IT must be known to my wife, with inimitable soul, my bosom companion, my confidant, my sincere friend, that from the day that the curtain of separation became terrible, God knows that rest and quiet having fled at once from my soul, in the night I get no sleep and have no respite from the idea and recollection of you. I pray to the God of honor and glory for a sight of you, and am hopeful that it will soon be happily obtained. My anxiety on account of your absence is great. Until we meet, constantly write the state of your affairs; that I may have peace of mind. In the mean time a little money is sent along with my faithful servant Dilawer, and will arrive. Having provided yourself with necessary articles, pass the time, and make yourself easy in every respect. If by the will of God the standard of prosperity and victory should soon move this way, how happy should I be? The curtain of absence will then be drawn up from between us: but if otherwise in two Months I shall send for you, for I can bear your absence no longer; at all events to be together is sufficient.
What should I write more?