ON Saturday, the first of Muharrem, we encamped at Koel.* Derwīsh and Ali Yūsef, who had been left by Humāiūn in Sambal,* had defeated* Kutb Sirwāni, and several Rajas, who had crossed a river* and attacked them; had killed a number of the enemy, and sent me some of their heads and an elephant, which reached me while I was at Koel, where I spent two days in visiting the place. On the invitation of Sheikh Gūren I alighted at his house. After dinner* he presented me with a peshkesh.
Oct. 2. Setting out thence, I halted at Atrūli.*
On Wednesday,
I crossed the Ganges, and encamped in the country*
Oct. 3.
Sambal. On Thursday, I halted at Sambal, and having
spent two days in surveying the neighbourhood, I left it on
Oct. 5.
Oct. 6.
the morning of Saturday. On Sunday, I halted in Sikandera,*
at Rao Sirwāni’s house, where he entertained and waited
Oct. 7.
on me. Leaving that place before day-rise, I rode forward,
and, separating from my people by a finesse, I galloped on,
and arrived alone within a kos of Agra, when some of my
followers overtook and went on along with me.*
I dismounted
at Agra about noon-day prayers.
On Sunday, the 16th of Muharrem, I was seized with a fever and ague. The fever continued on me, at intervals, for twenty-five or twenty-six days. I took medicine, and finally recovered. I suffered much from want of sleep and from thirst. During this illness, I composed three or four quatrains. One is the following:
(Tūrki)— | Every day a severe fever hangs on my body, And at night slumber flies from my eyelids; These two are like my grief and my patience; Till my last hour, the former goes on increasing, as the other diminishes. |
On Saturday, the 28th of Safer, Fakher Jehān Begum, and Khadījeh Sultan Begum, my paternal aunts, arrived. I went in a boat, and waited on them above Sikanderābād.*
Nov. 24.On Sunday, Ustād Ali Kuli fired a large ball from a cannon; though the ball went far, the cannon burst in pieces, and every piece knocked down several men, of whom eight died.
Dec. 2.On Monday, the 7th of the first Rabi, I mounted and rode to Sīkri. The octagonal platform, which I had ordered to be built in the midst of the tank, being finished, we went over in a boat, raised an awning, and had a party,* when we indulged in a maajūn.
Sets outHaving returned from my visit to Sīkri on Monday, the 14th of the first Rabi, I set out, in pursuance of a vow, on* a holy war against Chanderi,* and, marching three kos, halted at Jalīsir, where, having stayed two days, in order to Dec. 12. accoutre and review* my troops, on Thursday I marched forward, and halted at Anwār.* Leaving Anwār in a boat, I passed Chāndwār, and landed. From thence we proceeded, Dec. 23. march after march, and on Monday, the 28th of the month, Dec. 26. halted at the ford of Kanār.* On Thursday, the 2nd of the latter Rabi, I crossed the river. I remained four or five days, sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other, to get my army conveyed across. During that time, I regularly went aboard of a boat, and indulged in a maajūn. The junction of the Ganges and Chambal is a kos or two above Dec. 27. the ford of Kanār. On Friday, I embarked in the river Chambal in a boat, and passing over at the point of junction, went on to the camp.
Sends Mu-Though I had no decisive proofs of Sheikh Bayezīd’s hostility, I was well assured, from his way of proceeding and general conduct, that he was hostilely inclined. On this account I detached Muhammed Ali Jeng-Jeng from the army, and sent him to bring together at Kanauj, Muhammed Sultan Mirza, and the Sultans and Amīrs in that quarter, such as Kāsim Hussain Sultan, Taimūr Sultan, Malik Kāsim Koki, Abul Muhammed Nezehbāz, Manūcheher Khan, with his brothers and the Daryā-khānis, and to march with them, under his command, against the hostile Afghans. He was directed to summon Sheikh Bayezīd to attend him. If he came frankly, they were to take him along with them on the expedition; if he did not join them, they were then, first of all, to settle his business. Muhammed Ali asked me for a few elephants; I gave him ten. After Muhammed Ali had been sent off, I directed Bāba Chihreh also to join them.
ProceedsI advanced one march from Kanār in a boat. On Wednesday, the 8th of the last Rabi, we halted within a kos of Kālpi.* Bāba Sultan, the younger brother of the full blood of Sultan Saīd Khan,* the son of Sultan Khalīl Sultan, came and waited on me at this station. Last year he had fled from his elder brother, and come to my territories,* but soon after, changing his mind,* had gone off from the country of Anderāb. When he got near Kāshgar, however, Khan Haider Mirza was sent to meet him, and to desire him to return back.*
Jan. 2.Next morning I halted at Kālpi, at Ālim Khan’s house. He entertained me with a dinner, in which the meats were dressed after the Hindi fashion, and presented me with a peshkesh.
Jan. 6.On Monday the 13th, I marched from Kālpi, and on Friday we encamped in Iraj.* On Saturday we reached Bandīr.*
On Sunday the 19th, I sent forward in advance Chin Taimūr Sultan, with six or seven thousand men, against Chanderi. The Begs who went on this expedition were Bāki Ming-Begi,* Terdi Beg, Kūch Beg, Āshik Bekāwel, Mulla Apāk, Muhsin Duldāi; and of the Amīrs of Hindustān, Sheikh Gūren.
Jan. 17. On Friday the 24th, we encamped near Kachweh. I sent
to assure the inhabitants of Kachweh that they had nothing
to apprehend, and bestowed the place on Budreddīn’s
son. Kachweh is rather a pretty place. It is surrounded
by small hills. On a hill to the north-east of Kachweh,*
they have constructed a mound*
for collecting the water,
and formed a large tank, which may be five or six kos
in circumference. This tank encloses Kachweh on three of
its sides. To the north-west there is a small neck of dry
land, on which side is the gate of the town. In this tank
they have very small boats, which may hold three or four
persons. Whenever they are obliged to flee, they betake themselves
to their boats, and push out into the middle of the
A. D. 1528.
tank. Before coming to Kachweh, in two other places, we
had met with similar mounds thrown up between hills, and
tanks formed, but they were less than that at Kachweh.
Having halted one day at Kachweh, I sent on a number
of overseers and pioneers, to level the inequalities of the
road, and to cut down the jungle, to admit of the guns
and carriages passing without difficulty. Between Kachweh
and Chanderi the country is jungly. Leaving Kachweh,
the second day’s march brought us within three kos of
Jan. 19
and 20.
Chanderi, where we encamped, having previously crossed
the river of Burhānpūr.*