Kalíla and Dimna), vii,
213, 427 seq.; viii, 202
note, 390
introduction of, into Persia,
vii, 213
translation of, vii, 382, 383
Firdausí's account of, vii,
vogue of, vii, 383
origin of, vii, 383
Núshírwán's acquisition of,
vii, 423 seq.
Faghánísh, temp. Pírúz, king of
the Haitálians, 168, vii,
helps Pírúz for a considera-
tion, vii, 157
temp. Núshírwán, 168
made king instead of
Ghátkar, vii, 333
Núshírwán takes counsel
about, vii, 333
descent of, from Bahrám
Gúr, vii, 334
Núshírwán writes to, vii,
makes submission to Núsh-
írwán, vii, 360
Faghfúr, dynastic title of the
rulers of Chín and Máchín,
152, 153, 160, i, 262;
ii, 383; iv, 11, 135, 196,
238 seq.; v, 221; vi, 35,
80, 113, 169 seq., 325;
vii, 340, 343, 408; viii,
74; ix, 87, 97, 102
temp. Kai Khusrau, helps
Afrásiyáb, iv, 219
Khán and, sue to Kai
Khusrau for peace, iv,
orders Afrásiyáb to quit
Khutan and Chín, iv,
grants facilities to Kai
Khusrau for his march
through Chín, iv, 239
Khán of Chín and, welcome
Kai Khusrau, iv, 240
confirmed in the posses-
sion of Chín and
Máchín, iv, 252
temp. Sikandar, ambassa-
dors from, come to Dárá,
vi, 35
Sikandar visits as his own
ambassador, vi, 170
gives audience to Sikandar,
vi, 170
entertains Sikandar, vi, 171
answers Sikandar, vi, 172
gifts of, to Sikandar, vi,
sends envoy with Sikandar,
vi, 173
temp. Bahrám Gúr, 165
daughter of, the wife of
Shangul, vii, 115
hears of Bahrám Gúr's ex-
ploits in Hind, vii, 129
invites Bahrám Gúr to visit
him, vii, 129
Bahrám Gúr's reply to, vii,
temp. Núshírwán, viii, 97
Faghfúr, son of Sáwa, viii, 74,
75, 120
confused with Faghfúr of
Chín, viii, 74
parley of, with Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 112
head of, on spear, viii,
Failakús (Philip II of Macedon),
grandfather in Íránian
legend of Sikandar (Alex-
ander the Great), 158, vi,
57, 102, 112, 125, 130, 131,
151, 182; vii, 215; viii,
wars with Dáráb, vi, 22
allied with the king of Rús,
vi, 22
marches from 'Ammúriya to
encounter Dáráb, vi, 23
defeated and returns to
'Ammúriya, vi, 23
sues for peace, vi, 23
agrees to send tribute, and
give his daughter in
marriage, to Dáráb, 158,
vi, 24, 25
adopts Sikandar as his heir,
vi, 27
Faith, Faiths, the four, vi, 92,
of Christ, Christian, vi, 133,
352, 356
of Áhriman, ii, 358; vi,
281, 290
Faithful, Commander of the, ix,
'Umar, the first, ix, 72 and
Fakírs, the, vi, 61
Alexander the Great and,
vi, 61
Onesicritus and, vi, 61
Fakká', a kind of drink, i, 43
Falátún (Plato), vii, 100; viii,
Falconry, ii, 108, 196; vi, 176;
vii, 42, 48 seq., 54, 55, 76
and note
origin of, i, 126
Famine, See Drought.
Farab (Fáriyáb? q.v.), iv, 185
Farab (Firabr), desert and town
on the right bank of the
Oxus opposite to Ámwí,
q.v., vii, 91, 92
desert of, ix, 115, 118
Fará'in, Íránian chief, vii, 207
Farámarz, son of Rustam, 146,
, ii, 4, 319, 341 seq.,
349, 351, 354; iii, 18, 30,
35, 36, 202, 323, 325, 326,
328; iv, 14; v, 173, 174,
182, 183, 198, 231, 260,
261, 272, 274, 281, 283,
parentage of, iii, 323
appointed to expel the
Turkmans from Zábulis-
tán, iii, 31
referred to, v, 184
Zawára and, sent by Rustam
to bid Zál and Rúdába
prepare to receive Asfan-
diyár, v, 190
slays Mihr-i-Núsh, v, 227
goes to Rustam and Asfan-
diyár, v, 247
marches against Kábul, v,
274, 276
takes the corpses of Rustam,
Zawára, and Rakhsh from
the pits, and conveys
them to Zábul for burial,
v, 274 seq.
fights with the king of
Kábul and puts him
and his kin to death, v,
276, 277
makes a Zábulí king of
Kábul, v, 277
returns to Zábul, v, 277
hears of Bahman's invasion
and marches against him,
v, 287
defeated and put to death,
v, 288
Farának, wife of Abtín and
mother of Farídún, i, 90,
145, 157
Farídún brought up by, on
Birmaya's milk, i, 151
taken by, to Mount
Alburz, i, 152
told by, about his origin,
i, 153
prays for Farídún's safety,
i, 158
Farának, rejoices over Farídún's
success, i, 175
gifts of, to Farídún, i, 176
Farának, daughter of Barzín,
vii, 53
married to Bahrám Gúr,
vii, 53
Farangís, daughter of Afrásiyáb,
wife of Siyáwush, and
mother of Kai Khusrau,
145, 146, 148, ii, 270 seq.,
288 seq., 299, 306, 373,
381, 386 seq.; iii, 96, 117,
203, 211
Mandane and, identical in
legend, ii, 191
Siyáwush marries, ii, 270
Afrásiyáb summons, to
court, ii, 300 seq.
Siyáwush confides in, ii, 307
Afrásiyáb appealed to by,
ii, 317 seq.
imprisoned, ii, 320
sentenced, ii, 322
Pírán saves and takes charge
of, ii, 324 seq.
Kai Khusrau born of, ii, 326
dwells at Siyáwushgird, ii,
instructs Kai Khusrau how
to find Bihzád, ii, 374
gives Gív the mail of
Siyáwush, ii, 376
crosses the Jíhún, ii, 392
provided for by Kai Káús,
ii, 399
Faríburz marries, iii, 148
referred to, iii, 146 seq., 202;
iv, 205, 213, 216
death of referred to, iv, 304
Farát (Euphrates), river, 158,
v, 294, 309; vi, 37, 42,
43, 290; viii, 93, 250
Dáráb cast away upon, v,
Faráyín (Guráz, Shahrbaráz q.v.),
Sháh, 175, ix, 50, 53, 105
accession-speech of, ix, 52
counselled by his eldest son,
ix, 52
Faráyín, counselled by his
youngest son, ix, 53
misrule of, ix, 53
plot against, ix, 54
Farfúriyús (Porphyrogenitus?),
Rúman general, 167, vii,
defeated by Núshírwán, vii,
makes report to Cæsar, vii,
Farghán, Rúman architect, and
Khusrau Parwíz, viii, 401
Farghána, region south of the
Jaxartes, east of Sughd,
iii, 109
Farghár, Túránian hero, iii, 250
goes to spy on Rustam, iii,
reports to Afrásiyáb, iii, 253
Farhád, Íránian hero, ii, 73, 85,
138, 316, 338, 340; iii, 11,
20, 25, 34, 45, 48, 127,
268, 289, 313, 327, 331,
352; iv, 13, 15, 21, 25,
42, 147, 292
Parthian origin of, iii, 11
goes as envoy to the king of
Mázandarán, ii, 63
takes part in the Fight of
the Seven Warriors, ii,
steed of, iii, 313
goes with Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, iii, 334
left in command by Gív,
iv, 83
put in command of the left
wing, iv, 92
left at Gang-bihisht, iv, 219
Farhád, Íránian general, temp.
Núshírwán, vii, 251
commands left wing, vii, 251
Farhád, lover of Shírín, viii, 192
Faríburz, son of Kai Káús, 148,
, ii, 3, 62, 199, 316,
335, 336, 340, 358, 405
seq., 409; iv, 14, 24, 32,
45, 50, 145 seq., 164, 166,
167, 174, 177, 182, 187,
211, 213, 215, 238, 239,
253, 258, 268, 289, 331;
iv, 13, 34, 37, 91
encampment of, described,
ii, 155
claims of, to the throne sup-
ported by Tús, ii, 401,
iii, 13
recognises Kai Khusrau as
Sháh, ii, 410
Kai Khusrau's letter to,
iii, 84
reads to the chiefs Kai
Khusrau's letter, and
supersedes Tús, iii, 86
sends Ruhhám to Pírán, iii,
obtains an armistice and
prepares to renew the
campaign, iii, 8.9
fights and is defeated, iii, 90
returns to Írán, iii, 111
asks Rustam to support his
suit to Farangís, iii, 146
marries Farangís, iii, 148
leads the van of Rustam's
expedition to succour Tús,
iii, 148
meets Gúdarz, iii, 163
joins forces with Tús, iii,
goes to Kai Khusrau with
tidings of victory, iii, 236
returns to the host, iii, 241,
commands the right wing,
iv, 24
superseded pro tem. by
Katmára, iv, 92
chosen to fight with Kulbád,
iv, 97
slays Kulbád, iv, 99
commands with Tukhár the
troops from Kháwar, iv,
slays Fartús, iv, 181
commands the right, iv, 191
takes part in the siege of
Gang-bihisht, iv, 199
Faríburz, Kai Khusrau remon-
strated with by, and
other nobles for refusing
audience, iv, 275
Kai Khusrau's gift to, iv,
sets out with Kai Khusrau
on his pilgrimage, iv, 306
refuses to turn back when
bidden by Kai Khusrau,
iv, 307
Kai Khusrau farewells and
warns, and his comrades,
iv, 308
disappears and is sought
in vain by, and his com-
rades, iv, 308
vainly reminds his com-
rades of Kai Khusrau's
warning, iv, 309
end of, iv, 309
Farídún (Thraétaona), Sháh, son
of Abtín and Farának, 140,
141, 153
, i, 30, 42, 54, 55,
90 seq., 142, 286, 336, 341,
349, 351, 364, 370, 382,
384, 385; ii, 11, 17, 19,
21, 29, 33, 36, 37, 99, 193,
195, 204, 237, 274, 318,
327, 392, 400, 404; iii,
21, 37, 245, 257; iv, 17,
66, 69, 89, 91, 142, 149,
151, 153, 168, 174, 203,
204, 221, 222, 255, 259,
260, 262, 266, 269, 286,
289, 299, 313, 328; v, 32,
34, 160, 180, 196, 204
seq., 245, 260, 261, 271,
283; vi, 73, 172, 209,
406; vii, 37, 38, 60, 62,
73, 79, 101, 120, 199, 207;
viii, 129, 205, 218, 231,
242, 260, 300, 376 seq.,
391, 392; ix, 25, 39, 53,
71, 86, 103
mythological origin of, i, 171
Zahhák's dream of, i, 147
advent of, prophesied, i,
Farídún, birth of, i, 150
father of, slain by Zahhák, i,
brought up on the milk of
the cow Birmáya, i, 151
taken by his mother to
Mount Alburz, i, 152
palace of, burned by Zahhák,
i, 152, 153
questions his mother about
his origin, i, 152
contemplates revenge on
Zahhák, i, 154
dissuaded by his mother, i,
Káwa revolts to, i, 157
resolves to war with Zahhák,
i, 157
brothers of, i, 158
ox-head mace invented by,
i, 158
rewards the smiths, i, 158
goes to fight Zahhák, i, 159
visited and instructed by
Surúsh, i, 159
life of, attempted by his
brothers, i, 160
saves himself by his magic
power, i, 160
van of, led by Káwa, i, 160
crosses the Arwand (Dijla,
Tigris), i, 160
enters Zahhák's capital, i,
overthrows Zahhák's talis-
man, i, 161
seeks in vain for Zahhák, i,
finds the sisters of Jamshíd,
i, 162
hears where Zahhák is, i, 163
Story of, and Zahhák's min-
ister (Kundrav), i, 164
doings of, reported to Zah-
hák by Kundrav, i, 165
attacked by, and over-
throws, Zahhák, i, 168,
counselled by Surúsh about
Zahhák, i, 168, 169
Farídún, becomes Sháh, i, 168
fetters Zahhák upon Mount
Damáwand, i, 169
Reign of, 140, i, 171 seq.
Note on, i, 171 seq.
three sons of, i, 174, 177
ethnical significance of, i,
accession of, i, 174
holds a feast, i, 175
makes a progress through
the world, i, 176
builds himself a seat, i, 177
sends Jandal on a mission, i,
receives Jandal's report, i,
instructs his sons how to
deal with Sarv, i, 182
sons of, outwit Sarv, i, 184
receive Sarv's daughters
in marriage, i, 185
return home, i, 186
proved by Farídún, i, 186
named by Farídún, i, 187
wives of, named by Farí-
dún, i, 188
horoscopes of, taken by
Farídún, i, 188
divides the world among
his sons, i, 189
grows old, i, 189
Salm and Túr write to, to
demand the abdication of
Íraj, i, 191
makes answer to his sons, i,
holds converse with Íraj, i,
writes to Salm and Túr, i, 197
Íraj's head sent to, i, 202
mourning of, for Íraj, i, 203
sight of, injured by mourn-
ing for Íraj, i, 204
hopes for issue from Íraj, i,
recovers his sight, i, 206
gifts of, to Minúchihr, i, 207
gives a feast to the nobles,
i, 207
Farídún, receives an embassage
from his sons, i, 209
makes answer to his sons,
i, 211
sends Minúchihr to fight
with Salm and Túr i, 215
hears of Minúchihr's vic-
tory, i, 222
Minúchihr sends the heads
of Salm and Túr to, i, 222,
welcomes Minúchihr on his
return in triumph, i, 230
confides Minúchihr to Salm,
i, 231
gives thanks to God and
prays for death, i, 232
distributes the spoil to the
troops, i, 232
enthrones Minúchihr, i, 232
passes his last days in
austerities, i, 232
dies, i, 232
burial of, i, 233
mourning for, i, 233, 237
Firdausí's reflections on, i,
170, 232
final warfare of Zahhák
with, i, 278, cf. 173
Mount Sipand besieged by
order of, i, 329
Grace of, i, 335
saying of, ii, 219 and note
flag of=flag of Káwa, vi, 59
capital of, vii, 215, 238
Fárikín (Maiyafárikín, Martyr-
opolis), city in Roman
Armenia, vii, 200
taken by Kubád, vii, 200
Fáriyáb, city half way between
the town of Marvrúd and
Balkh, iv, 65
Farr, i, 82. See Grace.
Farruhán (Farrukhán). See
Farrukh, ruler of Nímrúz, viii,
Farrukhán (Farruhán). See
Farrukhánzád (Farrukhzád q.v.),
viii, 195
Farrukh-Hurmuzd (Hurmuzd
q.v.), father of Rustam,
ix, 69
Farrukhzád (of glorious birth),
name assumed by Gush-
tásp in Rúm, iv, 351 seq.,
357, 360
Farrukhzád, Sháh, 175, ix, 61
seq., 70
Siyah Chashm and, ix, 62
poisons, ix, 63
Farrukhzád (Farrukhánzád q.v.),
son of Hurmuzd, brother
of Rustam, and favourite
of Khusrau Parwíz, ix, 23,
87, 92, 95
conspires with Guráz, viii,
408, 412
goes to the host, viii, 412
rebels in favour of Shírwí,
viii, 413
brother of, viii, 413 and
conspires with Tukhár, viii,
proclaims Shírwí Sháh, viii,
hears where Khusrau Par-
wíz is hiding, viii, 419
holds talk with Khusrau
Parwíz, viii, 420
bribes Mihr Hurmuzd to
murder Khusrau Parwíz,
ix, 33
defeats the Arabs, ix, 85
counsels Yazdagird, ix, 86,
leads the host to Khurásán,
ix, 89
entrusts Yazdagird to
Máhwí, ix, 95
goes to Rai, ix, 96
Farrukhzád, Íránian warrior,
viii, 241, 296
speech of, viii, 240
Farsang (parasang), measure of
length, about 3.88 miles,
i, 82
Farshídward, son of Wísa and
brother of Pírán, Túrán-
ian hero, 152, i, 92; iii,
90, 166, 198, 205, 252;
iv, 7, 10, 119, 122, 125,
133, 153, 160, 162
summons Pírán to save
Farangís, ii, 322
commands with Lahhák the
right wing, iv, 26
attacks the Íránians in
flank, iv, 82
opposed by Zanga, iv, 83
goes to help Pírán and
attacks Gív, iv, 85
prowess of, iv, 86
fights with Guráza, iv, 87
Bízhan, iv, 87
Lahhák and, put in joint
command, iv, 84
Pírán's instructions to,
iv, 95
hear of the death of Pírán
and the coming of Kai
Khusrau, iv, 112
lament for Pírán, iv, 112
take counsel with the
host, iv, 113
fight and escape Íránian
outpost, iv, 116
referred to, iv, 118, 120,
repose themselves, iv, 121
corpses of, brought back
by Bízhan, iv, 126, 132
deaths of, announced to
Afrásiyáb. iv, 152
Farshídward, brother of Asfan-
diyár, 155, v, 20, 22, 110,
114, 141, 171
governor of Khurásán, v, 77
stationed on the Íránian
right, v, 94
mortally wounded by Kuh-
ram, v, 95, 101, 104
Asfandiyár laments for, v,
101, 104
resolves to avenge, v, 104
dies, v, 104
shrouded by Asfandiyár, v,
Farshídward, a miser, 164, vii,
67 seq.
Farshídward, a miser, Bahrám
Gúr visits, vii, 68 seq.
pretended destitution of,
vii, 68 seq.
wealth of, described, vii, 70,
72, 73
Fartús, Túránian hero, iii, 182,
213, 231, 251
comes to aid Pírán, iii, 152
hears of the coming of
Rustam, iii, 175
slain by Faríburz, iv, 181
Farúd, son of Siyáwush and
Jaríra daughter of Pírán,
and half brother of Kai
Khusrau, 145, 147, i, 92,
370; ii, 3, 291; iii, 8, 14,
42 seq., 72, 85, 87, 93, 107,
111 seq.; iv, 42, 135;
v, 30
birth of, ii, 291
hostility of Tús to, iii, 13
Story of, 147, iii, 37 seq.
referred to, iii, 39
advised by Tukhár, iii, 47,
52 seq.
interview of, with Bahrám,
iii, 47 seq.
birth-mark of, iii, 49
gives his mace to Bahrám,
iii, 50
eighty slaves of, the, iii, 55
their mockery of Tús, iii,
their mockery of Gív, iii,
slays the steed of Tús, iii, 56
wounds the steed of Gív, iii,
slays the steed of Bízhan,
iii, 61
worsted by Bízhan, iii, 62
attacks the Iránians, iii, 63
prowess of, iii, 64
mortally wounded, iii, 64
dies, iii, 65
mother and slaves of,
destroy themselves, iii, 66
burial of, iii, 68
Kai Khusrau's grief for, iii,
84 seq., 112
Farúd, son of Shírín and Khusrau
Parwíz, ix, 39
Farukhzád. See Farrukhzád.
Farwardín, genius, i, 88; iii,
287, 328
name of month and day, i,
88, 133, 263; iii, 230, 286,
317, 323; vi, 375; vii,
363; viii, 367, 371
origin of, iii, 286
Faryán, king, father-in-law of
Kaidrúsh, 159, vi, 66, 67,
124 seq., 171, 172
city of, taken by Sikandar,
vi, 124
slain, vi, 125
daughter and son-in-law of,
taken prisoners, vi, 125
brought before Naitkún,
vi, 126
sentenced to death, vi, 126
pardoned, vi, 126
Fáskún, forest in Rúm, iv, 333,
335 seq.
Wolf of, 154
described, iv, 333, 336
Mírín bidden by Cæsar to
slay, iv, 333
Gushtásp undertakes to
slay, iv, 336
keeps tusks of, iv, 338
tusks of, produced before
Cæsar by Híshwí, iv,
referred to, iv, 359
Fátima, daughter of Muhammad
and wife of 'Alí, i, 12
Fazl. See Abú'l 'Abbás Fazl.
Feast. See Mihrgán, Naurúz,
New Year's Day, Sada.
Ferghána. See Farghána.
Fight of the Seven Warriors, 143,
ii, 82, 107 seq.
Firdausí, Persian poet and
author of the Sháhnáma,
146, 154, 155, 160, 173,
i, 3, 22 seq,; ii, 9, 10, 82,
119; iii, 11, 108, 271,
272; iv, 136, 138, 314,
316; v, 10, 20 seq., 29,
282; vi, 16, 17, 64 seq.,
72, 78, 80 seq, 197, 198,
202, 250, 254, 294, 313,
315, 321 seq., 326, 328
368; vii 3, 4, 6, 153, 156,
159, 185, 186, 188, 213,
214, 217 seq., 317; viii,
71, 73, 74, 187, 190, 192,
193, ix, 69
materials for the life of, i,
23 seq.
personal references of, in the
Sháhnáma, i, 24 seq.
conclusions from, i, 35
date of birth of, i, 24
Muhammadan of the Shí'ite
sect, i, 24, 106, 107
fond of wine, i, 25; iv, 313;
v, 164, vi, 291, 306, 309,
314, 362, 369; vii, 277
owned or occupied land, i,
25; vi, 411; ix 112
escape of, from drowning, i,
26, 29
son of, i, 26; viii, 190
referred to (?), 1, 27;
vii, 277, 311
death of, 173, i, 26; viii,
complains of old age, 160,
i, 26; ii, 336; iv, 141;
v, 262; vii, 220
patrons, friends and helpers
of, i, 29 seq., 35, 39, 110;
ix, 121
exempted from taxation, i,
35, 39; ix, 121
Nizámí's account of, i, 38
seq., 45
later legends of, iii, 15, 109,
191; iv, 8
Dakíkí, and. See Dakíkí.
Mahmúd and, See Mah-
Satire of. See Mahmúd.
Sháhnáma of. See Sháh-
Yúsuf and Zulíkha of, i, 45
admits Muhammadan tradi-
tions into Sháhnáma,
viii, 42
Firdausí, and rhyme-word, viii,
397, note
account of Arab conquest
by, supplemented, ix,
Yazdagird's death, ix, 70,
reflections on, ix, 108,
on completion of Sháhnáma,
ix, 121
time spent on Sháhnáma,
ix, 122
praise of Sultán Mahmúd
See Mahmúd
Fire, ancient cult of the Aryans,
i, 7, 49, 56
priests of. See Magi.
region of, ii, 56
Húshang's discovery of, i,
institution of the Cult of,
i, 116, 123
Feast of Sada, i, 124
ordeal by, 144, ii, 218 seq.
sacred, vi, 21, 201, 212
Fire—fane or temple, 154. See
Ázar Abádagán, Ázar-
gashasp, Barzín.
—worship, abolition of, pro-
phesied, viii, 68
Fírúz, Íránian king, iv, 149
Fírúzábád. See Gúr.
Firúzi Kuh, pass in the Alburz
range, ii, 28
Fish, mythological, i, 71, 72,
148, 252; ii, 15, 299; iv,
279; vii, 341 and note,
406; viii, 212 and note
salt, the, legend of, vi, 76
—eaters. See Ichthyo-
Fleece, Golden. See Golden.
Flesh-meats, introduction of,
attributed to Áhriman,
i, 138
Flight, of Muhammad, referred
to, ix, 122
Flying-machine, of Kai Káús, ii,
Fo-lin, vi, 73 and note
Footman (pawn), piece in chess,
vii, 385
position of, vii, 388
move of, vii, 422
promotion of, vii, 422
Ford and toll-house of Zark, ix,
100 and note, 116
Fort, hill, Malcolm's descrip-
tion of a, i, 236
Fortifications vitrified vi, 79, 165
Fount of Life, the, vi, 74
seq., 158 seq.
Sikandar's expedition to,
vi, 158 seq.
account of, in the Pseudo-
Callisthenes, vi, 74 seq.
Sikandar fails to find, vi,
Founts, the Seven, viii, 392
Four, Wonders of Kaid. See
Faiths, vi, 91, 95
Frangrasyan (Afrásiyáb, q.v.),
i, 338; ii, 81, 189; iv,
137, 138
Frashókart, son of Gushtasp, v,
Frásiyáv (Afrásiyáb, q.v.), i,
338; ii, 81
Fravashí, i, 369; ii, 82; iii, 286
Frazdánava, lake or river, v, 13
Frúbá, sacred Fire, vi, 201, 255
Funj, leader of Khán's host,
temp. Núshírwán, vii, 330
Fúr (Porus, q.v.), dynastic title
and Indian king, temp.
Sikandar, 159, vi, 31, 51,
62, 64, 110, seq. 123, 132,
135, 137, 170, 172, 175;
vii, 395
Dárá's letter to, vi, 50
Sikandar's war with, vi, 67,
112 seq.
routed by Sikandar's iron
steeds, vi, 116
single combat of, with Sik-
andar, vi, 117
slain, vi, 117
troops of, submit to Sikan-
dar, vi, 118
Furúhil, Íránian hero, 151, iv,
24, 33
chosen to fight with Zan-
gula, iv, 97
slays Zangula, iv, 101