On Sunday, the 2d Jumad-oos-Sany, he proceeded again to the mosque; and was in the act of kneeling down at prayers, when Meer Mahmood Humadany, go­vernor and commandant of Golconda, at the instigation of the Prince Jumsheed, put the King to death with one blow of his sabre, and he was buried in the vault which he had himself caused to be built some years before. Sooltan Koolly ruled for a period of sixty years; sixteen of which he governed Tulingana in the name of Mahmood Shah Bahmuny, and reigned as king forty-four years. He was killed in his ninetieth year.

He had six sons and four daughters.

First, Heidur Khan, who died during his father's lifetime.

Secondly, Kootb-ood-Deen, whom the King had nominated as his successor: but he was blinded by order of his brother Jumsheed, who murdered his father, and who subsequently usurped the throne. Kootb-ood-Deen died a natural death some years after.

Thirdly, Yar Koolly Jumsheed Khan, who suc­ceeded his father.

Fourthly, Abdool Kureem, who rebelled, and fled his country, and was subsequently put to death.

Fifthly, Dowlut Khan, who was called the Mad Prince, and who died in the reign of Ibrahim Kootb Shah.

Sixthly, Ibrahim, who succeeded his brother Jumsheed on the throne.

When Yar Koolly Jumsheed Khan, the third son, found that his elder brother, Kootb-ood-Deen, was chosen by his father as his successor, he determined to assassinate him and to usurp the crown. This determination coming to the King's ears, he ordered Jumsheed into confinement, and kept him in a dungeon in the fort of Golconda. Jumsheed never forgave this treatment; and even in his prison planned the death of his parent, and instigated his keeper, the commandant of Gol­conda, to murder him as has been related.