Hajy Elias assumes the title of Shums-ood-Deen — invades the territory of Jajnuggur in order to procure elephants — is attacked by Feroze Toghluk of Dehly. — The King of Dehly retreats. — Peace concluded. — Death of Shums-ood-Deen.
ON the death of Alla-ood-Deen, Hajy Elias assumed
the title of Shums-ood-Deen Poorby Bhun-
length, on the 10th of Shuval, in the year
754, Feroze Toghluk marched from
Dehly towards Luknowty. On the approach
of the enemy, Shums-ood-Deen
retreated from his capital to the strong
fortress of Yekdalla,
whither Feroze Toghluk
advanced. On arriving in the suburbs, Shums-
A. H. 755.
A. D. 1354.
to retreat to Dehly. In the year 755, he sent an ambassador to Dehly with magnificent presents, and begged forgiveness for opposing the King's army. The ambassadors were honourably received, and dismissed with courtesy.
A. H. 759.
A. D. 1357.
In the year 759, another ambassador,
Mullik Taj-ood-Deen, was again sent
with magnificent offerings to Dehly.
The ambassador was treated with distinguished
honours; and in return, the King of Dehly deputed
Seif-ood-Deen, kotwal, with a number of
Arabian and Tartar horses, an elephant, and
many valuable gifts, to Luknowty; but before
the ambassador crossed the frontier, Shums-ood-