Part I, Chapter XXV. On the Anecdotes of sagacious and acute persons.
f246b * 1141 A short introduction on sagacity. Núshírwán’s dream and Buzurjmihr’s interpretation and the clever method of detecting the accomplice.
f247a * 1142 How in olden days the kings used to test each other’s intelligence. Chess from India and pieces from Persia.
* 1143 How Buzurjmihr divined the contents of the casket sent by the Qayṣar of Rúm.
* 1144 The four extremely shrewd sons of Nizár b. Ma‘add b. ‘Adnán, their contest about inheritance, and the decision of Af‘í-i-Jurhumí. (Cf. Ṭabarí, I 1109), the sage of Arabia.
f247b * 1145 A similar story of clever guesses (probably originated from the above).
f248a * 1146 An old blind astrologer by intuition finds out the thief who stole a precious casket given in charge to Yaḥyá b. Khálid the Barmecide.
f248b * 1147 The Caliph al-Ma’mún gives the first place to an untidy person, who gave brilliant replies in one of the weekly sittings of the learned men in his palace.
f248b f169a 1148 Buzurjmihr selects three things as the choicest in the world: — woman, death and patronage — and gives a pertinent explanation in the presence of Núshírwán.
* 1149 How a Jew was spared his beautiful garden by the Caliph Hárún, at a clever hint of his about the ownership of the garden.
f249a f169a 1150 Plato’s precept for constant happiness: the inference drawn from the story of the matchless cup and its loss and the consequent disappointment of the king.
* 1151 How Abú Muslim sends Yaqṭín b. Ibráhím, a Shí‘ite grandee, to see Ibráhím b. Muḥammad in prison and asks him about the succession of the Bay‘at.
* 1152 The story of changing the order of the king to the retreating army by putting dots: <Arabic> (Anecdote repeated I. xiv. 742).
* 1153 A person disappears from jail after prophesying the succession of Sulaymán, the brother of the Caliph Walid b. Abdu’l Malik instead of his son.
* 1154 Aristotle’s reflective mirror for killing the obnoxious animal that emitted fatal poison from its eyes.
f249b f169b 1155 Plato’s grief at the praise of a fool and his retrospect of his past actions. (Cf. Qábús-Náma, pp. 34—35, also Prof. Browne, Lit. Hist. Persia, II. 279.)
* 1156 A similar experience of the physician Muḥammad b. Zakariyyá ar-Rází and his resentment.
* 1157 Abrash-i-Kalbí’s witty reply to the Caliph Hishám b. ‘Abdu’l Malik for not having accompanied him in paying homage to the Lord at his succession.
* 1158 The Caliph al-Mutawakkil meets a very shrewd peasant while out hunting.
* 1159 How Khálid the Barmecide, seeing a deer take shelter, guesses correctly the onward march of the army of Ibn Dhubára (? Hubayra) and informs Qaḥṭaba his chief in good time.
f250a * 1160 A monk bestows the gift of 4 bricks of gold on a sagacious person.
* 1161 ash-Sha‘bí’s reply to ‘Abdu’l Malik, the Caliph, about the signs of nobility and baseness.
* 1162 Kisrá’s desire to keep Socrates company, and the philosopher’s clever method of diverting him from the idea of companionship.
f250b f169b 1163 Ashja‘-i-Ḥimyarí’s four virtues and one daily practice, and their explanation before Abú Muslím-i-Khurásání.
* 1164 How a guest cleverly divided the fowls on the table among the family of his host.
f170a 1165 The riddle of the daughter of the Qayṣar of Rúm — her ten questions to each suitor. A very clever person outwits and marries her.
f252b f171b 1166 The enigmatic utterances of Shann (?), the Arabian sage, and their solution by a bright girl result in their marriage and highly intellectual com­panionship.
f253a * 1167 Abú Muslim’s shrewd illustration of the animal that devoured its benefactors, which contained an implied reference to al-Manṣúr’s treachery.
* 1168 How a representative of the Persians contrived to bring about the deposition of ‘Amr b. Maslama b. Qutayba, a governor appointed by the Caliph al-Manṣúr.
f253a * 1169 How Zírak made up his mind to stay out in severe cold and win the prize offered by Hurmuz, the Persian King.
f253b * 1170 How the Qádhí Yaḥyá b. Aktham cleverly suggested to the people to praise him before the Caliph al-Ma’mún.
* 1171 Aristotle solves the mystery of the betrayal of the state secrets with which he was entrusted by Alexander.
* 1172 Sultan Maḥmúd’s contention with the Amír Ḥasanak about the Karrámites, and the Amír’s convincing argument on the eve of the battle with Abú ‘Alí Símjúrí based on the skilful performance of a person, who could produce coins by waving his hand in the air.
f254a f171b 1173 How to live in safety — three observations of a Brahmin before a Ráy, illustrated by the fable of the lion, jackal, pig and monkey (Kalíla wa Dimna as the source).
* 1174 How ‘Khák-Khwár’, a servant of Bahrám Gúr, enriches himself through obtaining the monopoly of the supply of eggs to the royal household.
* 1175 A court jester plays a trick on the Sultan Maḥmúd and his Wazír [Aḥmad b.] Ḥasan Maymandí, while they were returning from hunting.
f254b * 1176 How the Faqíh of Jurján attempts to procure the surrender of the Kotwál of Gardíz, who had revolted against Sultan Mawdúd.
* 1177 Ṣáliḥ b. ‘Alí relates the conversation that took place between the King of Núba and the deposed Marwán, and why he advised the Caliph al-Manṣúr to put the latter to death.
f255a * 1178 The Caliph Mu‘áwiya sends an ambassador to the court of the Qayṣar, with a sinister motive, but the Qayṣar outwits him and thereby saves the Christians of Syria from the machinations of the Caliph.
* 1179 How Aḥmad b. Isrá’íl forecasts the death of the Caliph al-Wáthiq and escapes along with Aḥmad b. Mudbir and Sulaymán b. Wahb from the prison.
f255b f172a 1180 A theologian, an ‘Alawí, a soldier and a market-man raid a garden, are cleverly separated by the gardener, and are chastised in turn (cf. Mathnawí, II 2167 foll.).
* 1181 The Caliph ‘Uthman’s prediction about his own murder, couched in a proverbial expression, “Beware! I shall be murdered on the day the white bull is killed”.
f172b 1182 The clever suggestion of a Christian to the Caliph ‘Abdu’l Malik about the tyrannical governors of his province.
      The chapter (and Pt. I) ends with a eulogy.