MAY the kind servants of that noble and generous person, the support of friends and connexions being ever under the care of God, be safe. After putting up prayers for wealth, it is represented, to your enlightend soul, that by my forefa­thers I have a lineal connexion with your family, and their kindness to me is more than I can express; and you know that there is no intermission in our mutual attachment. Therefore out of my presumption I trouble you on the subject of the marriage of my son Izeezalla, who is compleatly instructed in learning and politeness. If you honor me with your ser­vice it will be the means of elevating and raising me amongst my friends and connexions; and I am hopeful that my request will meet with the honor of your consent.

“If you comply how great the dignity and honor!
“Farther what should I say? May the grace of God attend you.”