Labarum, the, v, 306 note
Ládan (Pashan), battle of, iii,
13 seq., 80 seq., 89 seq.,
123; iv, 27, 37, 90, 120,
Lagus, Ptolemy son of. See
Lahhák, Túránian hero, brother
of Pírán, 152, i, 92; ii,
323 note; iii, 90, 166,
198; iv, 7, 71, 122, 125,
133, 160, 162
summons Pírán to save
Farangís, ii, 322
pursues the Íránians to
Mount Hamáwan, iii, 135
commands with Farshíd-
ward the right wing, iv, 26
attacks the Íránians in
flank, iv, 82
opposed by Gurgín, iv, 83
goes to help Pírán and
attacks Gív, iv, 85
prowess of, iv, 86
put in chief command with
Farshídward, iv, 94
Pírán's instructions to, iv,
Farshídward and, hear of the
death of Pírán and the
coming of Kai Khusrau,
iv, 112
lament for Pírán, iv, 112
take counsel with the host,
iv, 113
fight, and escape from,
Íránian outpost, iv, 116
Lahhák, Farshídward and, re-
ferred to, iv, 118, 120, 126
repose themselves, iv, 121
corpses of, brought back
by Bízhan, iv, 126,
deaths of, announced to
Afrásiyáb, iv, 152
Lambak, a water-carrier, 164
entertains Bahrám Gúr, vii,
13 seq.
rewarded by Bahrám Gúr,
vii, 20
Land of Darkness. See Gloom.
Land-tax, Mahmúd's remission
of, vi, 196, 208
Núshírwán's reform of, vii,
215, 225
Latin version, early, of Pseudo-
Callisthenes. See Julius
Launderer, a, foster-father of
Dáráb, 158, v, 292
finds Dáráb in the Farát, v,
Dáráb adopted by, and his
wife, v, 297
quits his home with wife
and Dáráb and settles
elsewhere, v, 298
becomes wealthy but
sticks to trade, v, 298
perturbed at Dáráb's youth-
ful escapades, v, 298
brings up Dáráb to be a
cavalier, v, 299
Dáráb's lack of natural
affection for, v, 300
wife of, informs Dáráb of
his case, v, 300
Rashnawád sends for, and
his wife, v, 304
informed by, of the case
of Dáráb, v, 308
visits, with his wife, Dáráb
at his accession, v, 311
dismissed with gifts, v, 312
Lázhawardí, fort, ix, 93
Lazica, region on the eastern
shore of the Black Sea,
vii, 215; viii, 194
Lazic war, renewed by Hur-
muzd, viii, 76
Bahrám Chúbína defeated
in, viii, 76
Leech of Kaid, 159. See Kaid.
Legend, Syriac Christian, of
Alexander. See Syriac.
Leo, constellation, ii, 405; iii,
81, 318; vi, 172, 180;
vii, 410; viii, 122, 394
Libra, constellation, i, 310; vi,
Life, Fount of. See Fount.
Water of, 160 .Id.
Plutarch's, of Alexander the
Great, vi, 67
Lion, lions, slain by Rakhsh, 143,
ii, 45
Asfandiyár, 156, v, 125
Bahrám Gúr, 163-165, vii,
55, 77
-ape, 173, viii, 322 seq.
Lion's House, constellation of
Leo, i, 188
Lion's Mouth, the, place, iv, 245
Loadstone, chamber of, viii, 275
suspended cavalier in, viii,
Longimanus (Dirázdast), title of
Artaxerxes I, son of Xer-
xes, v, 281
Lucerne (Medicago sativa), tax
on, vii, 215
Lúch, perhaps=Kúch q.v., vii,
captives from, settled at
Súrsán, vii, 328
Luhrásp, Sháh, 154, 155, i, 42;
ii, 3, 9; iv, 57, 65, 135,
337, 347, 356 seq.; v, 10,
20, 21 and note, 26, 29,
36, 38, 64, 68, 80, 86, 87,
90 seq., 98 seq., 104, 114,
141, 154, 155, 157, 159,
160, 167, 171, 180, 183,
205, 208, 243, 255, 281,
284; vi, 55, 200; viii,
95, 148, 213, 270, 392;
ix, 104
sent to the Aláns by Kai
Khusrau, iv, 14
Luhrásp, successes of, iv, 60,
troops of, recalled, iv, 145
nominated by Surúsh to be
Kai Khusrau's successor,
iv, 281
crowned by Kai Khusrau,
iv, 300
Zal's protest against the
succession of, iv, 301
succession of, justified by
Kai Khusrau, iv, 301
acknowledged by Zál, iv,
the chiefs, iv, 303
undertakes to respect Kai
Khusraú's wives, iv, 305
counselled and farewelled
by Kai Khusrau, iv, 306
addresses the chiefs, iv, 311
receives the fealty of Zál
and other chiefs, iv, 312
praises and rewards Zál,
iv, 312
coronation of, iv, 312
Reign of, 154, iv, 314 seq.
Note on, iv, 314 seq.
harangues the chiefs, iv, 316
makes Balkh his capital, iv,
builds the Fire-temple of
Barzín, iv, 318
shows favour to the grand-
sons of Kai Káús, iv, 318,
321 seq.
refuses to appoint Gush-
tásp his heir, iv, 319
sends Zarír in pursuit of
Gushtásp, iv, 320
pardons Gushtásp, iv, 322
hears of Gushtásp's flight,
iv, 323
consults Zarír and the sages,
iv, 323
searches in vain for Gush-
tásp, iv, 324
receives Kálús, Cæsar's en-
voy, in audience, iv, 357
entertains Kálús, iv, 357
consults Zarír, iv, 358
questions Kálús, iv, 358
Luhrásp, dismisses Kálús with
honour, iv, 359
sends Zarír with other chiefs
on a mission to Rúm, iv,
message of, to Cæsar, iv, 361,
welcomes and crowns Gush-
tásp on his return to
Írán, iv, 364
resigns the throne to Gush-
tásp and becomes a de-
votee, v, 31
converted by Zarduhsht, v,
advises Gushtásp to resign
the kingship to Asfan-
diyár, v, 66
opposes Kuhram, v, 91
slain, v, 91, 93, 99
Asfandiyár's vow to avenge,
v, 103
Lumsden, his edition of the
Sháhnáma, i, 76
Luna. See Moon.