When Babur Badshah heard of the imprisonment of Shah Beg, he determined to take Kandahar; but from many impediments which existed in the direction of the towns of Mawrauh, Unur, and Budukshan, he could not bring forth that which was on his breast. But when he had put his heart at ease with respect to those, with a very large force, he raised on high the standard of march against Kandahar. Shah Beg collected in the fort all the necessary articles of subsistence that he could find, and making up his mind to hold and fight the city, he repaired the towers and defences, placing men of trust over these. He sent spies into the royal army, to discover and let him know daily fresh news as to their condition, strength, &c. When these arrived there, and saw the army, they sent word that the king, with a large force, and great munitions of war, had turned his face that way. Shah Beg, with much valour, declared it as his opinion that they ought to go out to fight on the plain; and he consulted with his friends on this, all of whom decided that it was necessary for them once to try their strength on the battle-field, where, if God showed the face of victory in the looking-glass of their desire, it would be as they wished; if not, they could return to the fort and fight there. But, as Babur Badshah drew near, he became indisposed, so much so that his sepoys’ hearts left their places, and their hands let go their work. Shah Beg, hearing of this, sent a valuable present to the king by influential men of the city, laying the foundation of peace between them. Babur sent a horse and a Khilat to him, and then, turning his face, he took his army back to Kabool.

Shah Beg went to Seebee, remaining in that country some time, telling his nobles that “Babur Badshah had come this time to see the road to Kandahar: it is probable that he will again raise on high the banner of march against it next year; for until he has turned me out of my place, he will not find repose.” To confirm this, he advanced two proofs, one of which was, that “Mahomed Mokeem having done that which he ought not to have done, that thorn rankled in his (Babur’s) heart. On this account he took away Mokeem’s daughter: he also thinks that if he does not take Kandahar, the Urghoons (God forbid!) may again do as Mokeem did. The other proof is, that the king has many princes, who have not strength to fight the Oozbuks and Kuzulbashees, but they are strong enough to war against me: on this account, some day they will take Kandahar; so it is necessary for me to be alert, and careful on all sides.”

In the early days of the cold season, he sent 1,000 horsemen from Seebee towards Sind. These looted the villages of Kahan and Bagh­banan in the month Zilkut 921 (A. D. 1515). Mukhdoom Janfur, who was one of the well known men of learning of Sind, says that he heard from Meerza Eesa Turkhan, that in this expedition 1,000 camels belonging to the wells of the gardens fell into the hands of that force. From this the produce and cultivation of that country may be under­stood. This force remained a week in the vicinity of those places.

During that year, as Shah Beg had foretold, Babur Badshah came upon, and surrounded Kandahar. He commenced digging mines, on account of a famine that season. This siege caused very great distress to the citizens. In short, peace was made. In the early days of the month Peer, on account of fever attacking his troops, Babur was forced to return to Kabool. During this year, Shah Hoosain, being displeased with his father, left Kandahar, going to Babur Badshah, who received him with the eye of kindness. He stayed two years near the king, during which period Babur was constantly saying that he had not come for service, but to learn the customs of kings from him.

In 922 (A. D. 1516), before the collections of tribute in grain were made, the standard of march of Babur Badshah arrived at Kandahar, when he encircled it. By his coming at that time, Shah Beg became much distressed, so he sent Shaikh Aboo Suneed Pooranee to make terms of peace, upon which Khwaja Abdool Uzeen came into the city, when a treaty was written, to the effect that in the following year Shah Beg should deliver up the city to Babur Badshah, who returned to Kabool after this was settled.

Shah Beg then strengthened Shawul, and he remained there and at Seebee. In 923 (A. D. 1517), agreeably to the treaty, he sent the keys of the royal palace and fort of Kandahar to the king, who much approved of this conduct. Shah Beg passed the next two years in Shawul and Seebee, with great difficulty: one season his sepoys had nothing to eat but carrots and turnips. At length, being helpless, he turned his face towards looting Sind, and a second time his troops came to the fort of Machee, and to the country of Chandooka. During that year, Durya Khan, who was called the son of Jam Nindah, the ruler of Tatta, taking a large force, arrived near Seebee. At this time Shah Beg was not present, having gone on an expedition against Seestan. There was much fighting between the Moguls (of Seebee) and the Sindees, in which Aboo Mahomed Meerza drank the sherbet of martyrdom. Rozee Beg, and the few men of the Urghoons and Huzarahs who were there, did very good service, and the Sindees went back to Tatta again.

In that year Jam Nindah, taking the articles of his being, went to the world of everlasting life, and Jam Pheroz sat in his place; and this I have mentioned before.