Continuation of the family of Timūr to the present time, with the contemporary Kings of England.
Timūr, | Richard II. and Henry IV. | Rulers of Ferghanā, |
Myran Hussyn, | Henry IV. |
Muhammed Myrza, | Henry V. |
Abū Saied, | Henry VI. |
Omer Shykh, | Edward IV. |
Moghul Emperors of Hindūstān. | |
Baber, | Henry VII. |
Humayūn, | Henry VIII. |
Akber, | Elizabeth. |
Jehangyr, | James I. |
Shāh Jehān, | Charles I. |
Aalumgyr, | Charles II. |
Aurungzebe, | |
Behader Shāh, | William III. |
Ferrukhsyr, | Anne. |
Muhammed Shāh, | George I. |
Aalumgyr II. | George II. |
Shāh Aalum, | George III. |
Akber Shāh, | George IV. |
N. B. This is not meant to be a minute statement, but merely to give a general outline of the subject.