Bibliography. Sir W. Ouseley’s Travcls (London 1821), vol. ii, p. 214; vol. iii, pp. 304, 308, 554 etc.; Idem, Catalogue of several hundred manuscript works etc. (London 1821), N°. 283, p. 450; Dorn’s Schir-eddin’s Geschichte von Tabaristan, Rujan und Masanderan (St. Petersburg, 1850), pp. 3—6; Spiegel, in the Z. D. M. G. for 1850 (vol. iv), pp. 62—71; Rieu’s Persian Catalogue, pp. 202—204; Ethé’s Bodleian Persian Catalogue, pp. 160—161; Ethé’s India Office Persian Catalogue, pp. 222—223.
Manuscripts. N°. 1134 of the India Office (= N°. 568 in Ethé’s Catalogue), dated A. H. 1032 (= A). Add. 7633 of the British Museum, dated A. H. 1067 (= B), and Or. 2778, dated A. H. 1273 (= C). N°. 307 (= Ouseley 214) of the Bodlcian, dated A. H. 1068 (= D). Also a MS. in the Library of the St. Petersburg University; and a transcript of the same, collated by Dorn with the London MSS., in the Asiatic Museum of St. Petersburg. Another MS., dated A. H. 1295, which belonged to the late M. Ch. Schefer, is now in the Bibliothèque Nationale at Paris, and bears the class-mark Suppl. Pers. 1436.
A portion of the text (corresponding with f. 6b, 1. 4—f. 20b, 1. 5 of A), containing the letter of Ardashír Bábakán’s minister Tansar to Jasnasf, king of Ṭabaristán, cited by the author on the authority of the celebrated 'Abdu`lláh ibnu`l-Muqaffa', was published with a French translation in the Journal Asiatique for 1894 (Series ix, Vol. 3, pp. 185—250 and 502—555) by the late M. James Darmesteter, who found the India Office MS. greatly superior in point of correctness to the British Museum Codex of which he made use.
The only other portion of the text (corresponding with f. 155a, 1. 17—f. 157b, 1. 12) which, so far as I know, has been published and translated is the account of Firdawsí cited from the Chahár Maqála of Nidhámí-i-'Arúdí of Samarqand, which Dr. Ethé transcribed for Professor Nöldeke’s use, and afterwards published in the Z. D. M. G. for 1894, vol. XLViii, pp. 89—94.