Part I, Chapter XXIV: On the Anecdotes of the Musicians.
f242b f168a 1126 Introductory note on music, and the controversy about hearing it. The works of the Imám Ghazálí, the Iḥyá-i-‘Ulúmi’d-Dín and Kímiyá-i-Sa‘ádat are referred to for the above question. The Origin of Music: Pythagoras’s dream — the scientific arrangement of notes — influence of symphony on mind — the reason for the prohibition of music in Islám.
f243a f168b 1127 Abu’l-‘Ayná’s discourse on music and the influence of harmony, and Aristotle’s opinion on the subject.
* 1128 How the Caliph Hárún arranges a meeting of the learned men of Baghdád and asks Ibráhím-i-Mawṣilí to captivate them by the charm of music.
f243b * 1129 How Bárbad, the minstrel, gained his first audience of Parwíz by striking wonderful notes, and enchanted him by his music.
* 1130 How Ibn-i-Jámi‘, through his extraordinary skill in singing a particular tune, enraptured the Caliph Hárún and obtained an immense reward.
f244a * 1131 Another anecdote of Ismá‘íl b. Jámi‘ as-Sahmí’s musical performance in the court of the Caliph.
f244b * 1132 Ibn-i-Abí’l-‘Atíq’s intercession before the Caliph (?) on behalf of the musician Salámatu’l-‘Ayn to cancel his order for the expulsion of the musician-girls from the city of Mecca.
f245a * 1133 The love of Ibn-i-Sahl, the famous musician, for music lessons, and his father’s hearty appreciation of his musical talents in the end.
* 1134 Isḥáq and Ibráhím-i-Mawṣilí attend Ibn-i-Sahl’s music lessons, and collaborate in setting a song on Maẓlúma to music at the order of the Caliph Hárún.
f245b * 1135 How Ḥalwiyya, a favourite musician-girl of the Caliph al-Ma’mún, sings a piece of Isḥáq-i-Mawṣilí and restores him to the favour of the Caliph.
* 1136 How Isḥáq-i-Mawṣilí entered a party in disguise after a fair musician and enchanted her by his musical skill.
f246a * 1137 Amír Rashíd, the Qawwál, tries to outwit Maḥmúd, the musician, at the court of the Sultan Qilij Arslán Ibráhím ibnu’l-Ḥusayn. (Anecdote related by the author himself).
* 1138 Maḥmúd the musician’s ardent desire to get back to court of Samarqand, even though he was received very generously at the court of Tukush Khwárazmsháh. (Anecdote related by the author).
f246b f168b 1139 Buzurjmihr tests through music the capacity of a child of two as a fit person for future sovereignty. The Iḥyá along with the Risála of Qushayrí is mentioned in connection with this problem.
f169a 1140 How Ibráhím Khawwáṣ obtains from an Arab tribe a slave who had the superb quality of enchanting camels by his Ḥudá or lays.
      The chapter ends with a eulogy on the Wazír.