The Sháh was told, “A host hath crossed Jíhún,”
And bade prince Minúchihr to pass the frontier
They left Tammísha
And bore the camp-enclosure to the waste.
Káran the avenger was the general,
The host three hundred thousand cavaliers.
The men of name marched mailed, with massive maces,
All bold as angry lions and all girded
For vengeance for Íraj; their steel-blue swords
Were in their hands and Káwa's standard led them.
Then Minúchihr with him who loved the fray,*
Káran, went from the forest of Nárwan,
Reviewed and ranged his host on those broad plains.
He gave the army's left wing to Garshásp;
Upon the right was brave Sám with Kubád,
Who set the battle in array. The prince
With Sarv was in the centre, whence he shone
Moon-like, or as the sun o'er some high hill.
Led by Káran, with champions such as Sám,
The Íránian army fought. Kubád was scout,
The heroes of the house of Talímán
Were ambuscaders, and the host was decked
In bridal trim with lion-warriors
And din of drums.
Men bore the news in haste
To Túr and Salm: “The Íránians armed for fight
Are marching toward the desert from the forest,
Their livers' blood afoam upon their lips.”
That pair of murderers with a huge array
Set forth intent on vengeance and drew up
Their host upon the plain: they made the Aláns
And sea their base. Kubád the scout advanced,
And Túr on hearing that came forth like wind,
And said to him: “Return to Minúchihr
And say to him: ‘Thou bastard just made Sháh!
He ceased
And issued orders to prepare a feast.