Sultan Ooljaitoo Khan, during the life-time of his brother was converted to Mahummudanism, and on his accession was called Sultan Mahummud Khodabundeh; he was governor of Khorasan at the time of his brother’s death, but immediately proceeded to Azurbijan, and on the 5th Zi Huj 703 Hejri, arrived at Oojan, where he performed the mourning ceremonies customary among the kings of the Moghools, and finished them at Tubreez; and, on the 15th Zi Huj of the same year he ascended the throne, his age being twenty-three years. He appointed Meer Kutluk Shah his ameer-ul-omra, and Khwajeh Rusheed-ud-deen, the physician, and Khwajeh Saud-ud-deen, his vuzeers; after some time, however, the latter being accused of the embezzlement of public money, was put to death, and Khwajeh Taj-ud-deen Ali Shah Chilan was associated with Rusheed in the vuzarut. On the 8th of Zikad, in the spring of 704 Hejri, a son named Aboo Saeed was born to the sultan in the village of Eluk Nain, a dependency of Tarim: and the city and fort of Sultania was founded in his, Aboo Saeed’s, name, and the buildings being completed, in a short time it was made the capital of the sultan. In the time of Ooljaitoo Khan Sultan, several ameers from Egypt and Syria sought refuge in his court, as Jumal-ud-deen Ookroom, Kara Sunghoor, &c.; these men were well received, and they made known the tyranny and oppression of Mullik Nasir in Egypt, and at their instigation Sultan Ooljaitoo became desirous of subduing that country. In consequence, after he had prepared for war, he marched a large army towards the territories of Mullik Nasir, and on the 1st Ramzan, 712 Hejri, crossed the Euphrates, and on the 6th Showal of the same year arrived at Rahabia, or Regia, a town depending on Syria, and commenced the siege of that town. After a long contest, however, a peace was effected through the mediation of the physician Rusheed-ud-deen; and on the 24th of the same month, the sultan commenced his march on his return to Persia. About this time intelligence arrived, that Kubuk or Kupuk Khan* and Mysoor Ooglan,* had crossed the river Amooyeh with a large army, and had proceeded by rapid marches to invade Khorasan; and that the ameers of the Sultan or Eel Khan, who were present in Khorasan, as Ameer Yusawul, the commander-in-chief in Khorasan, Ali Kooshchi, Boojai the son of Danishmund Bahadoor, &c., had assembled a force to oppose the troops of Mawurunneher, but had been defeated: Sultan Ooljaitoo Khodabundeh, on receiving this information, immediately prepared to march to Khorasan; but his enemies hearing of his approach, retired to their own country. The sultan therefore appointed his son, Aboo Saeed, with a large force to the government of Khorasan, and Ameer Syoonuj was constituted his atabek or tutor, and ameer-ul-omra; each of the ameers also attached a son or a brother to his suite, and in the year 713, Aboo Saeed departed to his government, and at Yulak Koshuk Murad was met by Ameers Yasawul and Ali Kooshchi, who had escaped from the troops of Kupuk Khan.
On the arrival of Aboo Saeed in Khorasan, his actions were distinguished by mildness and justice, and that country was again restored to order and tranquillity. Some time after this, a quarrel arose between Kupuk Khan and Mysoor Ooghlan, and the latter, in secret understanding or concert with Eel or Ooljaitoo Khan, fled to Khorasan.
In the year 716 Hejri, Ooljaitoo Khan fell sick, and on the Friday of the Eed Fitr of the same year, he died. Sultan Ooljaitoo reigned twelve years and nine months, and lived thirty-six years; he was buried in a bastion in the castle of Aboabi Burkeh, which he himself had built. It is said that he was the most just of the family of Chungeez, and a great protector of Syuds and learned men, but in the year 709, at the instigation of some persons of the Imamia sect, as Shaikh Jumal-ud-deen Hussen, the son of Syud Budr-ud-deen Muthuhur Hulubi, &c., who were making proselytes for the Imamia religion, Sultan Mahummud Khodabundeh was induced to add to the profession of the faith, inscribed on the coinage from the time of Sultan Ghazan, the words, “Ali wuli Allah,” Ali, the friend of God; he also expunged the names of the three Khalifs from the Khotba, and after the name of Ali, the fourth Khalif, he inserted those of Hussun, Hussain, and Abi Mahummud Mehdi; he also inserted in his Sikka the names of the leaders of the twelve sects, and for this reason the Sunnites, in revenge or disgust, called him Sultan Mahummud Khur-bundeh, or the ‘slave of the ass,’ but the Sheeas call him Khoda-bundeh, or the ‘slave of God.’ In the same year in which Sultan Ooljaitoo died, or 716 Hejri, the leader of the Imamia sect, Shaikh Jumal-ud-deen, the son of Syud Budr-ud-deen Muthuhur Hulubi, the active disseminator of Sheea opinions, also died.