistency of the ‘Abbásids in their treatment of their officials.
f17b f115a 1277 False accusation of a fugitive slave against his Kúfí master, the Caliph al-Manṣúr’s investigation of the case and his pleasure at the admirable forbearance of the master towards his slave. (Anec. repeated).
f18a f115b f186b 1278 A slave of the Caliph ‘Alí excuses himself by pleading his confidence in the Caliph’s humanity and craves indulgence.
1279 The angels disappear when the Caliph ‘Umar opens his mouth to defend himself against the aggression of his opponent.
        The chapter ends without the usual form of praise.