They parted and the air's face gloomed. Suhráb
Amazed the circling sphere. Thou wouldst have said:—
“Heaven fashioned him of war; he ceaseth not
A moment from the fray; his form is brazen,
His charger iron, and his spirit wondrous.”
Suhráb when night fell joined his troops. His loins
Were galled with battle but his breast was iron.
Thus spake he to Húmán: “This day the sun
Arose and filled the world with war and strife.
How fared ye with this gallant cavalier
Who hath a hero's heart and lion's claws?
What did he say and do? He proved my match!
How fared my troops with him? I hold him peerless,
Though old a Lion bent on war and strife.”
Then Rustam:—
“Thy Grace will speed thy liege's whole desire.”
He went depressed and vengeful to his camp.
To him Zawára came with downcast soul,
And said: “How fared the paladin to-day?”
But Rustam first would eat, then washed his heart
Of care and charged his brother, saying thus:—
“Be vigilant and cautious. When I go
At dawn to fight that Turkman warrior
Lead out mine army and bring forth my flag,