KAABA, the, 159, vi, 65
account of, vi, 65
Sikandar's expedition to,
vi, 67, 83, 119
Kabáb, small pieces of meat
skewered together for
roasting, ii, 103; iii, 69;
iv, 121; v, 152; viii, 250
Kabísa, viii, 188
Kabtún, king of Misr and the
progenitor of the Copts,
vi, 121
welcomes Sikandar, vi, 121
praises Kaidáfa to Sikandar,
vi, 122
Kabúda, 147, one of Afrásiyáb's
herdsmen, iii, 73
slain by Bahrám, iii, 74
Kábul, Kábulistán (Afghánis-
tán), city and country,
141, 157, i, 57, 252, 264,
268, 277, 282, 283, 286,
294, 298, 299 note, 300,
302 seq., 316, 357, 378;
ii, 12, 18, 21, 92, 228, 260,
271, 341; iii, 17, 35, 145,
153, 165, 174, 186, 190,
202, 206, 321; iv, 14, 65,
146, 278, 283, 292; v,
126, 170, 173, 224, 242,
251, 260, 263 seq., 271,
273 seq., 284, 287; vi,
207; vii, 173
Buddhism in, i, 15
superseded by Brahman-
ism, i, 16
dagger of, i, 219; vi, 320
Zál visits, i, 256
Beauty of = Rúdába, i,
262, 316
monarch of=Mihráb, i, 294,
rejoicings at, over Zál's
successful embassy to
Minúchihr, i, 314
preparations at, to welcome
Sám and Zál, i, 315
falchion of, i, 376; ix, 98
Shaghád sent to be brought
up at, v, 264
king of, 157, v, 264, 271
daughter of, marries Sha-
ghád, v, 264
Shaghád and, plot against
Rustam, v, 265 seq.
gives a feast, v, 266
pretends to quarrel with
Shaghád, v, 266
treachery of, v, 268 seq.
abases himself before
Rustam, v, 269
entertains Rustam and in-
vites him to hunt, v,
hypocrisy of, v, 271
Farámarz sent against, v,
274, 276
defeated and put to death
with all his kin, v, 277
tribute of, question about,
v, 265
Farámarz makes a Zábulí
king of, v, 277
monarch of, entertained by
Bahrám Gúr, vii, 140 seq.
Káchár Báshí, city in Túrán, ii,
258, 360, 361; vii, 330,
358; ix, 117
Kádisí, Kádisíya, town on one
of the canals west of the
Euphrates and south of
Mashad 'Alí (Nedjef), vi,
119, 330; ix, 5, 73, 74,
77, 78
battle of, i, 12, 143; ix, 5,
67, 69
date of, ix, 67
canal of, ix, 69
Rustam advances to, ix, 73
Kaékasta (Urumiah q.v.), lake,
iv, 137
Káf, mythical Mount Alburz
q.v., ii, 83, 404; iv, 65,
149; viii, 66 and note
Káfúr, king of Bídád, 149, iii, 191
worsts the Íránians, iii, 244
slain by Rustam, iii, 245
Kahtán, desert of, i, 287
Kahtán, the Arabic form of
Joktan, the progenitor of
the southern Arabs, vi,
65, 120
Kai, meaning of, ii, 8
Kaian, Kaiánian (see Kai), ii, 8,
9, 22, 404; iii, 5 seq., 9,
14, 43, 67, 112, 147, 307,
318, 320, 328, 342; iv,
5 seq., 24, 33, 35, 65, 110,
127, 150, 166, 175, 234,
260, 262, 269, 273, 279,
285, 286, 289, 293, 308,
319, 324; v, 7 seq., 10,
47, 49, 52, 54, 57, 59, 60,
67 seq., 73 seq., 79, 86, 91,
97, 122, 168 203, 210,
223, 253, 254, 282, 288,
289, 291, 311; vi, 9 seq.,
17, 34, 48, 55, 57, 59, 81,
112, 125, 141, 179, 180,
194, 199, 200, 202, 210,
223, 237 note; viii, 65,
dynasty, i, 49, 373; ii, 7
seq.; iii, 5 seq.; iv, 5
seq.; v, 7 seq.; vi, 9 seq.
genealogical table, ii, 3
birth-mark, ii, 372
stature, ii, 375
saying, iv, 33
Kaian, throne, viii, 214
race, viii, 217
crown, ix, 11, 105
Kaiánúsh (Katáiún), brother of
Farídún, i, 90, 91, 158
v, 261
referred to, i, 147, 165
Purmáya and, summon the
smiths to Farídún, i, 158
go with Farídún against
Zahhák, i, 159
attempt to kill Farídún, i,
Kai Árash, son of Kai Kubád,
ii, 3, 23, 204, 205; vi,
197, 210, 228; viii, 216
Kai Armín, son of Kai Kubád,
ii, 3, 23
Kaid, Indian king, 159, 161, i,
55; vi, 61, 83, 91 seq.,
identical with Mandanes
(Dandamis), vi, 62
consults Mihrán about his
dreams, vi, 92 seq.
dreams of, interpreted by
Mihrán, vi, 94, seq.
Four Wonders of, 159, vi,
94, 97 and note, 99 seq.
daughter, 159, vi, 94, 100,
102, 104
described, vi, 100, 102,
married to Sikandar, vi,
reference in Sikandar's
Will to, vi, 182
cup, described, vi, 94,
principle of, explained,
vi, 109
leech, vi, 94, 101
prescribes for Sikandar,
vi, 107
sage, vi, 94, 101
=Calanus, vi, 62
Sikandar's encounter of
wits with, vi, 62, 104
explains the principle of
the cup, vi, 109
Kaid, sends his Four Wonders
and other gifts to Si-
kandar, vi, 103
revival of, in legend, vi, 256,
prophecy of, vi, 256, 257, 267
consulted by Ardshír Pápa-
kán, vi, 266
advice of, to Ardshír Pápa-
kán, vi, 267, 273
Kaidáfa (Cilicia), vi, 294, 297
Kaidáfa (Kandake, Candace q.v.),
159, vi, 83, 121 seq., 325
obtains Sikandar's portrait,
vi, 122
praised by Kabtún to Sikan-
dar, vi, 122
receives a letter from
Sikandar, vi, 123
answers Sikandar's letter, vi,
welcomes Kaidrúsh on his
return from captivity, vi,
receives Naitkún (Sikandar)
graciously, vi, 128
state of, described, vi, 128,
130, 133
gives audiences to Naitkún
(Sikandar), vi, 128 seq.
recognises Sikandar, vi, 129
hears Sikandar's embassage,
vi, 129
covenants of, with Sikandar,
vi, 132, 138
warns Sikandar against
Tainúsh, vi, 133
chides Tainúsh, vi, 135
takes counsel with Sikandar
about Tainúsh, vi, 135
approves of Sikandar's
scheme, vi, 137
takes counsel with her
nobles, vi, 139
gifts of, to Sikandar, vi, 140
Sikandar's final message to,
vi, 143
Kaidrúsh (Kandaros, Candaules),
son of Kaidáfa (Candace),
vi, 134, 135
Kaidrúsh, wife of, vi, 66
taken with his wife, by
Sikandar, vi, 125
brought with his wife before
Naitkún, vi, 126
sentenced with his wife to
death, vi, 126
pardoned with his wife, vi,
gratitude of, vi, 127
returns to Kaidáfa, vi, 127
presents Naitkún (Sikan-
dar) to Kaidáfa, vi, 127
Kaihan. See Kaid.
Kai Káús, son of Kai Kubád and
Sháh, 143-147, 152, 153,
i, 42, 338; ii, 3, 8 seq., 23
seq., 33 seq., 54 seq., 61
seq., 109, 110, 127, 130,
233, 243 seq., 264, 269
seq., 273, 284, 286, 290,
296, 301, 316, 318, 319,
335, 347, 361, 364, 371,
372, 383, 401; iii, 7, 9,
13, 14, 20 seq., 24, 30, 45,
51, 84, 85, 88, 90, 93, 96,
113, 145, 147, 166, 174, 236,
238, 239, 289, 307, 327;
iv, 13, 61, 129, 135, 136,
162, 167 seq., 185, 191,
199, 201, 203, 217, 218,
232 seq., 254, 256 seq., 269
seq., 278, 287, 289, 290,
292, 295 seq., 306, 310,
314, 321 seq.; v, 29, 30,
116, 173, 174, 190, 203,
207, 208, 210, 215, 216;
vii, 74, 107, 115; viii,
22, 104, 168, 270, 341; ix,
Reign of, 143, ii, 25 seq.
Notes on, ii, 25 seq., 79
seq., 118, 188 seq., 335
visits Rustam, ii, 83
tempted by dívs, ii, 30 seq.,
82, 102 seq.
goes to Mount Káf, ii, 83
defeats Afrásiyáb and re-
gains Írán, ii, 100
makes Rustam paladin of
paladins, ii, 101
Kai Káús, buildings of, on
Mount Alburz, ii, 81, 101
flying-machine of, ii, 103
fall of, from the sky, ii, 104;
v, 174
repentance of, ii, 105
hears of Suhráb and sum-
mons his chiefs, ii, 136
bids Tús hang Rustam and
Gív, ii, 143
apology of, to Rustam, ii,
encampment of, described,
ii, 153
overthrown by Suhráb, ii,
refuses to cure Suhráb, ii,
attempts to console Rustam,
ii, 181
marries the future mother of
Siyáwush, ii, 194
receives Siyáwush at court,
ii, 198
bestows Kuhistán upon Siyá-
wush, ii, 199
conduct of, in the case of
Siyáwush and Súdába, ii,
200 seq.
sends Siyáwush to fight
Afrásiyáb, ii, 225
rejects terms of peace and
quarrels with Rustam, ii,
244 seq.
hears of the defection of
Siyáwush, ii, 258
grief of, at the death of
Siyáwush, ii, 337
hears of Kai Khusrau's
arrival in Írán, ii, 395
receives Kai Khusrau, ii,
rewards Gív, ii, 399
provides for Farangís, ii,
arbitrates between Tús and
Gúdarz, ii, 403 seq.
welcomes Kai Khusrau on
his return from the
castle of Bahman, ii; 410
Kai Káús, requires Kai Khus-
rau to swear vengeance
on Afrásiyáb, iii, 21
welcomes Gív and hears
his tidings of Kai Khus-
rau, iv, 234
gives a feast, iv, 234
deals with the captives, iv,
proclaims the conquest of
Túrán and Chín, iv, 236
rewards Gív, iv, 236
sends Gív back with letter
to Kai Khusrau, iv, 238
hears that Kai Khusrau is
returning and goes with
the nobles to welcome
him, iv, 256
receives gifts from, and hears
the adventures of, Kai
Khusrau, iv, 257
gives a feast in honour of
Kai Khusrau, iv, 257
counsels a pilgrimage to the
temple of Ázargashasp,
iv, 258
Kai Khusrau and, hear from
Gúdarz of Húm's adven-
ture with Afrásiyáb, iv,
send for Garsíwaz and
put him to the torture,
iv, 265
make thanksgiving before
Ázargashasp, iv, 269
go in state to the temple
of Ázargashasp, iv, 270
prays that he may die, iv,
obsequies of, iv, 271
treasure of, called “The
Bride” bestowed by Kai
Khusrau on Gív, Zál, and
Rustam, iv, 295
favour shown by Luhrásp
to the grandsons of, iv,
318, 321 seq.
grandsons of, go with Zarír
to Rúm, iv, 360
hail Gushtásp as Sháh, iv,
Kai Káús, Rustam's patent
from, v, 203
Kai Khusrau, son of Siyáwush
and Farangís, Sháh, 146-
154, 160, i, 42, 369; ii,
3, 9, 25, 104, 189, 190, 334
seq., 386 seq.; iii, 13 seq.,
47, 55, 57, 66, 106, 108,
111 seq., 132, 134, 166,
173, 175, 186, 191, 197,
198, 202, 205, 211, 226,
228, 238 seq., 249, 250,
271, 277, 285, 286, 289,
294 seq., 326 seq., 338,
353 seq.; iv, 7 seq., 19, 21,
30, 31, 36, 56 seq., 65, 66,
71, 72, 76 seq., 90, 99,
115, 144 seq., 152, 153,
237 seq., 262, 267 seq.,
317 seq., 319, 321; v, 10,
12, 21, 39, 173, 188, 203,
204, 208, 215, 284, 289;
vi, 79, 177; vii, 120, 173,
359; viii, 148, 219, 270,
332, 392; ix, 25, 103
fravashi of, ii, 82
identical with Cyrus the
Great in legend, ii, 9, 190
prophesies respecting, ii, 310,
372, 390
birth of, ii, 325 seq.
account of youth of, ii,
328 seq.
questioned by Afrásiyáb, ii,
dwells at Siyáwushgird, ii,
sent to Khutan, ii, 356
Máchín, ii, 357 note
described by Surúsh, ii, 363
Gúdarz sends Gív to seek,
ii, 364 seq.
recalled, ii, 370
found by Gív, ii, 370
birth-mark of, ii, 372, iii,
49 note
saves Pírán's life, ii, 387
at the Jíhún, ii, 391 seq.
arrives at Zam, ii, 394
visits Gúdarz at Ispahán,
ii, 396
Kai Khusrau, tells his story to
Kai Káús, ii, 397
praises Gív to Kai Káús, ii,
goes to Istakhr, ii, 399
enthroned as Sháh, ii, 400,
supported by Gúdarz and
opposed by Tús, ii, 400
letter of, to the defenders of
the castle of Bahman, ii,
establishes Fire-worship at
the castle of Bahman, ii,
pardons Tús, ii, 410
Reign of, 147, iii, 7 seq.
Notes on, iii, 7 seq., 108,
191, 271, 285 seq.; iv,
7, 135 seq.
last link with the Vedas,
iii, 7
longest in respect of sub-
ject matter in the poem,
iii, 7
divisions of, iii, 7
episodes of, iii, 7
warlike character of, iii,
subject-matter of, iii, 8
accession of, iii, 17
goes on a hunting expedi-
tion, iii, 19
to the temple of Ázar-
gashasp, iii, 20
swears to take vengeance on
Afrásíyab, iii, 21
prepares for war, iii, 23
offers reward for the head
of Paláshán, iii, 26
crown of Tazháv, iii, 27
slave of Tazháv, iii, 27
head of Tazháv, iii, 28
burning the barricade at
the Kása rúd, iii, 28
going on an embassage to
Afrásiyáb, iii, 29
warns Tús to avoid Kalát,
iii, 39
Kai Khusrau, hears of the death
of Farúd and of the defeat
of the Íránians, iii, 84
wrath of, with Tús, iii, 84
seq., 111
writes to Faríburz, iii, 84
disgraces Tús, iii, 86
imprisons Tús, iii, 87
pardons Tús and the Írán-
ians, iii, 114
hears of the peril of the
Íránians on Mount Hamá-
wan and summons Rus-
tam, iii, 142 seq.
sends Rustam to succour
the Íránians, iii, 145
furthers the suit of Farí-
burz to Farangís, iii,
hears of Rustam's victory,
iii, 239
disposes of the captives and
spoil, iii, 240
sends gifts to Rustam and
the host, iii, 241
goes to meet Rustam on his
return in triumph, iii,
gives a feast to the chiefs,
iii, 268
rewards Rustam, iii, 269
holds a court and hears of
the doings of the dív
Akwán, iii, 273
writes to summon Rustam,
iii, 274
goes to welcome Rustam on
his return from slaying
the dív Akwán, iii, 282
rewards Rustam, iii, 283
hears at a feast of the case
of the Irmánians, iii, 289
calls for volunteers, iii, 291
sends Bízhan and Gurgín to
Irmán, iii, 292
comforts Gív for the loss
of Bízhan, iii, 315, 318
imprisons Gurgín, iii, 317
promises Gív to consult the
divining-cup about Bíz-
han, iii, 317
Kai Khusrau sends Gív to sum-
mon Rustam, iii, 319
sends the host to meet
Rustam, iii, 327
welcomes Rustam, iii, 328
jewelled tree of, iii, 329
requests Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, iii, 330
releases Gurgín at Rustam's
request, iii, 333
equips Rustam for his quest
of Bízhan, iii, 333
welcomes Rustam on his
return, iii, 354
rewards Rustam and his
comrades, iii, 356
holds converse with Bízhan,
iii, 356
gives gifts to Manízha, iii,
hears that the Túránians
are invading Írán, iv, 12
summons his paladins, iv, 13
host, iv, 14
sends Rustam to Hindústán,
iv, 14
Luhrásp to the Aláns,
iv, 14
Ashkash to Khárazm, iv,
Gúdarz to Túrán, iv, 15
orders Gúdarz to negotiate
with Pírán, iv, 15
receives letter from Gúdarz,
iv, 58
rewards Hajír, the bearer,
iv, 58
prays for victory, iv, 58
sends Hajír with answer,
iv, 61
leads a host to aid Gúdarz,
iv, 62
referred to, iv, 85
presage of, that Pírán would
be slain by Gúdarz, iv, 85,
reaches Gúdarz, iv, 111, 126
receives Gúdarz and the
other champions, iv, 126
Gurwí brought by Gív
before, iv, 127
Kai Khusrau, laments over
Pírán, iv, 127
buries Pírán and the Túr-
ánian champions, iv, 128
puts Gurwí to death, iv, 129
rewards the host, iv, 129
gives Ispahán to Gúdarz,
iv, 129
pardons the Túránian host,
iv, 131
amulet of, iv, 133
heals Gustaham, iv, 133
summons reinforcements,
iv, 134, 145
Great War of, with Afrásiyáb,
152, iv, 135 seq.
exemption of, from death,
iv, 138
recalls the troops under
Luhrásp, Rustam, and
Ashkash, iv, 145
stations Tús on his right
with Káwa's standard, iv,
gives the right wing to Rus-
tam, iv, 147
left wing to Gúdarz, iv,
commands to various
chiefs, iv, 148, 149
hears of Afrásiyáb's passage
of the Jíhún, iv, 157
sends troops to the aid of
Gustaham, son of Nau-
dar, at Balkh, iv, 157
Ashkash with a host to
Zam, iv, 157
marches to Khárazm, iv, 157
surveys the seat of war and
entrenches the host, iv,
Shída's embassage to, iv, 161
sends Káran to welcome
Shída, iv, 165
proposes to fight in single
combat, iv, 166
rejects the Íránians' sug-
gestions of a peace, iv,
accepts Shída's challenge,
iv, 168, 169
Kai Khusrau, sends Káran with
a reply to Shída, iv, 168
arms to fight with Shída,
iv, 171
makes Ruhhám his stand-
ard-bearer, iv, 171
sends instructions to the
host, iv, 171
parley of, with Shída, iv,
accepts Shída's challenge
to a wrestling-bout, iv,
gives Ruhhám charge of his
steed, iv, 175
wrestles and overthrows
Shída, iv, 175
instructs Ruhhám to bury
Shída, iv, 176
spares the life of Shída's
interpreter and bids him
return to Afrásiyáb with
tidings, iv, 176
prays for vengeance on, and
attacks, Afrásiyáb, iv, 178
bids Shammákh attack, iv,
attacks with Rustam from
the centre, iv, 180
fights with Ustukílá, Ílá and
Burzúyalá, iv, 182
returns to camp, iv, 183
hears of Afrásiyáb's retreat,
iv, 184
offers praise to God, iv, 184
pursues Afrásiyáb, iv, 185
marches to Sughd, iv, 188
hears tidings of Afrásiyáb,
iv, 188
sends Gustaham, son of
Naudar, to Chách, iv, 188
Rustam to encounter
Tawurg, iv, 188
marches from Sughd and
reduces the Turkman
strongholds, iv, 189
to the Gulzaryún, iv, 189
commands the centre, iv,
prays for victory, iv, 191
Kai Khusrau, hears of the defeat
of Kurákhán by Gusta-
ham, son of Naudar, iv,
hears of Rustam's defeat
of Tawurg, iv, 193
warns Rustam to beware of
Afrásiyáb, iv, 194
plunders the camp of, and
pursues, Afrásiyáb, iv,
besieges Gang-bihisht, iv,
198, 208 seq.
converses with Rustam, iv,
198, 199, 222
receives Jahn in audience,
iv, 200
declines Afrásiyáb's pro-
posals for peace, iv, 207
with Rustam, gustaham
son of Naudar, and Gú-
darz, assails Gang-bihisht
on all sides, iv, 208 seq.
prays for victory, iv, 208
takes Gang-bihisht by storm,
iv, 209 seq.
searches vainly for Afrá-
siyáb, iv, 212
gives the spoil of Gang-
bihisht to the troops, iv,
grants quarter to the Turk-
mans and assumes the
government of Túrán, iv,
dwells for a while at Gang-
bihisht, iv, 218
leaves Gúdarz and Farhád
at Gang-bihisht, iv, 219
marches against Afrásiyáb,
iv, 220
rejects Afrásiyáb's over-
tures, iv, 223
fight a general engagement
against Afrásiyáb, iv, 223,
entrenches his troops and
prepares with Tús and
Rustam for a night-at-
tack from Afrásiyáb, iv,
Kai Khusrau, repulses Afrási-
yáb's night-attack, iv, 225
defeats Afrásiyáb, iv, 227
receives the submission of
Afrásiyáb's army, iv, 228
gives a feast, iv, 228
offers praise to God, iv, 228
returns to Gang-bihisht, iv,
accepts the submission of the
Khán and Faghfúr, iv, 229
resolves to pursue Afrá-
siyáb to Gang-dizh, iv,
plan of, opposed by the host,
iv, 231
supported by Rustam, iv,
agreed to by the host, iv,
sends Gív with Afrásiyáb's
captive kindred to Kai
Káús, iv, 232 seq.
leaves Gustaham, son of
Naudar, in command at
Gang-bihisht and marches
to Chín, iv, 238
demands facilities from the
Khán, the Faghfúr, and
the king of Makrán, iv,
marches through Khutan,
iv, 240
welcomed by the Faghfúr
and the Khán of Chín, iv,
stays three months in Chín,
iv, 241
leaves Rustam in Chín and
marches to Makrán, iv,
sends an embassy to the
king of Makrán, iv, 241
gives honourable burial to
the king of Makrán, iv,
stops the pillage of Makrán,
iv, 243
stays a year in Makrán, iv,
makes ready a fleet, iv, 244
Kai Khusrau, leaves Ashkash as
governor and marches to
the desert, iv, 244
voyage of, iv, 245
wonders of, iv, 245
lands, iv, 246
appoints Gív governor, iv,
receives the submission of
the chiefs, iv, 247
seeks for tidings of Gang-
dizh and of Afrásiyáb, iv,
marches to Gang-dizh, iv,
forbids his troops to injure
Gang-dizh, iv, 247
enters Gang-dizh, iv, 248
searches for Afrásiyáb, iv,
remains a year at Gang-dizh,
iv, 249
urged by his paladins to
return to Írán, iv, 249
appoints a governor for
Gang-dizh, iv, 249
distributes treasures at
Gang-dizh, iv, 250
marches seaward from Gang-
dizh, iv, 250
welcomed by Gív, iv, 250
crosses the sea to Makrán,
iv, 251
welcomed in Makrán by Ash-
kash and the chiefs, iv,
appoints a governor for
Makrán, iv, 251
marches to Chín, iv, 251
welcomed by Rustam, iv,
confirms the Faghfúr and
Khán in the possession of
Máchín and Chín, iv, 252
goes with Rustam to Siyá-
wushgird, iv, 252
rewards Rustam and Gív,
iv, 252
welcomed by Gustaham, son
of Naudar, iv, 252
goes to Gang-bihisht, iv, 253
Kai Khusrau, prays for satis-
faction on Afrásiyáb, iv,
dwells for a year in Gang-
bihisht, iv, 254
desires to return to Kai
Káús, iv, 254
leaves Gustaham, son of
Naudar, as viceroy, iv,
carries off treasure from
Chín and Makrán, iv, 254
arrives at Chách, iv, 255
Sughd, iv, 255
met by Khúzan and Talí-
mán, iv, 255
makes offerings to the Fire-
temple at Bukhárá, iv,
crosses the Jíhún, iv, 255
arrives at Balkh, iv, 255
welcomed everywhere by
the people, iv, 255
goes by Tálikán, the Marv-
rúd, Níshápúr, and Dám-
aghán to Rai, iv, 255
stays two weeks at Rai, iv,
announces his approach to
Kai Káús, iv, 256
goes to Baghdád and thence
to Párs, iv, 256
reception of, by Kai Káús,
iv, 256
presents gifts, and tells his
adventures, to Kai Káús,
iv, 257
has a feast given in his
honour by Kai Káús, iv,
rewards the troops, iv, 258
takes counsel with Kai Káús
concerning Afrásiyáb, iv,
goes with Kai Káús on a pil-
grimage to the temple of
Ázargashasp, iv, 258
Kai Káús and, hear from
Gúdarz of Húm's adven-
ture with Afrásiyáb, iv,
Kai Khusrau, and Kai Káús, send
for Garsíwaz, and put him
to the torture, iv, 265
slays Afrásiyáb, iv, 268
Garsíwaz, iv, 269
Kai Káús and, make thanks-
giving before Ázargash-
asp, iv, 269
treasurer of, makes gifts to
Ázargashasp, iv, 269
sends letters announcing
his triumph to all the
chiefs, iv, 270
holds festival and bestows
treasure, iv, 270
goes with Kai Káús in state
to the temple of Ázar-
gashasp, iv, 270
performs the obsequies of
Kai Káús, iv, 271
assumes the crown as sole
Sháh, iv, 272
becomes world-weary, iv,
closes his court and with-
draws to his oratory, iv
prays that he may be taken
from the world, iv, 274
passes a week in prayer, iv,
274, 279
remonstrated with by the
nobles, iv, 275, 279
replies to the nobles, iv, 276
passes five weeks in prayer,
iv, 280
hears from Surúsh that his
prayer is granted, iv,
bidden to appoint Luhrásp
as his successor, iv, 281
puts off his royal robes, iv,
receives Zál, Rustam, and
others in audience, iv, 283
pardons Zál, iv, 291
orders an assembly to be
held on the plain, iv,
Kai Khusrau, treasure of, dis-
posal of, iv, 294
found by Sikandar, 160,
vi, 176
charge of, to Gúdarz, iv, 294
gifts of, to Gív, Zál, and
Rustam, iv, 295
Gustaham, iv, 295
Gúdarz, iv, 295
Faríburz, iv, 295
Bízhan, iv, 295
Zál's companions, iv, 297
confirms Rustam in pos-
session of Nímrúz, iv, 297;
v, 203
bestows Kum and Ispahán
on Gív, iv, 298
confirms the charge of
Káwa's flag, and gives
Khurásán, to Tús, iv, 300
summons and crowns Luh-
rásp, iv, 300
Zál's protest to, against
Luhrásp's succession to,
iv, 301
justifies his choice of Luh-
rásp, iv, 301
takes leave of the Íránians,
iv, 303
women of, lament for him,
iv, 304
commends his women to the
honour of Luhrásp, iv, 305
dismisses the Íránians, iv,
counsels Luhrásp, iv, 305
bids Luhrásp farewell, iv,
sets forth on his pilgrimage
with some of his chiefs,
iv, 306
Indian parallel, iv, 138
again appealed to by the
Íránians, iv, 306
reply of, iv, 307
bids his chiefs return, iv, 307
rests with his remaining
chiefs by a spring, iv, 307
prepares for his passing, iv,
farewells his chiefs, iv, 308
Kai Khusrau, warns his chiefs
of the coming of the snow,
iv, 308
disappears, iv, 308
Kai Kubád, Sháh and founder
of the Kaiánian dynasty,
142, i, 42, 373, 374; ii, 3,
8, 12, 14, 16, 18 seq., 26,
33, 34, 36, 37, 87, 143,
144, 249, 260, 270, 274,
327, 336, 363, 390, 394;
iii, 34, 49, 51, 57, 144;
iv, 35, 70, 149, 168, 201,
283, 298, 302; v, 174,
180, 188, 189, 202, 205,
210, 221, 272; vi, 197,
210; vii, 37, 74, 115, 120,
173; viii, 89, 170, 260,
270, 310, 332; ix, 25
brought by Rustam from
Mount Alburz, i, 382 seq.
tells his dream to Rustam,
i, 385
accepted by Zál and the
other chiefs as Sháh, i, 387
Reign of, 142, ii, 11
Note on, ii, 11
origin of, ii, 11 and note
makes peace with Afrá-
siyáb, ii, 20
gifts of, to Zál and Rustam,
ii, 21
descendants of, commanded
by Diláfrúz, stationed on
Kai Khusrau's left hand,
iv, 147
Kai Manush, vi, 200
Kai Pashín, son of Kai Kubád,
ii, 3, 23, 204, 205; iv,
Kais, Arab chief, entertains
Khusrau Parwíz, viii,
Kaiser Friedrich Museum, viii,
Kait. See Kaid.
Kai Ugí. vi, 200
Kaiwán, Íránian statistician, vii,
Kaiwán, calculates the arrears of
taxes, vii, 11
Kákula, Túránian hero, iv, 188
reinforces Afrásiyáb, iv, 188
Kákwí (cf. Karkwí), grandson of
Zahhák, 141, i, 226
attacks the Íránians, i, 225
defeated and slain by Minú-
chihr, i, 227
Kaláhúr, warrior of Mázandarán,
ii, 67
tries a handgrip with Rus-
tam, ii, 67
Kalát, stronghold, iii, 39; ix, 91
home of Farúd, iii, 39
Kai Khusrau bids Tús to
avoid, iii, 39
Tús marches to, iii, 40
captured by the Íránians,
iii, 66
Kalát-i-Nádirí, stronghold, ii,
189; iii, 14
described, iii, 14
Kalé (Nereis), daughter of Alex-
ander in the Pseudo-Cal-
listhenes, vi, 77
Andreas, the cook, and,
legend of, vi, 77
Kalíla and Dimna, Book of, 169.
See Fables of Bidpai.
Kálíniyús (Nicephorium, Callini-
cus, Warígh q.v., Rakka),
city situated at the junc-
tion of the Belikh and the
Euphrates, 167, viii, 188
taken by Núshírwán, vii,
218, 257
Kalú, mountain in Túrán, ii, 328*
Pírán sends Kai Khusrau
to be brought up on, ii,
goes to see Kai Khusrau
at, ii, 329
Kálús, Rúman chief, iv, 356
sent as envoy to Ilyás, iv,
352, 358
Luhrásp, iv, 357
entertained by Luhrásp, iv,
Kálús, describes Gushtásp to
Luhrásp, iv, 358
dismissed with honour, iv,
Kámús, Túránian hero, 148, 149,
iii, 107, 151, 152, 161, 162,
164 seq., 168 seq., 172, 176,
178, 181 seq., 200, 207,
209, 213, 216, 224, 229,
232, 235, 241, 242, 251,
252, 256, 268, 269; iv,
297; v, 167, 199, 220
Story of, of Kashán, 148, iii,
108 seq.
Firdausí on, iii, 269
comes to the aid of Pírán,
iii, 151
plan of campaign of,
adopted, iii, 162
leads the attack, iii, 168
hears of the coming of Rus-
tam, iii, 175
Rustam described by Pírán
to, iii, 183
challenges Rustam, iii, 187
parleys with Rustam, iii, 188
fights, and is taken prisoner
by, Rustam, iii, 189
end of, iii, 190
Kanábad, mountain, part of the
Binalúd range north of
Nishápúr in Khurásán.
The name may be preserved
in the modern Gunabad,
a village to the north of
that range, iv, 23, 37, 47,
48, 51, 55, 56, 76, 88, 112
occupied by Pírán, iv, 22
Kand. See Kaid.
Kandá Gashasp, Íránian war-
rior, viii, 103, 122, 163
speech of, viii, 166
Kandahár, city in southern
Afghánistán, i, 286; iv,
65; v, 233 note
Kandake (Candace q.v., Kaidáfa
q.v.), vi, 66
Kandaros. See Kaidrúsh.
Kandaules. See Kaidrúsh.
Kand-i-Shápúr. See Gund-i-
Kangha (Khárazm q.v.), country,
ii, 189, 190
Kangdez (Gang-dizh q.v.),
stronghold, ii, 189, 190
Kanír. See Tainúsh.
Kannúj (Kanauj), city near the
west bank of the Ganges
in the division of Agra in
the United Provinces of
British India, i, 261, 357;
iii, 35; iv, 278, 283, 284;
v, 257; vi, 64, 207, 352;
vii, 115, 119, 123, 128,
129, 134, 137, 385, 386,
390, 393, 425
conquest of, by Mahmúd,
i, 99, 100 and note,
Sikandar reaches, vi, 110
river of, vii, 112 and note,
monarch of=Shangul, vii,
Bahrám Gúr appointed heir
to, vii, 143
Karabagh (Arrán), district north
of the Aras, i, 9
seat of primitive Fire-wor-
ship, i, 56
Karakh-Maishán, town built on
the lower Tigris by Ardshír
Pápakán, vi, 199, 291
Káran, son of Káwa, Íránian
hero and the mythical
progenitor of a family
famous in Ashkánian
times, 141, i, 207, 211, 214
seq., 344, 345, 365; ii,
11. seq., 18, 22, 119; iii,
9; iv, 146; vi, 194;
viii, 168; ix, 85
takes the Castle of the
Aláns, i, 223 seq.
reports his success to Minú-
chihr, i, 225
commands Naudar's host,
i, 345
tells of his encounter with
Afrásiyáb, i, 350
counsels Naudar, i, 353
Káran, son of Káwa, with
Shídúsh and Kishwád, pur-
sues Kurákhán, i, 354
defeats and slays Bármán,
i, 354
defeats Wísa, i, 357
meets and defeats Shamá-
sás, i, 361
bears to Zav the news of
his election as Sháh, i,
re-appearance of, in legend,
iv, 135, 146
made champion of the host,
iv 149
sent by Kai Khusrau to
welcome Shída, iv, 165
bears Kai Khusrau's answer
to Shída, iv, 168
opposes and defeats Jahn,
iv, 178
family, of, vii, 171
glorification of, vii, 170
origin of, vii, 185
rivalry of, with Mihrán,
vii, 185
Káran, mountain, the name
given from the above
hero to part of the Al-
burz range which lies
between Mount Damá-
wand and Ámul and
formed his principality,
and that of his descend-
ants as late as and after
the Muhammadan con-
quest, v, 112
Káran, Íránian chief, temp. Yaz-
dagird, son of Shápúr and
Bahrám Gúr, vi, 394;
vii, 86, 90
Káran, mountain-chief, viii,
Karap (Karpan), v, 17
meaning of, v, 14
Kara su, river, v, 14
Káraz, viii, 252 and note.
Kargasárs, a wild tribe, i, 253
and note, 277, 279, 286,
290, 294, 298, 319, 340;
ii, 98; iii, 318
Karímán, Íránian hero and great-
great-grandfather of Rus-
tam, ii, 4, 125 and note,
v, 202
Káristán, viii, 188
Karkh, suburb of Baghdád, iv,
147; ix, 85
Arab defeat at, ix, 85
Karkh=Khurram Ábád (?), vi,
Karkwí (cf. Kákwí), a descend-
ant of Zahhák, i, 290
attacks Sám, i, 290
slain by Sám, i, 291
Karmá'íl and Irmá'íl, Zahhák's
cooks, 140
device of, i, 146
Kárnámak - i - Ardshír - i -
Pápakán, Pahlaví text,
vi, 14 note, 61, 198, 301,
325; vii, 380
account of, vi, 195
resembles Yátkár-i-Zarí-
rán, vi, 196
purport of, vi, 196
portion of Sháhnáma cor-
responding with, vi, 196
compared with, vi, 200
seq., 205 seq., 255 seq.
Firdausí and, vi, 196
polo episode in, vi, 196
Karnaprávaramís, vi, 80
Karpan (Karap q.v.), v, 14
Kársán, viii, 188, 252
gates of, shut against Khus-
rau Parwíz, viii, 252
walls of, fall down, viii, 253
Khusrau Parwíz stays at,
viii, 253
Karshipta, mythical bird, i, 235
Karsiyún, Túránian hero, iv, 10
Kárun, mountain. See Káran.
Kárún, river joining the Shat al
Arab at its delta, vi, 199
dam on, vi, 295
Kása rúd (Kashaf q.v.), river,
147, iii, 28, 68, 69, 71, 72,
82, 105; iv, 90
barricade at the, iii, 29
burnt by Gív, iii, 73
Kashaf (Kása rúd q.v.), river in
north-eastern Khurásán,
i, 235, 296
story of the dragon of, i, 296
Kashán (Kásán, town in Farg-
hána, north of the Jax-
artes?), iii, 108, 151, 170,
177, 180, 181, 188, 192,
204, 207, 224, 237, 242;
iv, 189; v, 39; vii, 331,
Kámús of, Story of, 148, iii
108 seq.
in Túrán, iii, 108
in Írán, iii, 109
man of=Kámús, iii, 189
Kashán, city between Ispahán
and Kum, iii, 109
Kashmar. See Kishmar.
Kashmigán, son of Farrukhzád,
ix, 92
Kashmíhan, place north-east of
Marv, vii, 89
Bahrám Gúr's victory at,
vii, 90
Súfarai's victory at, vii, 170
note, 176
Kashmír, country, i, 113; ii, 271,
338; iii, 35, 152, 237, 251;
iv, 14, 60, 65; v, 263;
vii, 395, 396, 421
king of, vi, 31
monarch of, entertained by
Bahrám Gúr, vii, 140 seq.
Kastantaniya (Constantinople),
viii, 265
Kastarit. See Kyaxares.
Kaswín. See Kazwín.
Kát (Káth), one of the two
capitals of Khárazm
(Gurganj being the other)
situated on the right
bank of the Oxus, iii, 152
Katáyún. (Náhíd), daughter of
Cæsar, wife of Gushtásp,
and mother of Asfandiyár,
154, 156, ii, 3; iv, 348;
v, 11, 253
referred to, i, 55; v, 205,
249, 252
Katáyún, eldest daughter of
Cæsar, iv, 348
Story of, 154, iv, 329. seq
marriage of, iv, 329 seq.
dreams of Gushtásp, iv, 329
sees and chooses Gushtásp
for her husband, iv, 330
marries Gushtásp, iv, 331
sells a jewel, iv, 332
discovers that Gushtásp is
of royal race, iv, 340
persuades Gushtásp to go
to the Sports on Cæsar's
riding-ground, iv, 349
Cæsar reproached by Gush-
tásp for his unkindness to,
iv, 350
reconciled to Cæsar, iv, 351
referred to, iv, 358
receives gifts from Cæsar, iv,
goes to Írán with Gush-
tásp, iv, 364
sons of, v, 32
counsels Asfandiyár, v, 168,
ancestry of, v, 205
Asfandiyár's last message
to, v, 249
laments over Asfandiyár, v,
consoled by Bishútan, v, 255
Katíb, Arab chief, vi, 21, 65, 120
Katmára, Íránian hero, iv, 92
put in command of the right
wing, iv, 92
Káús, Sháh. See Kai Káús.
brand-mark of, iii, 291
Káús, son of Sháh Kubád, vii,
Kavárazem (Gurazm q.v.), v, 12
Kavi (Kai), ii, 8
Usa, ii, 25
Kavi (Kavíg), v, 14
Kavíg (Kavi), v, 17
meaning of, v, 14
Kavi Husravah (Kai Khusrau
q. v.), iv, 137, 138
Kávya Ushaná (Kai Káús, q. v.)
ii, 25
Kávyan (Kaian), ii, 8
Káwa, the smith, 140, i, 155 seq.,
207, 214; iv, 165, 178;
vii, 185; viii, 72; ix, 30
Zahhák and, Story of, 140, i,
154 seq.
revolts and goes to Farídún,
i, 157
leads Farídún's van, i, 160
flag of, i, 143, 160, 211, 217,
218, 237, 332; ii, 12, 227,
341, 349, 354, 400, 402,
405, 406, 410; iii, 25, 38,
39, 48, 84, 85, 116, 121,
126, 129, 135 seq., 149,
161; iv, 24, 25, 34, 55,
59, 92, 112, 146, 180, 226,
243, 282, 292, 359; vi,
347; vii, 250; viii, 385;
ix, 30, 67
origin of, i, 157
Bízhan's prowess with, iii,
half of, taken by Pírán,
iii, 94
staff of, cloven by Púlád-
wand, iii, 258
Tús confirmed in charge
of, by Kai Khusrau, iv,
rescued by Girámí, v, 59, 69
Káwian, standard, i, 211
Kázirún, town west of Shíráz, vi,
Kazwín, city north-west of Tih-
rán, v, 30
Kerátor. See Tainúsh.
Keresásp, Keresáspa, Íránian
hero, i, 234, 235, 373; ii, 4
account of, in the Zanda-
vasta, i, 172
later development of, i, 174
Keresavasda (Garsíwaz q.v.), ii,
189; iv, 137
Khalaj (Kharlíkh), a Turkish
tribe dwelling north of the
Jaxartes and east of
Táshkand, vii, 92
Khálid, famous Arab general
temp. Muhammad, v, 12
begins hostilities against
Persian Empire, ix, 66
Khálid, recalled to lead Syrian
campaign, iv, 66
Khallukh (cf. Khalaj), iv, 10,
156; v, 42, 44, 55, 61, 74,
90, 107, 112, 157, 242, 255
Khán of Chín, the, temp. Kai
Káús, ii, 383
temp. Kai Khusrau, 148, 149,
iii, 108, 160 seq., 164 seq.,
172, 175 seq., 181, 184,
187, 190 seq., 196, 198 seq.,
205, 207 seq., 215, 217, 221
222, 226 seq., 235, 241,
242, 251, 252, 256, 268,
320; iv, 60, 135, 238 seq.;
v, 199, 220
Khán of Chín=Arjásp, v, 47, 51,
temp. Sikandar, ambassadors
from, come to Dárá, vi, 35
temp. Bahrám Gúr, 165, vii,
49, 91, 93, 97, 101, 111
invades Írán, vii, 84
responds graciously to the
Íránians' embassage, vii,
gives himself up to pleasure
at Marv, vii, 88
fate of, in war with Bahrám
Gúr, vii, 5, 90
crown of, placed in a Fire-
temple, vii, 95
Khúshnawáz, son of, vii,
temp. Núshírwán, 168, vii, 186,
328 seq.; viii, 43, 52, 87,
89, 97 seq.
daughter of, married to
Núshírwán, 168, vii, 213,
historically ruler of the
Turks, vii, 317
relations of, with Núshír-
wán, vii, 88
the Haitálians, vii, 317,
328 seq.
embassy of, to Núshírwán,
vii, 329
hears of the destruction of
his embassy by the Hai-
tálians, vii, 330
Khán of Chín, leads forth his
troops, vii, 330
defeats the Haitálians, vii,
Núshírwán takes counsel
about, vii, 333, 334
descent of, from Afrásiyáb
and Arjásp, vii, 334.
Núshírwán writes to, vii,
purposes to invade Írán, vii,
hears of Núshírwán's ad-
vance, vii, 338
takes counsel, vii, 338
sends embassy to Núshír-
wán, vii, 339
hears his envoy's account
of Núshírwán, vii, 344
offers to make affinity with
Núshírwán, vii, 345
attempts to outwit Núshír-
wán, vii, 351
gives audience to Míhrán
Sitád, vii, 351
invites Mihrán Sitád to
choose a wife for Núshír-
wán, vii, 352
consults the astrologers, vii,
entrusts his daughter to
Mihrán Sitád, vii, 354
gives presents to Mihrán
Sitád, vii, 356
parts with his daughter at
the Jíhún, vii, 356
daughter of, 168
described, vii, 352, 357
evacuates territory, vii,
Khán of Chín (see too Parmúda),
temp, Hurmuzd, Khusrau
Parwíz, and Yazdagird,
171, 173, viii, 141 seq.,
190, 191, 204, 215, 220,
263 seq., 306, 316 seq.,
342 seq., 346 seq., 351,
352, 356, 357, 363; ix,
87, 102
supposed war of, with Hur-
muzd, viii, 72
Khán of Chín, marriage of
daughter of, with Núshír-
wán referred to, viii, 72
letter of, viii, 77
dismissed by Hurmuzd with
gifts, viii, 152
refuses advances of Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 153
becomes friends with Bah-
rám Chúbína, viii, 172
brother of, 173, viii, 190, 191
reports flight of Gurdya,
viii, 351
ordered to go in pursuit,
viii, 351
parley of, with Gurdya,
viii, 352
daughter of, viii, 190
killed by lion-ape, 173,
viii, 322, 324
queen of, viii, 190
asks Bahrám Chúbína to
avenge her daughter, viii,
disgraced, viii, 344
welcomes Bahrám Chúbína,
viii, 316
swears friendship with Bah-
rám Chúbína, viii, 317
dominated by Makátúra,
viii, 317
advised by Bahrám Chúbína
to slight Makátúra, viii,
views fight between Bahrám
Chúbína and Makátúra,
viii, 320
sends gifts to Bahrám Chú-
bína, viii, 321
refuses to give up Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 329
distrust Bahrám Chú-
bína, viii, 334
impress of seal of, obtained
by Kharrád, viii, 338
burns Kulún's kindred, viii,
seeks in vain for Kharrád,
viii, 344
mourns for Bahrám Chú-
bína, viii, 344
Khán of Chín, brother of, 173
=Bízhan, ix, 97
Khánagí, Rúman noble, viii, 375,
leads Cæsar's embassy to
Khusrau Parwíz, viii, 374
Khusrau Parwíz' gifts to,
viii, 382
returns to Rúm, viii, 382
Khán-i-Irmán (Arman q.v.), iii,
Khanjast (Chíjast, Urumiah),
lake in Ázarbáiján, iv,
136, 264; viii, 282
Khár (Khuvár) of Rai, district
and town (now Aradún),
so called to distinguish
it from a town of the same
name in Párs, situated
south-east of Tihrán, i,
368, 374, 381
Khárazm (Khiva), country, ii,
189, 190; iv, 11, 12, 15,
60, 61, 72, 157, 173, 186,
287; vi, 72; vii, 238,
Kharazmians, people, ii, 190;
vi, 72
Kharijites, Muhammadan sect, i,
Kharrád, Íránian hero, i, 365;
ii, 11, 22, 33, 73, 340;
iii, 115, 127, 139, 211,
273, 289; iv, 15
Kharrád, nonce name assumed
by Asfandiyár, v, 146,
Kharrád, temp. Ardshír Pápa-
kán, Íránian warrior, 161,
vi, 284
takes Ardawán prisoner, vi,
temp. Bahrám Gúr, Íránian
chief, vii, 85
temp. Kubád son of Pírúz,
archimage, vii, 207
temp. Núshírwán=(?) the
above, vii, 251
Kharrád, sacred Fire, vi, 212
and note, 226, 391
Kharrád. bower of, vii, 83
Kharrád, son of Barzín (Hur-
muzd Garábzín or Galáb-
zín), 171-173, viii, 74, 76,
158 seq., 205, 225, 257 seq.,
269, 270, 331 seq., 381;
ix, 4, 11, 12, 24
sent by Hurmuzd as envoy
to Sáwa, viii, 110
beguiles Sáwa and flees, viii,
flight of, reported to Sáwa,
viii, 112
counsels Bahrám Chúbína,
viii, 121
seeks, refuge, viii, 123
counts Íránian slain, viii,
blames and counsels Bahrám
Chúbína for his behaviour
to Parmúda, viii, 144,
questions Bahrám Chúbína
on his adventure with the
onager, viii, 158
flees from Balkh with arch-
scribe, viii, 159
makes report of Bahrám
Chúbína to Hurmuzd, viii,
real name of, viii, 190
waits on Khusrau Parwíz,
viii, 252
speech of, to Cæsar, viii, 259,
masters Cæsar's talismans,
viii, 274, 275
Cæsar's gift to, viii, 278
praised by Cæsar, viii, 279
made chief minister, viii, 314
speech of, to Khán, viii, 332
attempts to prejudice Bah-
rám Chúbína to the Khán,
viii, 333
intrigues against Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 334 seq.
cures daughter of queen of
Chín, viii, 336
incites Kulún to kill Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 337
asks boon of queen of Chín,
viii, 338
Kharrád, returns to Írán and is
rewarded, viii, 345
reads out Cæsar's letter to
Khusrau Parwíz, viii, 376
end of, ix, 4
chosen to visit Khusrau
Parwíz at Taisafún, ix, 9
Ashtád and, parley with
Galínúsh, ix, 11
visit Khusrau Parwíz, ix,
report to Shírwí, ix, 27
Kharrád, Íránian general, de-
feats Khazars, viii, 96
Kharrád, father of Hurmuzd, ix,
Khashásh, Túránian hero, v, 47
made leader of the van, v,
Khatá (Cathay), northern China,
ii, 357
Khatlán (Khuttal), a general
name for the non-Muham-
madan regions to the
north and east of Khurá-
sán (=Haitál), more
specifically a district on
the right bank of the
upper Oxus west of, or
forming part of, Badakh-
shán, iii, 218, 228; iv,
65; vii, 94, 331, 359
Khátún, consort of the Khán of
Chín, vii, 5
fate of, in war with Bahrám
Gúr, vii, 5
Kháwar, the West or Khurá-
sán (?), perhaps=Khár
q.v., iv, 147, 148. Cf.
Káran (mountain).
Khazar, Khazars, region and
people north of the Cau??
casus, i, 17; ii, 285; iv,
71, 316, 352 seq., 358, 361;
vii, 83, 214, 224; viii,
94, 377, 379
invasion of, viii, 72, 93
defeated, viii, 96
Khazarwán, Túránian hero, 142
Shamásás and, invade Zábu-
listán, i, 345, 358
Khazarwán parleyed with by
Mihráb to gain time, i,
slain by Zál, i, 360; ii, 18
Khazarwán, temp. Bahrám Gúr,
king of Gílán, vii, 85
takes the Khán prisoner,
vii, 90
Khazarwán, Íránian noble, temp.
Khusrau Parwíz, speech
of, viii, 241
Khazrá, treasure, viii, 406 and
Khiláfat, the, i, 12 seq.
Khil'at, robe of honour, i, 82
Khír, place on the south-western
shore of Lake Niris in
Párs, vi, 198
Khisr (Al Khidr, q.v.), chief and
prophet, vi, 159
goes with Sikandar to the
Gloom, vi, 159
parts company with Sikan-
dar, vi, 160
finds the Fount of Life, vi,
Khiva (Kharazm), country, ii,
Khorasan. See Khurásán.
Khshathró-saoka (Gang-dizh?),
stronghold, ii, 189, 190
Khudai-náma (Bástán-Náma), i,
66; v, 24
Khurásán, province in north-
eastern Írán, 176, ii, 399;
iv, 148, 203; v, 28, 77;
vi, 242, 301; vii, 100,
214, 224, 237, 335; viii,
78, 94, 241, 313, 355, 369;
ix, 59, 69, 87, 88, 92
Narsí made ruler of, vii,
governor of, viii, 75
prince of, viii, 173
Máhwí becomes master of,
ix, 114
Khurásán, chieftain, viii, 241
speech of, viii, 240
Khurásání. See Mákh.
Khurdád, ameshaspenta, i, 88;
iii, 287, 328
Khurdád, month and day, i, 88,
159; vii, 112, 225, 351;
viii, 25, 173
Khurm, seat of an oracle, vi, 82
meaning of, vi, 82
oracle of, consulted, vi, 184
Khurra-i-Ardshír. See Ardshír
Khurram Ábád (Karkh?), city,
vi, 327, 357 and note
Khurshíd, genius and day, i, 88;
v, 92 note
Khurshíd, Íránian chief, viii,
270, 296
Khúshnawáz, ruler of the Haitá-
lians, 166, vii, 194, 198,
359; viii, 75, 168, 242,
245, 267
Pírúz advances against, vii,
writes to Pírúz, vii, 165
appeals to Bahrám Gúr's
treaty, vii, 166
prayer of, to God, vii, 167
digs a trench, vii, 67
defeats Pírúz by a feint, vii,
correspondence of, with
Súfarai, vii, 174 seq.
defeated by Súfarai, vii,
takes refuge in Kuhandizh,
vii, 177
sues for peace, vii, 178
reieases Kubád, Ardshír, and
other captives, and gives
up the spoil, vii, 180
Khusrau, Sháh. See Kai Khus-
Khusrau, Íránian noble, 163,
164, vi, 408
elected Sháh in succession
to Yazdagird son of Shá-
púr, vi, 395; vii, 11
proposes that Bahrám Gúr
shall begin the ordeal, vi,
does homage to Bahrám Gúr,
vi, 410
honoured by Bahrám Gúr,
vii, 10
Khusrau, father of Khazarwán,
viii, 241, 296 (?)
Khusrau Parwíz, son of Hur-
muzd, Sháh, 171-175, v,
294, 306 note; vi, 3; viii,
71, 74, 170, 173, 174, 181,
182, 191 seq., 216, 304,
306, 316, 334, 335, 342,
358, 367 seq., 395 note,
413 note; ix, 4 seq., 11,
12, 25, 26 note, 30, 31, 33
seq., 38 seq., 45 seq.
horse of, story of, viii, 91
Hurmuzd plots to kill, viii,
flees, viii, 175
adherents gather round,
viii, 175
swear fealty to, viii, 176
goes to Baghdád, viii, 184
visits Hurmuzd in prison,
viii, 185, 198, 230
extensive historical con-
quests of, viii, 187
materials for reign of, in
Sháhnáma, viii, 187
flight of, historical, from
Ctesiphon, viii, 188
affects Christianity in exile,
viii, 188
helped on terms by Emperor
Maurice, viii, 188
historical campaign of,
against Bahrám Chúbína,
viii, 189
visits of, to Fire-temple at
Shíz, viii, 190, 283, 307,
Nu'man bin Munzír exe-
cuted by, viii, 190
triumphal arch of, viii,
Assurbanipal and, reigns of,
compared, viii, 193
fall of, historical account of,
viii, 193 seq.
attempts of Heraclius to
make peace with, viii, 194,
treatment of defeated gen-
erals by, viii, 194
Khusrau Parwíz, prediction con-
cerning, viii, 194
Reign of, 196, viii, 186 seq.
Note on, viii, 186 seq.
Hurmuzd's requests to, viii,
spies' report of Bahrám
Chúbína to, viii, 201
takes counsel, viii, 202
marches to meet Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 203
interview of, with Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 204 seq.
attacked by Turk and saved
by Gustaham, viii, 220
dissuaded from making a
night-attack, viii, 224
troops of, tampered with by
Bahrám Chúbína, viii,
sends away his baggage,
viii, 228
combat of, with Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 228, 229
retreats to, and holds, the
bridge of Nahrawán, viii,
worsts Yalán-sína, viii, 229
flees to Taisafún, viii, 229
counselled by Hurmuzd,
viii, 230
prepares to flee, viii, 231
takes refuge in a shrine,
viii, 233
arrives at Bábil, viii, 249
entertained by Kais, viii, 250
Mihrán Sitád, viii, 251
town of Kársán and, viii,
interview of, with Hermit,
viii, 254
warned against Gustaham,
viii, 255, 256
welcomed by Cæsar, viii,
takes up his abode at
Warígh, viii, 257
instructs his embassy to
Cæsar, viii, 257
Cæsar offers daughter to,
viii, 266
Khusrau Parwíz, accepts Cæsar's
offer, viii, 269, 270
welcomes Niyátús and
Maryam, viii, 280
marches to Dúk, viii, 282
Mausíl and, viii, 283
returns to Dúk, viii, 284
Dárá Panáh goes over to,
viii, 286
forges letter to Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 286
sends corpse of Kút to
Cæsar, viii, 291
decides to fight without
Rúman help, viii, 292, 293
arrays his host, viii, 293
resolves to fight in person,
viii, 295
bodyguard of, viii, 296
leaves Bahrám in charge of
host, viii, 296
flees from Bahrám Chúbína,
viii, 298
saved by Surúsh, viii, 299
returns to Niyátús and
Maryam, viii, 299
suspected of Christian ten-
dencies, viii, 308
gives banquet to Niyátús
and Rúmans, viii, 309
restores captured cities to
Rúm, viii, 312
makes Kharrád, son of Bar-
zín, chief minister, viii,
proclamation of, viii, 314
demands extradition of Bah-
rám Chúbína, viii, 328
advised to send envoy to
Khán, viii, 329
resolves to put Bandwí to
death, viii, 354
summons Gustaham, viii,
hears of Gurdya's doings,
viii, 356, 358
writes to Gurdya viii, 359
hears of the death of Gusta-
ham, viii, 362
welcomes Gurdya to court,
viii, 362
Khusrau Parwíz, Gurdya dresses
up to please, viii, 363
warned by Shírín against
Gurdya, viii, 364
makes Gurdya overseer of
royal bower, viii, 364
oppresses Rai, viii, 365
relieves Rai, viii, 368
organizes the realm, viii, 369
puts to death adherents of
Bandwí and Gustaham,
viii, 370
consults astrologers on birth
of Shírwí, viii, 372
grieved at Shírwí's horo-
scope, viii, 372
consults the high priest,
viii, 372
writes to Cæsar, viii, 373
Cæsar's embassy to, viii,
gives Cæsar's gifts to Shírwí,
viii, 381
presents to Khánagí, viii,
and Shírín, ix, 7
Story of, 174, viii, 382 seq.
equipage of, for the chase,
viii, 384
married to Shírín, viii, 386
justifies his marriage, viii,
gives gilded chamber to
Shírín, viii, 389
displeasured with Shírwí,
viii, 390
and throne of Tákdís, viii,
391 seq.
palace of, story of, viii, 400
Farghán and, viii, 401 seq.
imprisons Rúman artificers,
viii, 402
releases Rúman artificers,
viii, 403
treasures of, viii, 406
Guráz intrigues against, viii,
device of, against Guráz and
Cæsar, viii, 409
Khusrau Parwíz, sends Farrukh-
zád to the host, viii,
hears Kubád proclaimed
Sháh, viii, 416
arms and hides in garden,
viii, 417
palace of, plundered, viii,
discovered, viii, 419
holds talk with Farrukhzád,
viii, 420
recalls former presage, viii,
imprisoned, viii, 421
duration of reign of, viii,
charges against, ix, 4, 5, 9,
reply of, to charges, ix, 5,
14 seq.
Haram of, ix, 4, 5
last days of, Theophanes'
account of, ix, 6
Shírwí's treatment of, ix, 7
sons of, executed, ix, 7, 35
imprisoned at Taisafún, ix,
companioned by Shírín, ix,
Bárbad visits, ix, 29
laments over, ix, 30
steed of, ix, 30
son of, ix, 31
referred to, ix, 33 and note
kingdom of Híra abolished
by, ix, 66
Muhammad's letter to, ix,
Khusrau and Shírín, Persian
poem, viii, 192
Khusrau, father of Pírúz, 175,
vii, 44, 46, 48, 49, 51, 57
Khusrau, a miller, 176, ix, 99.
See Miller.
Khutan, town and district in
eastern Turkistán, 146,
150, ii, 277, 288, 325, 357,
383; iii, 107, 242, 247;
iv, 26, 219; vii, 84, 115,
330, 334, 359
Khutan, raided by Gív, iii, 247
monarch of, iv, 11
Afrásiyáb, iv, 230
Kai Khusrau marches
through, iv, 240
people of, make submission
to Núshírwán, vii, 360
Khuzá' Arab tribe, vi, 65
rule of, ended by Sikandar,
vi, 120
Khúzán, a king of Párs, iv, 146,
meets Kai Khusrau in
Sughd, iv, 255
Khúzians, people of Khúzistán,
q.v., iv, 146
Khúzistán (Susiana, 'Arabistán),
province at the head of
the Persian Gulf, vi, 290
and note, 298, 327, 357;
viii, 109 and note, 193
annexed by Arabs, ix, 68
Khuzrá, treasure, ix, 20
Khvaitúk-das, i, 60
Catullus on, i, 60
Khyóns (Hvyaonas), v, 13, 25
Kibchák, region east of the Jax-
ates and north of Tásh-
kand, iv, 254; ix, 93
Kibtís, vi, 397 and note
Kímák, a river in Kibchák, iv,
203, 231
Kimmerians, the, i, 17
Kinám-i-Asírán, near to, or iden-
tical with, the ruins of
Shús (Sús, Susa), vi, 327,
357 and note
King, the ideal, iii, 16
of kings, title of, vi, 193, 197
meaning of, in Achae-
menian and Parthian
times, vi, 198
assumed by Ardshír Pápa-
kán, vi, 193, 199, 254,
258, 273
of the Commons, vii, 3
piece in chess, vii, 382, 385
position of, vii, 388, 422
check to, vii, 422
mate to, vii, 423
piece in nard, vii, 382, 389
Kings, Book of, Firdausí's, i, 43
Persian, viii, 73
Tribal. See Tribal.
Kirmán, region in southern Írán,
158, iv, 146; vi, 31, 47,
57, 59, 199, 202, 205, 245,
252; vii, 214; viii, 313
Dárá retires to, vi, 46
etymology of, vi, 204, 236
Ardshír Pápakán's invasion
of, vi, 205, 245
Kirmánsháh, title, vi, 313, 368
Kirmánsháh, city between Bagh-
dád and Hamadán, vii,
187; viii, 192
Kirmánsháhán, city in Kirmán,
south of Yazd, vi, 368
Kírwán (Karwán, district north
of Jaxartes?), ix, 93
Kírwí, Íránian noble, vii, 23
story of, vii, 22
Kishmar, place south of Nishá-
púr in the Kuhistán dis-
trict of Khurásán, v, 35
Cypress of, v, 27
account of, v, 28, 34
Gushtásp and, v, 34
Kishwád, Íránian hero, father
of Gúdarz, 151, i, 207,
344, 365; ii, 4, 11, 12,
18, 22, 33, 70, 73, 107, 112,
138, 318, 384, 399, 404,
409; iii, 19, 24, 33, 45,
100, 121, 123, 126, 143,
154, 187, 215, 289, 302,
305, 308, 311, 327, 339;
iv, 20, 32, 35, 63, 147,
174, 180, 263, 294, 310,
360, viii, 104
Káran, Shídúsh, and, pursue
Kurúkhán, i, 354
sent by Zál to release the
Íránian captives, i, 367
Kishwaristán, Íránian hero, iv,
commands the troops from
Barbaristán and Rúm, iv,
Kisrá, Sháh, 166. See Núshír-
Kitradád, Nask, i, 373
Knathaiti, Pairika, female per-
sonification of idolatry, i,
Kobad, Sháh. See Kubád.
Ktesias, Greek historian (5th
century B.C.), vi, 13, 68
legend of Cyrus in, ii, 9; vi,
Gutschmid on, vi, 195
account of Semiramis in, v,
Persica of, v, 293
Kubád, Íránian hero, brother of
Káran, 142, i, 207
acts as Minúchihr's scout, i,
parleys with Túr, i, 217
accepts Bárman's challenge
to single combat, i, 347
dissuaded by Káran, i, 347
reply of, i, 347
fights and is slain, i, 348
Kubád, Sháh. See Kai Kubád.
Kubád, son of Pírúz and father
of Núshírwán, Sháh (Ko-
bad), 166, vi, 3, 208;
vii, 179 seq. and note, 226,
247; viii, 25, 46, 72, 168,
169, 245, 265, 285, 312,
369; ix, 22, 25
captivity of, among the
Haitálians, vii, 160
leads the rearguard in the
war with the Turkmans
(Haitálians), vii, 164
taken prisoner, vii, 168
released, vii, 180
made Sháh instead of Bal-
ásh, vii, 182, 188
Reign of, 166, vii, 183 seq.
Note on, vii, 183 seq.
historical sketch of, vii,
title of, viii, 183 and note
reform of taxation by, vii,
183 note, 215
with the help of Shápúr of
Rai overthrows and puts
Súfarai to death, vii, 191
dethroned, vii, 184, 195
Kubád, imprisoned, vii, 184
escapes, vii, 184, 197
marriage of, vii, 184, 186,
gives his wife a signet-ring,
vii, 198
cedes Chaghán to the Hai-
tálians in return for their
help, vii, 198
goes to Ahwáz, vii, 198
hears of the birth of Núshír-
wán, vii, 199
marches on Taisafún, vii,
pardons the Íránians and
Jámásp, vii, 200
makes Rizmihr chief minis-
ter, vii, 200
wars of, with Rúm, vii, 187,
takes cities from Rúm, vii,
makes his capital at Ma-
dá'in, vii, 201
builds a city and hospital,
vii, 201
drought in reign of, vii, 201
Mazdak and, vii, 184, 201
Mazdak's parable to, vii,
converted by Mazdak, vii,
184, 204
presides over the disputa-
tion between Núshírwán
and Mazdak, vii, 207
gives judgment against Maz-
dak, vii, 208
hands over Mazdak and
his followers to Núshír-
wán, vii, 208
repentence of, vii, 209
testament of, vii, 210, 316
age of, vii, 210
death of, vii, 210
sons of, vii, 316
Kubád (Shírwí q.v.), son of Khus-
rau Parwíz and Maryam,
Sháh, 175, viii, 190, 196;
ix, 3 seq., 9, 11, 12, 14, 24,
32, 47, 64
Kubád (Shírwí), secret and public
names of, viii, 371, 416
proclaimed Sháh, viii, 416
imprisons Khusrau Parwíz,
viii, 421
accedes to throne, viii, 421
Reign of, 175, ix, 3
Note on, ix, 3
tragic, ix, 3
pestilence during, ix, 3
boorishness of, ix, 3
difficult situation of, ix, 3
reproached by his sisters, ix,
Kubád, son of Jam son of Kubád,
vii, 316
plot to make, Sháh, vii, 316
Kubard, Túránian hero, iv, 190
commands the left, iv, 190
Kúch, tribe or town (Kúk?) in
Kirmán, ii, 226
Kúfa, city west of the Euphrates
and in the neighbourhood of
Mashad 'Alí (Nedjef), viii,
190; ix, 68, 69
wood of, vi, 381
founded by Sa'ad, ix, 67
Kúh, nonce name assumed by
Húmán, iii, 198
Kuhandizh (Baigand q.v.), vii,
Khúshnawáz takes refuge in,
vii, 177
Kuhíla, Túránian hero, iv, 181
slain by Minúchihr, iv, 181
Kuhistán, generally a mountain-
ous region, particularly
that of northern Írán,
Parthia, or of the high
ranges further south, but
in the Sháhnáma=Má
wara'u'n-Nahr (Transox-
ania), ii, 199
Kuhram, Túránian hero, 151, ii,
chosen to fight with Barta,
iv, 97; v, 29
slain by Barta, iv, 105
Kuhram, brother or son of Ar-
jásp, 156, v, 29, 58, 89
seq., 106 seq., 112, 141, 159
Kuhram, commands one wing of
the host, v, 46
in chief, v, 56
sent by Arjásp to attack
Balkh, v, 90
troops of, storm Balkh, burn
the Fire-temple, and slay
Zarduhsht and the priests,
v, 92
stationed on the left, v, 95
mortally wounds Farshíd-
ward, v, 95
appointed by Arjásp to send
away the spoil of Balkh
in the charge of his
younger brothers, v, 108
commands the right, v, 110
defeated by Asfandiyár, v,
bidden to prepare for war,
v, 151
retreats to the Brazen Hold,
v, 152
mistakes Bishútan for As-
fandiyár, v, 152
hears the cries of the Írán-
ian watch from the Brazen
Hold and takes counsel
with Andarímán, v, 155
makes for the Brazen Hold
with his troops, v, 156
pursued by Asfandiyár, v,
encountered and taken
prisoner by Asfandiyár,
v, 157
executed, v, 158 and note
Kujárán, city and province on
the Persian Gulf, vi, 205,
206, 232
Haftwád migrates from, to
stronghold, vi, 235
Kulbád, Túránian hero, brother
of Pírán, 146, 151, i, 92,
342; ii, 18, 264, 388;
iii, 166, 177, 198, 199, 205,
210, 222, 231, 234, 252;
iv, 10, 26
wounded by Zál, i, 361
death and revival of, in
legend, ii, 119
Kulbád, pursues Kai Khusrau, ii,
377 seq.
chosen to fight with Farí-
burz, iv, 97
slain by Faríburz, iv, 99
Kulún, Túránian hero, i, 382, 387
sent by Afrásiyáb to inter-
cept Rustam, i, 383
slain by Rustam, i, 386
Kulún, Turk in league with
Kharrád against Bahrám
Chúbína, 173, viii, 335
incited by Kharrád to kill
Bahrám Chúbína, viii, 337
arrives at Marv by help of
Khán's seal, viii, 339
seeks interview with Bah-
rám Chúbína, viii, 339
stabs Bahrám Chúbína, viii,
maltreated, viii, 340
kindred of, burnt, viii, 344
Kum, city in 'Irák 'Ajamí,
between Tihrán and Ka-
shán, ii, 399
bestowed on Gív by Kai
Káús, ii, 399
Kai Khusrau, iv, 298
Kumár, city or cape in India, ii,
103 and note
Kundrav, minister of Zahhák,
mythological origin of, i, 143
Farídún and, Story of, 140,
i, 164
goes to Zahhák with tidings
of Farídún, i, 165
Kundur, Túránian hero, iii, 152,
185, 210, 215, 251; v,
worsted by Rustam, iii, 224
stationed on the right, v, 94
Kunduz (Kuhandizh, Baigand
q.v.), iv, 151
Afrásiyáb encamps at, iv,
marches from, iv, 154
Kur (Cyrus), river in Transcau-
casia flowing into the
Caspian sea, v, 13
Kuraish, Arab tribe, vi, 65
Kurákhán, son of Afrásiyáb, i,
92; iv, 10
counsels Afrásiyáb, iii, 301
summoned and sent with
troops to Bukhárá by
Afrásiyáb, iv, 154
joined by Afrásiyáb, iv, 186
defeated by Gustaham son
of Naudar, iv, 193
defeat of, announced to
Afrásiyáb, iv, 194
Kurákhán, governor of Balkh,
viii, 22
Kurán, vi, 65; viii, 277 note;
ix, 81 and note
quoted, i, 99; v, 166; viii,
42, 192; ix, 81 and note
references to Alexander the
Great in, vi, 15, 78, 84
legend of Moses and the
salt fish in, vi, 77
Gog and Magog in, vi, 78
Kurd, Kurds, the people of
Kurdistán q.v., 161, i, 9;
vi, 193, 203, 257
language, i, 64
legend of the origin of the,
i, 146
Ardshír Pápakán's war with,
in Kárnámak, vi, 196,
206, 256
Sháhnáma, vi, 230 seq.
Kurdistán, mountainous region
north of Mesopotamia, vi,
Kurdzád, daughter of Mihrak
Kuria Muria Islands, off the
southern coast of Arabia,
vi, 72
Kurúkhán, Túránian warrior, i,
sent by Afrásiyáb to attack
Párs, i, 353
Kurus, Indian tribal race, iv,
Kús, i, 177. See Tammísha.
Kút, Rúman warrior, 172, viii,
281, 289, 291
slain by Bahrám Chúbína
viii, 290
Kút, corpse of, sent back to
Rúmans, viii, 291
Kutch (read Kúch q.v.), iii, 34
Kutíb, father of Husain (or
Ha'íy) one of Firdausí's
patrons, i, 35; ix, 121
Kyaxares (Kastarit), king or
chief and leader in the
confederacy that over-
threw Nineveh, i, 18