When Shah Ismael in 917 (A. D. 1511), took Khorasan, the star of his sovereignty shone forth brightly. He killed Mahomed Khan Shaibanee Oozbuk, after which he attained great strength. Those who were near, and those who were far away, when they heard of his army, they all feared. At that time Dermish Khan, coming towards Furat and Seestan, raised the standard of his authority on high. Shah Beg, on hearing this, was alarmed, and took counsel with his friends, saying: “I am fallen between two kings such as fire and water: on one side is Shah Ismael, on the other Babur Shah.” His friends in their wisdom settled that he should go to Shah Ismael, through the introduction of Dermish Khan; and that it was necessary to make friends with Babur Badshah. So he sent Kazee Abool Hoosain with many presents to Kabool, declaring that he was the very great friend of the king, and he himself, through Dermish Khan, went to Shah Ismael, who was very kind to him, excusing him from bowing his head, and ordering him to make his Salaam in the manner of Chughtiyuh, bending the knees.
Shah Beg remained in attendance a long time, the king promising that he should have leave to depart on the first day of spring. Dermish Khan was sent to the fort of Ekhtiyar-ood-deen, when the flatterers turned the temper of the king from Shah Beg by evil words. As the spring drew near, on the plea of some pretended business, Ismael withdrew his face from Shah Beg, and confined him in the fort of Zufur. His attendants, being helpless, some remained secretly there, others went to Kandahar. When Shah Ismael went to remain at Irag, Mehtur Soonbool, a slave of Shah Beg’s, went to Zufur, setting up a sweetmeat shop underneath where his master was confined. Through his sweetmeats he became acquainted with all the prisoners, and sometimes he ventured inside, when by signs he understood what Shah Beg wanted, and it was arranged between them, that twelve of his trusty men should come, and taking him from thence, convey him to Kandahar. Mehtur Soonbool told these men to come, and then he cooked some sweetmeat, with which he mixed intoxicating things, which he gave according to custom to the door-keepers, who, after eating it, loosened the bridle of alertness from their hands. After this, the twelve men came to the slave’s shop, and he, taking two of them, went to the to wer where Shah Beg was kept, and with a rope they lowered him down; but the rope being short, he let go, and fell to the earth, when, on account of the irons on his legs, he fell on his face instead of on his feet, breaking one of his teeth. He then mounted a horse, and after marching all that night and the next day, he by some means got another horse. In this manner he arrived where there was no fear. The keepers of the prison, on coming to their senses, made great search, but not being successful, with great vexation they returned back again.