Ilek Khán, after his defeat at Balkh, returned to his own land, sad from the anguish of that weakness, and the disturbance of that debility. He continually blamed his brother Togan-khan for his delay and slackness in succouring him, until through this affliction, he fell upon the bed of death, and marched from the world unto the home eternal. Thus the hunger of his covetousness was fattened by the dainties of dust, and his ambition which was on a level with the rolling vault and orb, was worsted by the hand of fate, and destiny’s decree (Verse)
His decease took place in the year 403. His brother obtained the principality of Máwarannahr, and adopted the course of peace and mutual regard towards the Sultán, and obtained protection from the effects of his brother’s faults by his sincere attachment, and the influence of kindred.
And an army of a hundred thousand tents came from the frontiers of China to attack him, and the fairest of the lands of Islám, such a number that no trace of them had ever been seen during the existence of Islám, with a design to extinguish the light of Islám, and to raise the palace of idols, knowing not, that the stability of the Muhammadan opinions will not be subverted by the flags of any rebel, and that it will cast the head of the oppressor into the dust. Togan-khan summoned, from all kingdoms of Islám, troops to repulse them, and from those who would aid religion, and help Islám, collected 100,000 men. This terrible proclamation and agitating announcement caused great fear, and considerable stir and sympathy took place, so that in worshipping-houses and mosques, hands were raised in supplication, and they committed their anxieties (to Heaven.) And Togan-khan marched to the sacred war against this people, placing his heart upon meeting fate, and fortifying his resolution to proceed towards the dignity of martyrdom, hoping in the promise of heaven respecting victory to religion, and the exaltation of the convicting word, as the standard of the glorious Korán alledges, “We have sent them to victory, they believe in the life of the (other) world.” And for several days, during the struggle of that engagement, and the blessedness of that fight, and the fallings of that battle field, there dropped from the edge blows of those noble natures, and the sharp (swords) of those brave ones, and from the striking of the scimitars of those warriors upon the throats of those ass colts, from the compassion of those warrior swords in cutting up those vile people, and from the flashes of those lightning blades, from the seizings of those propitious thunderbolts, from the victory over these rebellious races, and from the blows of cutlasses upon their necks, (streams) like raining hail, or the moist honeycomb. But God took his sacred servants into the fort of security, and strengthened them with sure victory and power, and exalted his word relating to Islám’s victory, and the stoning of devils, until one day, when the fire of war came from above, and Mars disclosed his girdle, and granted to the two parties a friendly circulation (of the cups) of swords and spears. Then the troops intoxicated with the praises of God, with the sweet odour and fragrance of the breezes of Paradise, and with a passion to obtain an abode in the mansions of mercy, like wild colts, or the foaming sea, played (the game of battle) with their hot horses, from the first gleam of the sky until twilight fell, and with the assistance of the exalted Agent performed most mysterious (acts.) Doubtless opportune aid came from the Holy Majesty, and the breeze of victory blew from the merciful holder of the winds. They cast to the ground upon the battle field, nearly 100,000 dead bodies of infidels, heads bade farewell to bodies, and souls were divided from forms. The vulture swords inflicted full pain upon the livers of unbelievers, and the hyenas and lions were gladdened by gleaning from that plain. Nearly one thousand captives, their damsels and children fell into the hands of the people of Islám, equal in beauty to the Moon, and in brightness excelling the all-diffused rays, and incalculable wealth and plunder besides, the residue of the army gnawed destruction and took to flight. This important victory and great success was universally reported, calming hearts, soothing souls, and inducing tongues to praise heaven. After this victory his last hour arrived for Togan-khan, and his soul removed to the lodging of Paradise, to dwell amidst the martyr spirits. And the kingdom descended to his brother, who in piety, fear of God, and zeal for the affairs of religion, was a like-minded and suitable successor to his throne. He like his predecessor was settled in allegiance, in acting liberally to the commonality, in smoothing the carpet of equity and comfort, and in avoiding pride and arrogance. On account of the association that existed between his brother and the Sultán, he went and built up former hospitable relations by means of adhering brotherhood and friendship. And in the time of Ilek-Khán, the Sultán had betrothed one of the casketed gems of Ilek-Khán’s children for Amír Khalil-Abú-Masúd, and at the present time he resolved to complete this match of alliance and bond of marriage. And several of the confidential counsellors of the Sultán departed to convey this precious pearl in order that they might securely deposit this keepsake. Several of the eminent nobles of the kingdom and eloquent Imams came, having arranged this, to Balkh, and deposited this trust, and discharged all that they conveyed both in words and wealth. The nuptial evening was extremely grand, and the Sultán ordained that they should, before their meeting arrange ceremonies at Balkh, and decorate the city, and nothing was left wanting in various kinds of glory. And in order to raise the position of his son, and to exalt his rank, the Sultán gave him Herát, with great riches, abundant property, and royal ornaments and furniture. He departed in the year 408, and came to Balkh. He held the mirror of equity before his face, and by upright conduct, and just guidance of the path of the people, kept that land in the gardens of safety, and the Paradise of peace.