A Complete Table of Contents of the Jawámi‘u’l-Ḥikáyát.
Part II (comprising 25 chapters, XXVI—L):

On the Excellence of Virtues, Praisworthy Qualities, and Estimable Traits in Human Nature.

Pt. II, Chapter I = XXVI: On the Excellence of Modesty.
f1b * f173b   General introduction to the Second Part, beginning with an exhortation on the virtue of Modesty, as the essence of ethics and religion in Islám; and a dedicatory eulogy on the Wazír Muḥammad b. Abí Sa‘d al-Junaydí.
* 1183 How the prophet Yúsuf was saved by God from the temptation of Zulaykhá.
f2a * f174a 1184 Aristotle’s explanation concerning the interval between two prophets: intellect and inherent modesty lead to virtue.
* 1185 Extreme regard of the Prophet Muḥammad for the Caliph ‘Uthmán, for he was respected by God and the angels in heaven owing to his modesty.
* 1186 A child’s retort to a party of elderly men, on the sense of shame.
* 1187 The reply of a person to a group of Ṣúfís who were afraid of lions in the neighbourhood, while he, fearing God alone, had slept undisturbed. (R. Q. as the source).
* f174b 1188 Sa‘íd-i-‘Áṣ, the governor of Kúfa, rewards a young man who was ashamed to ask for his wants from any human being.
f2b * 1189 The Caliph al-Ma’mún ashamed of extorting his debts from Yaḥyá b. Kháqán ruthlessly (T. F. S. as the source).
* 1190 The Imám Zaynu’l-‘Ábídín ashamed at his daughter’s remark.
f3a * 1191 How Núshírwán was ashamed of committing a sin.
* f175a 1192 The Caliph al-Ma’mún rewards a Badawí who presents him with a skin of fresh water and sends him back to the desert, that he might not be disappointed by finding that there was an ample supply of fresh water in the capital.
* 1193 Niẓámu’l-Mulk, the great Wazír of the Saljúqs, eats three cucumbers and is ashamed to tell the person who had presented them that they were bitter.
        The chapter ends with a eulogy on his patron Wazír.