(Strophe V)

From door and wall, unveiled, the Friend shines radiant, O ye who
have eyes to see!
Thou seekest a candle whilst the sun is on high: the day is very
bright whilst thou art in darkest night. 75
If thou wilt but escape from thy darkness thou shalt behold all the
universe the dawning-place of lights.
Like a blind man thou seekest guide and staff for this clear and level
Open thine eyes on the Rose-garden, and behold the gleaming of
the pure water alike in the rose and the thorn.
From the colourless water [are derived] a hundred thousand colours:
behold the tulip and the rose in this garden-ground.
Set thy foot in the path of search, and with Love furnish thyself with
provision for this journey. 80
By Love many things will be made easy which in the sight of Reason
are very difficult.

Speak of the Friend in the mornings and the evenings: seek for
the Friend in the gloaming and at dawn.
Though they tell thee a hundred times ‘Thou shalt not see me,’ * still
keep thine eyes fixed on the Vision,
Until thou shalt reach a place to which the foot of Fancy and the
eye of Thought cannot attain.
Thou shalt find the Friend in an assembly whereunto not even
Gabriel the trusted hath access. 85
This is the Road, this thy Provision, this the Halting-place: if thou
art a roadsman, come and bring!
And if thou art not equal to the Road, then, like the others, talk of
the Friend and scratch the back of thy head! *
O Hátif, the meaning of the Gnostics, whom they sometimes call
drunk and sometimes sober,
[When they speak] of the Wine, the Cup, the Minstrel, the Cup-
bearer, the Magian, the Temple, the Beauty and the Girdle,
Are those hidden secrets which they sometimes declare in cryptic
utterance. 90
If thou shouldst find thy way to their secret thou wilt discover that
even this is the secret of those mysteries,

‘He is One and there is naught but He:
There is no God save Him alone!’