AT a Meeting of the Subscribers to the ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND, held on MONDAY, the 14th of JUNE, 1830, at the House of the Royal Asiatic Society,
The Right Honourable Sir GORE OUSELEY, Bart., informed the Meeting, that he was authorized by His Royal Highness the Duke of SUSSEX, to express his sincere regret, that His Majesty’s lamented illness prevented his taking the Chair on this occasion.
The Minutes of the Proceedings of the last Anniversary Meeting were then read by the Secretary, and confirmed.
The Right Honourable Sir GORE OUSELEY, Bart., Chairman of the Oriental Translation Committee, having read the Report of the Committee’s proceedings since the last anniversary, and the Auditor’s Report of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Oriental Translation Fund for the year 1829:
It was moved by the Right Honourable Lord SELSEY, seconded by D. POLLOCK, Esq., and Resolved Unanimously,
“THAT the Committee’s and Auditor’s Reports be approved and printed.”
Some amendments in the Sixth and Ninth Regulations for the Committee having been proposed by Sir ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, and seconded by JAMES ALEXANDER, Esq., M.P.,
It was Resolved Unanimously,
“THAT the proposed amendments in the Regulations be adopted.”
The Right Honourable the Earl AMHERST, then, in His Majesty’s name, and accompanied by appropriate addresses, presented one of the Royal Medals to the Rev. Professor LEE; and the other to the Chairman of the Committee, as the Representative of J. F. DAVIS, Esq.; and one of the Institution’s Medals to Sir WILLIAM OUSELEY, as the Representative of Major DAVID PRICE.
The Chairman having left the Chair,
It was moved by the Right Honourable the Earl of CARLISLE, seconded by Count de LASTEYRIE, Vice-President of the Asiatic Society of Paris, and
Resolved Unanimously,
“THAT the warmest thanks of this Meeting be given to the Right Honourable the “Earl AMHERST, for his able conduct in the Chair.”