The Emperor's army encamped before Súrat
19th January,
A.D. 1573.
The other event which happened at this time was that of the nobles being sent to Agra; and of which the circumstances are these. Ibrahím Husain Mírzá, after his late defeat, joined Mohammed Husain Mírzá and Sháh Mírzá at Patan; but, as a dispute among the brothers happened there, at which Ibrahím Husain Mírzá was annoyed, he formed the resolution of undertaking an expedition against Agra. The Emperor, on learning his intentions, appointed Sayyid Mohammed Khán Barhá, Sháh Kúlí Khán Muharram, and Rájá Bhagwándas, to pursue and seize him; but the Mírzá soon after met his end in the vicinity of Multán.
The other two Mírzás now strengthened their connexion with the Faoládís, and went to Patan, where Sayyid Ahmad Khán exerted himself to maintain the imperial interest. Khán Azíz Koká, on learning this state of affairs, began to collect an army; when, by great good luck, Kutbu-d-dín Mohammed Khán, Súbahdár of Málwa, with the Zamíndárs from that quarter, joined Khán Azíz Koká, as did also Shaikh Mohammed Bokhárí, who was on his way from Dholka to join the Emperor.
Khán Azíz Koká now marched to Patan,
where a battle took place between the two sides;
in which the enemy's right, by advancing sharply
against the imperial left, drove back several
of Kutbu-d-dín Mohammed Khán's men. The
Khán, with a select few, after most brave exertions
and a severe contest, repulsed this attack
of the Mírzás; who betook themselves to flight,
and went towards the Dekhan, whilst Shír
Khán Faoládí fled to Júnagarh. Khán Azíz
Koká and the others resolved to pursue them;
but, when the Emperor received the glad tidings
of this fresh victory, he issued an order that
Khán Azíz Koká should repair to court, while
Kutbu-d-dín Mohammed Khán, Sháh Búdagh
Khán, Murad Khán, and others, followed the
Mírzás. Wherefore, Khán Azíz Koká obeyed
the order; and, meeting the Emperor on the
21st February,
A.D. 1573.
At this time, the besieged, in the fort of Súrat, wishing to save themselves, were endeavouring to effect a union with the Portuguese at Goa, and had written to say that, if they came quickly to their assistance, they would give them up the fort. The Portuguese, under the pretence of an embassy, sent agents to Súrat, with rarities and valuables of their own country; who were instructed to get possession of the fort if possible, without disclosing their intentions; but, in the event of not obtaining their object, they were to pretend having come on a friendly embassy to the Emperor. They accordingly came; and, after observing the great train and power accompanying the Emperor, gave up all thoughts of the fort; but, assuming the name of ambassadors, paid their respects to Akbar, and presented a peshkah. They received in return many marks of favour, and were allowed to depart.