Bahman, when he had heard what Rustam said,
Departed with the holy archimages,
But Rustam—peerless chieftain—stayed awhile
Upon the road and, having called Zawára
And Farámarz, said thus: “Depart to Zál
And to the fair Moon of Zábulistán,*
And say to them: “One who ambitioneth
The world hath come—Asfandiyár. Set up
Within our halls a golden throne, and place
For him apparel such as monarchs wear,
As on the occasion with Sháh Kai Káús,*
But let the audience-hall be grander still.
Prepare ye somewhat too by way of food:
There must not be a lack of things to eat,
Wroth with Bahman, disgraced him in full court,
And said to him: “Men of exalted rank
Should not confide in women; furthermore
The employ of children in affairs of moment
As messengers is neither brave nor valiant.
Where ever hast thou looked on warriors,
Who hast heard not a charger's tramp? By making
An elephant of war of Rustam thou
Wilt break the spirit of our famous host.”
In private he spake much to Bishútan,
And said: “This noble Lion of the fight
Will act the youngster and, I will engage,
Hath not a wrinkle yet in spite of age!”