This man is called Shaikh Hussun Kochick, the younger, or the less. It is related that Shaikh Hussun the younger resided in the country of Room, and in the year 738 Hejri, from a desire to obtain authority and rule, he procured a Turkish slave named Kurachuri, who was extremely like his father, Timoor Tash, and gave out that his father Timoor Tash, who, after the death of Ameer Choban Suldooz, retired to Egypt, had returned thence; and in order that the people might believe this he gave his mother in marriage to Kurachuri, and walked in procession by the side of his horse. A large force consequently assembled to assist them, and Shaikh Hussun, the less or junior, having prepared his warlike stores, marched towards Azurbijan, and Ameer Shaikh Hussun Noyaun, or the senior, and Mahummud Khan, on being informed of this disturbance, marched by Nukchevan to oppose them. On the 20th Zi Huj of the same year, in the neighbourhood of Alatak, the armies of Room and Irak came in contact, and a bloody battle ensued. Shaikh Hussun, the junior, gained the day, and Mahummud Khan fell into the hands of his enemies, and was put to death in the flower of his youth. Ameer Shaikh Hussun Noyaun, the greater, retired to Tubreez. At this period Karachuri, who had become Timoor Tash, being desirous to establish himself independent, attempted to assassinate Shaikh Hussun the younger, and stabbed him with a knife; the wound, however, was not mortal, and Shaikh Hussun the younger fled to Georgia, and made publicly known who his pretended father really was, and then retired to the protection of Saki Begum, the daughter of Ooljaitoo Sultan. The pseudo Timoor Tash, however, after Hussun’s flight, still continued his march to Tubreez to attack Shaikh Hussun Noyaun, the elder; he was, however, defeated, and retired, accompanied by the Awirat tribe to Baghdad, and Ameer Shaikh Hussun the elder also marched from Tubreez to Sultania.