After the death of Arpa Khan, in the month of Shawul 736, Moosa Khan ascended the throne of the Khans, in the town of Oojan, and confided the direction of state affairs to Ameer Ali Padshah, the son of Chichuk Noyaun Awirat. About that time Shaikh Hussun Elkani, the son of Ameer Hussain Goorkan, the son of Akbooka, the son of Sungtoor, the son of Elkan Jullair, who was the cousin of Sultan Aboo Saeed and who had been appointed to the government of Room, having heard of the death of Sultan Aboo Saeed, the succession of Arpa Khan, his subsequent defeat and death, and the accession of Moosa Khan; raised to the throne in the country of Room, Mahummud, the son of Bool Kutlugh, the son of Ans Timoor, the son of Itiarche, the son of Moongar Timoor, the son of Hulako, the son of Tooli, the son of Chungeez Khan; and marched with the troops of Room and Georgia towards Tubreez to support him, and Moosa Khan and Ameer Ali Padshah also marched to meet them.
On the 14th Zi Huj of the same year, the armies met at the town of Nowshehr, and Ameer Ali Padshah sent a message to Ameer Shaik Hussun Elkani, to the following effect: “That friendship had formerly subsisted between them— that two kings were contending for the throne, and what reason had they, either of them, to interfere in their quarrel? That it would be the best policy, therefore, that each of them, Ameer Ali and Ameer Shaikh Hussun, should retire with their dependants to an eminence near the field of contention, and allow the rival kings to fight their battle by themselves.” Ameer Shaik Hussun the elder,* agreed to this proposal, and with two thousand horse retired to an eminence near the field of battle, and the armies engaged, and a plentiful harvest of infidels was reaped. The armies of Room and Georgia were defeated, the Awirat tribe was victorious, and pursued the fugitives. After the battle, and the flight of Mahummud Khan, Ameer Ali Padshah alighted on the river to perform his ablutions, and his troops threw off their armour, and followed his example. Ameer Shaikh Hussun the elder, when he saw them thus occupied, descended from the eminence on which he had taken post with his two thousand horse fresh and untired, and charged them; and in this charge Ameer Ali Padshah was killed. Moosa Khan, on seeing this, fled; and Mahummud Khan, who had before fled, now returned, and rejoined Ameer Shaikh Hussun. Ameer Hussun despatched Kara Hussun, his naib, or deputy, and Ameer Akurpukh Oighoor, in pursuit of the fugitives, and then marched towards Tubreez.
The twelfth khan, Mahummud, the son of Boo, or Bool Toghluk.—In some Towarikhs, or histories, the genealogy of Mahummud Khan is stated in this way: Mahummud, the son of Tajo, the son of Banoo Cheen, the son of Hulako,—but however the line be traced, there is no doubt but that he was descended from Hulako. Mahummud Khan, after the death of Ameer Ali Padshah Awirat, about the end of the year 736, with the aid of Shaikh Hussun Elkani Jullair, was seated on the throne at Oujan, and the direction of affairs of state was delivered into the hands of Ameer Shaikh Hussun Noyaun. Ameer Peer Hussein, the grandson of Ameer Choban Suldooz, was sent by the sultan to Sultania to bring thence Dilshad Khatoon, the daughter of Dumiskh Khwajeh and the favourite wife of Aboo Saeed, whom on her arrival he married; he also took the descendants of Khwajeh Ghiaus-ud-deen, the son of Khwajeh Rusheed-ud-deen, under his protection. Verses.— “A man’s actions, whether good or bad, will always meet retribution.”
It is related, that during the reign of Mahummud Khan, the son of Boo Toghluk, the poet Owhud-ud-deen, of Isfahan, flourished. The sultan died a natural death, and was buried at Maraghah.
The thirteenth khan, Toghaie Timoor, the son of Soori, the son of Baba Bahadoor, the son of Abookan, the son of Alkan, the son of Toori, the son of Joje, the son of Kybad, the son of Yusookai Bahadoor. —Toghaie Timoor Khan was descended from Kybad the son of Yusookai Bahadoor, and the brother of Chungeez Khan. It is said, that Toghaie Timoor was in Mazinderan when Ameer Akurpukh Oighoor was sent in pursuit of Moosa Khan, and from an enmity which subsisted between him and Kara Hussun, he went to Sultania to Ameer Peer Hussein, the grandson of Ameer Choban Suldooz, who had married Oghlan Khatoon, the niece of Ameer Akurpukhoighoor; when he arrived there, and related what had happened, they together marched to Khorasan, and in concert with the ameers of that country, and by the united exertions of Ameer Shaikh Ali Koshchi (who was governor of some cities of Khorasan), Ameer Ali Jafur, Ameer Arghoon Shah (the son of Ameer Nowroze, the son of the great Ameer Arghoon Agha), and the ameers who had fled from Ameer Shaikh Hussun Noyaun the elder, brought Toghaie Timoor from Mazinderan, and installed him Khan in Khorasan and read the khotba, and struck money in his name. In the year 737, the Moghools who were in Khorasan assembled and marched to Tubreez, and when they arrived in the limits of Azurbijan, Moosa Khan, who was residing with the Awirat tribes, joined them, and an agreement was made between them, that if they were successful, Khorasan should belong to Toghaie Timoor, and Irak and Azurbijan to Moosa Khan. When Mahummud Khan and Ameer Shaikh Hussun Noyaun Elkani the elder, became aware of this agreement and confederacy, they assembled a large army and marched to attack the confederates, and on the 6th Zi Huj 737, the armies met each other in the plains of Gurm Rood, and a battle was fought; Toghaie Timoor Khan fled to Khorasan before the battle commenced, and Moosa Khan, although he remained some time on the field, at length followed his example. Shortly after this battle, Moosa Khan fell into the hands of the troops of Ameer Shaikh Hussun Noyaun Elkani, and was put to death on the 10th Zi Huj of the same year.