Ascends his father's throne — assists the King of Berar to wage
war with the King of Ahmudnuggur — is defeated, with the
loss of all his military train, including elephants — obtains the
aid of his uncle, Bahadur Shah of Guzerat — attends Bahadur
Shah throughout the campaign against Ahmudnuggur. —
Termination of the war. — Meeran Mahomed Khan assists
Bahadur Shah in the campaign in Malwa — is present at his
final overthrow at Mundsoor — retires to Kandeish — assists
the governor of Malwa to recover that country from the
Moguls. — Bahadur Shah of Guzerat dies. — Meeran Ma-
AFTER the death of Adil Khan II. he was succeeded by his son Meeran Mahomed Khan. Shortly after his accession to the government, Imad Shah, King of Berar, and Boorhan Nizam Shah of Ahmudnuggur, were engaged in war with each other; and the former having lost his country, came to Boorhanpoor; when both Imad Shah and Meeran Mahomed Khan of Kandeish wrote to Bahadur Shah of Guzerat, requesting his interference in adjusting the differences with the King of Ahmudnuggur. Bahadur Shah, in consequence, deputed Ein-ool-Moolk, the governor of Puttun, to proceed to Boorhanpoor, and endeavour to mediate a peace. Boorhan Nizam Shah consented to an amicable adjustment of affairs for the present, in order to meet the wishes of the court of Guzerat; but shortly after the return of Bahadur Shah's ambassador, he attacked and took the fort of Mahoor, and reduced several other districts in Berar. In consequence of
A. H. 934.
A. D. 1527.
this, in the year 934, Imad-ool-Moolk
entered into a league with Meeran Ma-
A. H. 939.
A. D. 1532.
In the year 939, Bahadur Shah
marched towards Malwa for the purpose
of subjugating that kingdom, in which
campaign Meeran Mahomed Khan was present at
the reduction of the fort of Mando; after which
he returned to Boorhanpoor. Boorhan Nizam
Shah of Ahmudnuggur, alarmed at the occupation
of the kingdom of Malwa, deputed an ambassador
to Meeran Mahomed Khan, professing great
regard for him, and requesting his interference
with the King of Guzerat, to reconcile some differences
which existed between them.*
Bahadur Shah, in the following year, marched to
Boorhanpoor, where he was met by Boorhan Nizam
Shah, on whom he conferred the white canopy and
scarlet pavilion; after which the latter returned to
Ahmudnuggur and the former to Malwa. Meeran
Mahomed Khan also accompanied the King of
Guzerat in his expedition against Chittoor, and was
with him in his retreat before the arms of Hoo-
Zeekad 13.
A. H. 942.
May 4.
A. D. 1535.
dangerously ill, and died suddenly on the 13th of Zeekad, A. H. 942. His body was conveyed to Boorhanpoor, and interred in the vault of his father, Adil Khan II.