Abbas, Shah, 68.

Abdul Hussain Nuri, 29.

Abraham, 97.

Absal, 98.

Abstinence, 67, 70-71, 73-75, 80.

Abu Bakr, 28.

Abu Dharr, 26.

Abu Horeirah, 26.

Abu Sa’id, 7.

Adam, 16, 41, 97, 103, 108.

Alexander, 94.

Ali, Hazrat, 27-28.

Ammonius Saccas, 36.

Ana al-Haqq, 1, 2, 22.

Angelology, Persian, 42.

Angelus Silesius, 15.

Annihilation in annihilation, 110.

Annihilation, Valley of, 17, 81, 108 ff.

Aphorisms, of Rābiah, 30.

Apollonius of Tyana, 34-35, 42.

Aristotle, 33-34, 36-37, 46.

Arnold, Matthew, 17.

Asceticism, of the Prophet’s compa­nions, 28.

Astrology, analogy from, 98.

Attār, Shaykh Farid-ud-din, vii, 2, 16, 40; life of, 121-124; works of, 122.

Augustine, saying of, 7.

Avicenna, 11, 45.

Ayaz, 80.

Bayazid Bistami, 3, 18, 31-32.

Beloved of the Sufi, 20-21; story of the curl of, 57.

Bewilderment, Valley of, 17, 81, 105 ff.

Bhagavad Gita, the, 22-23.

Bilqis, Queen of Sheba, 49.

Birds, the Assemblage of, vii, 49.

Bjerregaard, 26.

Bouillet, 35-36.

Browne, Professor, 31, 33.

Butterflies in search of the Candle, 110-111.

Caliphs, the, 28.

Carlyle, 18.

Chengizkhan, 123

Christ Jesus, 97.

Coleridge, 19.

Creator, the, Names of, 1.

Cup-bearer, the, 85, 89.

Damascius, 44.

Darwinism, anticipation of, 9.

Dawlatshah, 121.

Deity, absorption in, 8, 9, 101-104. 117-118.

Derwish, the love-sick, 51-53.

Detachment, Valley of, 17, 81, 97. ff.

Diwan-i-Shams-i. Tabrizi, 3.

Dying to self, 109-110.

Eckhart, X.

Emerson, 5.

Enneads of Plotinus, 35.

Eulalias, 44.

Faqirs, Order of, 28.

Farabi, 45.

Fly, the, and the Bee-hive, 99.

Free Will, 21.

Fudayl ibn Iyād, 75,

Ghazāli, 2, 25, 45, 110.

Gnosis, 54, 67, 91.

Gordion, Emperor, 36.

Greece, mystic currents of, 33, 44.

Guebers, the, 21.

Gulshan-i.Raz, 4, 12, 42.

Guyon, Madame, X.

Hafiz, 79.

Hairat, Mirza, XI.

Hajwari, XI, 67.

Hallaj, 69.

Hasan Basri, 30.

Heart, the, the mirror of Divinity, IX, 11, 91.

Hermias, 44.

Hoopoe, the, 17, 49 ff, 62, 65 ff.

I am the truth, doctrine of, 1, 3-6.

Iblis (Satan), 69, 70, 79.

Ibn Adham, 74.

Ibn Rashd, 45.

Ibn Sina, see Avicenna.

Ibrahim ibn Adham, 29.

Immanence, doctrine of, 23.

Immensity, Ocean of, 85.

Immortality after Perishability, 18,117.

Incarnation, 23.

In Memoriam, Tennyson’s, 8-9.

Introversion, 40.

Intuitive Reason, 19.

Isidore, 44.

Izrael (Angel of Death), 72.

Jalal-ud-din Rumi, X, XI, 2, 3, 19, 22, 32, 38, 41, 46, 102, 104, 123, 124.

Jami, XI., 19, 30, 75, 88, 92, 101.

Jamshid, 3.

Joan of Arc, X.

Joseph, 77-78.

Junaid, 29, 30, 32, 88.

Jund-i-Shapur, Medical College at, 45.

Justice, the Queen of Virtues, 76.

Justinian, 44.

Kabir, 81.

Karma, Law of, 40.

Knowledge, Mystic, 17, 72, 81, 91-93.

Kuh-i-Qāf, the seat of the Simurg, 17.

Layla, 86, 88-90.

Lost Key, the, 106.

Love, Valley of, 17, 81, 87-88.

Lover in the arms of Morpheus, the, 94.

Majnun, 86, 88-90.

Mahmud, Sultan, and Ayaz 80; and the fanatic, 96; and the orphan lad, 65; and the rag-picker, 86.

Malik ibn Dinar, 71.

Man, doctrine of Divinity of, 7, 8; evolution of, 16.

Man of stone, the, 93.

Manaqib-ul-ārifin, 26.

Mansur Hallaj. execution and deifi­cation of, 2; exultation of, X; gospel of, 1; verses of, 3.

Ma’rifat (Divine Knowledge) 17, 72, 81, 91-93.

Masnavi, the, 3, 21.

Masudi, 28.

Maulana Rumi, see Jalal-ud-din Rumi

Max Muller, 12.

Memoirs of the Saints, 2.

Mirabai, X.

Mishkat-ul-Anwar, 2.

Moses, 97.

Muhammed ibn Ulyan, 69.

Muhammad ibn Wasi, 71.

Muhammad, Prophet, ascension of, 97; companions of, 26, 28; esoteric doctrines of, 25-26; identification with Logos, 32; tradition of, 21.

Muktabai, X.

Mystical death, 15.

Mystic Rose Garden, the, see Gulshan-i-Raz.

Mystics of Islam, 91.

Mystic, the, definition of, 7.

Nasir-ud-din Tusi, 109.

Naushirwan, 33, 44.

Negation, 73-74.

Neo-Platonic philosophers, the, 33, 44.

Neo-Platonism, 33.

Newman, Cardinal, 20.

Nicholson, Dr., XI, 10, 91, 104.

Nightingale, Florence, X.

Nightingale, the, 51, 79.

Nimrod, 97.

Noah, 97.

Numenius, 43.

Omar, 26, 28.

Omar Khayyam, 69.

Oneness, doctrine of, 101.

Ontology, Greek, 42.

Orpheus, an Arab, 27.

Pantheism, 18, 22, 29, 31, 37, 46.

Path, The, 16, 67, 70, 74.

Path, The (Journal), 26.

Patience, stage of, 67,

Philo, 42.

Pincott, 45.

Plato, philosophy of, 33-34, 36, 42-43, 46.

Plotinus, 13, 33, 34, 35, 36; triads of, 37, 42, 44.

Polarity, Zoroastrian doctrine of, 42-46.

Porch, The, VII.

Porphyry, doctrines of, 33, 36.

Poverty, 67, 71; Valley of, 17, 81, 105.

Primal Soul, 38.

Priscian, 44.

Proclus, 42.

Pythagoras, 33, 42.

Quest, the Valley of, 17, 81, 85-86.

Quietism, 28-31.

Quran, the, 2, 25, 29, 42, 91.

Rābiah, X, 29-31, 67.

Reason, 88, 91.

Renan, 45.

Renunciation, IX, 67, 71, 73, 74-5, 80.

Repentance, 67.

Resignation, 67.

Royal Court, Reception of the Birds at, 115; Usher of, 116.

Ruysbrœck, 10.

Sadi, 89.

Salaman, 88.

Salik (Spiritual disciple), Mission of, 69.

Sanai, 124.

Sanjar, Sultan, 76.

Sasanian Culture, heritage of, 45.

Sat, of the Upanishads, 22, 41.

Satan, 69, 70, 79.

Schelling, X.

Self-control, X.

Self-culture, 38.

Self-deification, doctrine of, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 23.

Self, Eternal, 12.

Self-knowledge, 13.

Self-loss, gospel of, 13, 74.

Self-negation, 14.

Sentinel, the love-sick, 95.

Seven Valleys, the, 17, 81.

Shabistari, XI, 4, 19, 102.

Shaykh Ahmed Guri, 76.

Shaykh Rukn-ud-din, 122.

Shaykh San’an, 55-62.

Shaykh, the, who saw double, 102.

Shri Krishna, words of, 22-23.

Sikhs, the, religion of, 45.

Simplicius, 44.

Simurg, VII, 11, 16, 50, 53, 54, 62, 66, 79, 80-81; reception of the birds at the Court of, 115-117.

St. Thomas Aquinas, 14.

Sterling, John, 18.

Sufi, beloved of, 20, 22, 28; critique of Reason of, 19, 20; derivation of the term, 28; in Quest of God, 11; self-deification of, 7, 8, 9.

Sufism, aim of, 30; contact with Alex­andrian philosophy, 41; Influ­ence of Neo-Platonism, 33; origin of, 24-26; path of, 16, 67, 70, 74; philosophic doc­trines of, 45; stages of, 28, 31.

Tassy, Garcin de, VII.

Tat, Twam, of Hindu theosophy, 12.

Tennyson, 9, 69.

The Quest, Valley of, 17.

The Truth, 1, 4, 5, 41, 67, 101.

Trumpp, Dr. 45.

Union, with God, doctrine of, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14.

Unity in Plurality, 110.

Unity, Valley of, 17, 81, 101-104.

Universal Life, IX.

Universal Mind, 32, 38, 41.

Universal Reason, 32, 41.

Universal Soul, 32, 41.

Valleys, the Seven, 81.

Vaughan, 29, 31, 34.

Vedantism, 24.

Whinfield, XI, 32, 41, 110.

Yusuf, 88.

Zoroaster, 42, 44.

Zoroastrian philosophy, influence of, on Sufism, 45-46.

Zulaykha, 88.