MAY the servants of the affectionate, friendly, noble and princely Khojeh Ghirit Khan, ever sitting on the mus­nud of honor and power gain their ends both temporal and eternal. After most sincere prayers it is represented, to your penetrating soul, that having heard that the musnud of the Diwani of the Soobah of Gujerat is become adorned by your illustrious person, from this intelligence great joy arose. Praise be to God that the inhabitants of that country will be placed in a situation of safety and security; free from the strokes and accidents of fortune, by the protection of your Justice and good­ness. Both friends and strangers will profit from the prosperity of that imcomparable person: may it be lucky and fortunate! From the generosity of your Nature, I expect that regarding the connexion of our wonted friendship and intimacy, you will recollect your friend and make me happy by a letter. And whatever business you may have here, by applying to me give me a testimony of your affection. Farther what trouble should I give? May the days of honor and power be increasing!