IT has been represented to us, that a balance of fifteen or sixteen thousand pagodas is still due from some of the Taalûks, under the charge of Meer Futah Ali, the Taalûkdâr of Chuck-Bâlâpoor (from which amount, however, certain deductions remain to be made), and that you have taken very rigid measures for enforcing payment of the same. Now, as the aforesaid Taalûkdâr has never before exercised the functions of that office, and as he is, moreover, a stranger, and inexperienced in business, it is our pleasure, that you desist from those rigorous proceedings, and be content with gradually realizing the balance due. You will therefore recall your Suzâwuls [bailiffs], to the end that the aforesaid Aumil may be relieved from his present dismay.
N.B. The remainder of this letter is on an uninteresting subject.
The preceding letter affords another exception to the usual severity of the Sultan on similar occasions. The motives assigned for his lenity, in the present instance are, no doubt, satisfactory and creditable to his justice; though, as in the case of the Sipahdâr, Mahommed Ali, they necessarily bring in question the prudence of the Sultan; whom we see placing men in trusts, to which he knew them to be unequal. The following letter will be found to breathe a very different spirit.