As Sultan Aboo Saeed had no offspring, Arpa Khan was raised to the throne. This prince had originally joined Sultan Aboo Saeed in Khorasan from Tooran, and was raised to the throne by the exertions of the vuzeer, Ghiaus-ud-deen Mahummud, with the concurrence of the ameers. When Arpa Khan was seated on the throne he put Baghdad Khatoon to death, under the imputation that she had poisoned Sultan Aboo Saeed, and that she maintained an intimacy or correspondence with Sultan Mahummud Ourung: he then marched with an army, and encamped on the banks of the river Kur, to oppose Sultan Mahummud Ourung, whom he, after several actions, ultimately defeated. When Ameer Ali Padshah, the son of Chichuk Noyaun Awirat (who was the toghai of Sultan Aboo Saeed, and governor of Diarbeker, and at that time also the tashi of Baghdad Khatoon at Durbund), heard of the death of Aboo Saeed, and the succession of Arpa Khan, the son of Soosa, he was greatly afflicted, and having assembled the tribe of Awirat addressed them to the following effect: “Know, that however true it may be that Arpa Khan is descended from Tooli Khan, yet, as he is an old enemy to the tribe of Awirat and the children of Tungoo Noyaun, it is not to our advantage to allow him to reign as king.” Accordingly, he immediately raised the standard of rebellion, and set up as king, in Baghdad, Moosa Khan, the son of Ali, the son of Baidoo, the son of Toraghi, the son of Hulako Khan, the son of Tooli, and having assembled all the Moghools residing in that vicinity, marched with an immense army to depose Arpa Khan. Arpa Khan, also, on being informed of this rebellion, by the advice of his vuzeer, assembled a large force, and marched to meet his enemies; and on Tuesday the 17th Ramzan 736, the contending armies met in the fields of Chughatoo, otherwise Yughtoo, and a battle ensued, but many of the ameers of Arpa Khan deserted him during the engagement, and joined Moosa Khan, the affections of most men being inclined towards the descendants of Hulako Khan. From this treachery Arpa Khan was defeated, and his army dissipated, and his vuzeer, Khwajeh Ghiaus-ud-deen, although he exerted himself bravely in the fight, yet at length seeing the day was lost, also fled. Ameer Ali Padshah, the son of Chichuk Noyaun Awirat, however, lost no time in sending in pursuit of them, and they were both taken, and put to death. This happened on the 21st Ramzan 736 Hejri. The reign of Arpa Khan lasted about seven months: he was succeeded by Moosa Khan, the son of Ali, &c.