After this, Shah Beg went into the fort, and was pleased on seeing it. He distributed the houses amongst his chiefs and soldiers. He then measured out the fort, and dividing it into separate parts, he allotted these over to his nobles, that they might each build from hand to hand (quickly). These, breaking down the fort of Alore, which was formerly the seat of government, brought the burned bricks from thence. They also pulled down many houses of the Toorks and Summahs, which were about, and with these materials they built the fortifications of the fort of Bukkur. When the foundation of this fort was about to be dug, Shah Beg said to Shah Hoosain: “Those two hills which are to the south are against this fort: first of all we must care for them, and then put our hands to building this.” In about an hour afterwards, having thought upon it, he remarked: “It is best to build the fortifications of this fort at once, in the first place, for the river being on all four sides of it, it is not necessary to have much fear for those hills, because the king who is powerful to take this fort, he will not surround it, and the king and chiefs who are defeated will do nothing.” In short, after some time, the works of the fort reached their end, and he arranged that Shah Hoosain and himself should live in the citadel. He also gave room there to a few of his nobles, such as Meer Fazil and his sister, Sultan Beejah, Mulik Mahomed Kokuh, Meer Mahomed Savhan, and Sultan Mahomed Mohurdar.

Those fortifications are standing at the time of writing this book, 1009 (A. D. 1600).

One year afterwards, when Shah Beg had put his heart at rest regarding this fort, and by his arrangements with the Ryuts, he turned his attention to punishing those Beloochees who would not take their hands out of dissension, and he determined that the fire of their discord must be quenched by the water of the sword. He saw the face of this business in the looking-glass of deliberation in this manner: to place in every village of these Beloochees bodies of his tried men, who should stay there some time; that a certain period should be fixed upon, when at one and the same time those bodies of men should destroy each of those villages.

In short, as he proposed, he sent these troops to every village of these Beloochees, and going there, these waited for the appointed time: when it arrived, all taking their swords in their hands, they brought the affairs of these people to an end. In these encounters, forty-two villagers were killed and wounded.

In the beginning of the cold season of 928 (A. D. 1522), leaving Payundah Mahomed Turkhan as Governor of Bukkur, Shah Beg, with a very large force, marched to take Guzerat. At every halting-place he punished the disturbers of the peace on both sides of the river, clear­ing the country of them. He then arrived at Chandooka, where Meer Fazil became sick from fever, so, obtaining leave to return, he went back to Bukkur, and Baba Ahmed, his son, also had permission to accompany, and attend upon him. Shah Beg, seeing the sickness of Meer Fazil, became very sorrowful: in this affliction he became aware that Meer Fazil had heard— “Oh my quiet people, return to your God with pleasure!” (Koran); and that he had joined the people of Paradise. Shah Beg and Shah Hoosain, on this account, became much dejected; and that night Sultan Mahomed Khan, and all the near relatives of Meer Fazil, had leave given to them, and these, in the hope of finding him alive, went with great haste, arriving at Bukkur the next morning, when they found that he had left this world, so, putting on the winding-sheet, they placed him in his grave. On the third day, Shah Beg came with haste, performing all the customs of mourning, taking off the clothes of affliction from the members of the family, saying: “The death of Meer Fazil shows me the road to death, I shall follow him!” The people of the assembly, hearing this, begged for mercy, saying— “May you live!” He went from thence to the Harem, to the attendants of which he said the same. These exclaimed as the others had done, saying— “What words are you bringing upon your tongue?” In short, Shah Beg, with Shah Hoosain, and all the Ameers, having done everything that was necessary, marched away, and punishing those on either bank who were troublesome, he set his heart at ease, and by the way of Tatta he went to take Guzerat. By successive marches he arrived at Akhum, from whence, sending to call Jam Pheroz, he remained there some time.