A. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
Part I, Chapter XX: On the Anecdotes of Physicians. | |||
f228b | f161b | 1041 | An introductory note on the science of medicine. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, hesitates to leave his native place and rejects the magnificent offer of Bahman b. Isfandiyár, the Persian king, through Filáṭús his own king. |
f229a | f162a | 1042 | A practical prescription of Hippocrates — the physician, the patient and the disease are three in number: victory can be easily achieved by the combination of the first two. |
” | * | 1043 | How Hippocrates examines the cause of the disease of the love-stricken prince, the son of Filáṭús and plans his marriage. |
A. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
f229a | * | 1044 | How Minubal (?), the Persian physician, suggested a remedy to Ja‘far b. Yaḥyá the Barmecide in order to rid himself of a white spot of leprosy that had developed on his lip. |
” | * | 1045 | How Minubal (?) detected the falsehood of an imbecile who used to boast of his extraordinary animal passion. |
f229b | f162a | 1046 | A curious treatment by Muḥammad ibn Zakariyyá ar-Rází, the famous physician. Haematemesis cured by making the patient swallow weeds called Jáma-i-Ghúk and thereby drawing the leech out of his intestines. (Cf. Arabian Medicine, p. 74—5). |
” | * | 1047 | ar-Rází’s similar treatment of a similar disease. (Cf. Arabian Medicine, p. 75). |
” | * | 1048 | A physician from Baṣra cures a slave of Ibnu’s-Ṣaydalání who had committed an unnatural act. |
f230a | f162a | 1049 | Repartee of al-Ḥajjáj’s physician to an eunuch. |
” | * | 1050 | How a physician at the court of al-Ma’mún wrote a book on the preventives of wrong diets. |
” | f162a | 1051 | Wonderful treatment of apoplexy by Qaṭí‘, the Egyptian physician, — an apparently dead man restored to life by flogging. |
” | ” | 1052 | Another cure by the same physician — Locusts that had eaten the plant of Mádhariyún = Daphne oleoides or spurge-flax as a cure for dropsy (Cf. Arabian Medicine pp. 77—8). |
” | f162b | 1053 | The joint-treatment of a dangerous disease by Aristotle and Sarnáb or Sarbát, the Indian physician. — The use of anaesthetics, the trephining of the skull, perfection of surgical knowledge in India —. (Cf. Arabian Medicine, p. 79). |
f230b | ” | 1054 | The famous physician Muḥammad ibn Zakariyyá ar-Rází cures an intestinal obstruction with mercury. |
” | ” | 1055 | Mání-i-Muwaswas cures a woman of a bloodsucking parasite in her womb. |
The Chapter ends without any eulogy. |