In regard to the seas and lakes of Fārs, the Persian Gulf [Baḥr Fārs, otherwise called] the Sea of Fārs, is an arm of the Great Sea, which best is known as the Green Sea, being also called the Circumambient Ocean. On the shores of the Green Sea lie the lands of China, Sind and India, ‘Omān, ‘Aden, Zanzibar, and Baṣrah with diverse other districts; and each particular arm of the Green Sea bears the special name of the province whose lands lie on its shores. Thus we have [one arm called] the Sea of Fārs, another the Sea of ‘Omān, and then the Sea of Baṣrah, or the like; hence it comes that the arm [washing the coast of Fārs] is known as the Sea of Fārs.

[And now as to the lakes of Fārs, they are as follows.]

Buḥayrah Dasht Arzin* [the Lake of the Plain of the Wild-almond].—This is a sweet-water lake, and when there has been much rain it is very full, but when there has been lack of rain the lake dries up almost entirely, hardly any water remaining. It measures 3 leagues round and about.

Buḥayrah Bakhtigān.* —This lake lies surrounded by many well-cultivated lands. Such are those surrounding the towns of Ābādah, Khayrah, Nayrīz, and Khabraz; further, all these districts lie at no great distance from the lake shore. The waters of the lake are salt, and the circumference of the same is 20 leagues.

Buḥayrah Māhalūyah.* —This lake lies between Shīrāz and Sarvistān. Its waters are salt. All the streams from near Shīrāz and its district flow into this lake. Its size round and about is 12 leagues.

Buḥayrah Darkhwīd.* —This is a small lake, and a stream flows out of it that is called the Barvāt River.

Buḥayrah Mūr.* —A small lake lying between Kāzirūn and [the district of] Mūr-i-Jirrah. It measures 2 leagues in circumference.